Timestamp Zoom recordings for fast & effective recaps

Watch your typed Zoom notes become video timestamps! With tl;dv, you can catch up on any Zoom call in minutes by clicking on timestamps and jumping to specific meeting moments. Timestamping is like slipping bookmarks into your recorded meetings. Start saving hours of time with faster recaps and follow-ups.

Highlight meeting moments with timestamps

A recorded meeting can be a treasure chest of insights, whether it’s a user research call, sprint planning, or chat between stakeholders – but not if your team needs to watch hour-long recordings to catch up. Zoom timestamps enable anyone to skim-watch recorded calls and instantly focus on thekey take-aways. You can type timestamps in real-time during a call, or add/edit/remove them to the recording in retrospect. 

Share a list of key call moments on any platform

No one should have meeting FOMO in an age when calls can be recorded and recapped in minutes. tl;dv empowers you to record your Zoom call with timestamps, turning it into a skimmable video resource. Timestamps help viewers navigate longer recordings for immediate context, fast recaps, insights sharing and transparency. Ready to reclaim your schedule? Turn down meetings when you need to focus on work, and trust in the power of timestamps to keep you in the loop.

Timestamps double up as meeting minutes

Every Zoom call you record with tl;dv is sent to call participants by default, right alongside the transcript and timestamps! These meeting notes mark the moment questions are asked, decisions are reached, or an action point is outlined. Not only does the agenda and context of a recorded Zoom call become instantly obvious by glancing at the timestamps – but each timestamp also doubles up as a handy navigation tool that saves tons of time.

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Google Meet 통화를 녹음하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다. 호스트든 참석자든 상관없이 tl;dv를 사용하면 녹음 및 트랜스크립트할 준비가 되는 순간 봇이 회의에 참여합니다. 통화 중 또는 통화 후에 tl;dv 인터페이스에 메모를 입력하면 편리한 타임스탬프로 전환되어 안건을 되짚어보고 녹음의 특정 순간으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 더 매끄러운 영상을 위해 잡담을 잘라내고 싶으신가요? 편집 도구를 사용하면 몇 초 만에 클립을 만들 수 있습니다. tl;dv AI에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

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녹음, 전사, clip 및 공유 Google Meet, Zoom 및 Microsoft Teams