Edit a Zoom recording in two clicks 🎬

Trim Zoom recordings and create clips from longer calls with tl;dv. Your bite-size snippets will simplify sharing of insights and empower others to catch up on what matters – in minutes!​

Edit Zoom video recordings in seconds

The tl;dv app for Zoom is more than just a meeting recorder. Create snippets out of Zoom recordings by highlighting the part of the transcript you want transformed into clip! Editing Zoom recordings is easy, fast, and the best way to share specific call moments with stakeholders, users, clients, and colleagues. You don’t have to be Steven Spielberg to produce the perfect cut! 

Create clips from Zoom calls for smarter sharing

Was a major decision reached halfway through the meeting? Did a user mention something relevant to developers? Want to share some feedback from an investor? With tl;dv, it’s easier than ever to edit Zoom video recordings for simple, time-efficient sharing. When everyone is busy, let them jump straight to the moments that matter.

Save time when you trim Zoom recordings

Being selective about the moments you share helps save time and reduce information overload. If a full 2-hour recording isn’t relevant to your team mates, clip out the part they’ll benefit from watching. Clips from longer calls can easily be used as teachable resources in an onboarding library, or as a way to quickly highlight great feedback and progress across your organization.

AI로 중요한 순간을 요약하고 공유하세요

Google Meet 통화를 녹음하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다. 호스트든 참석자든 상관없이 tl;dv를 사용하면 녹음 및 트랜스크립트할 준비가 되는 순간 봇이 회의에 참여합니다. 통화 중 또는 통화 후에 tl;dv 인터페이스에 메모를 입력하면 편리한 타임스탬프로 전환되어 안건을 되짚어보고 녹음의 특정 순간으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 더 매끄러운 영상을 위해 잡담을 잘라내고 싶으신가요? 편집 도구를 사용하면 몇 초 만에 클립을 만들 수 있습니다. tl;dv AI에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

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지원 담당 이사, Loom

tl;dv 시작하기
녹음, 전사, clip 및 공유 Google Meet, Zoom 및 Microsoft Teams