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How Video Call Recording Raises Your Objection Handling Game

Back in the day, a salesperson’s best tool was a phone, pen, and paper. Today, that would be like having a CEO using a typewriter – unthinkable, right? Thankfully, technology came along and made sales a whole lot easier. It’s almost as simple as getting your phone to remind you to charge it – almost.
But let’s be real here. Even with all our fancy gadgets, apps and smart AI meeting assistants, there’s one part of sales that can make even the toughest CEO or sales director sweat: handling objections. It’s like the final round in a boxing match – one wrong move and you’re down for the count faster than you can say ‘sell’.

You could be a natural charmer, or your team could be so convincing that they can sell umbrellas in the desert. But if you can’t handle objections well, you’re not going to close those deals, I’m afraid.

And while objection handling does take a little while to master (I mean, it’s as much about mindset as it is about the words you say), there are some objections that come up time and again, no matter WHAT you and your team are trying to sell. 

Decoding Objections: Unearthing the Real Concerns

When it comes to objections, it’s important to understand that the first issue presented is almost certainly not the real sticking point. People often mask their true concerns for a variety of reasons. Perhaps to save face, due to lack of time, or simply to keep a salesperson at arm’s length. How many times have you declared something as “too expensive” while clutching a high-priced coffee in your hand?

The simple thing is, and it feels awful to say this but…your prospects?



They don’t mean to lie, but sometimes it’s easier to put their hand in their bag of “quick get out of this conversation” tricks than actually tell the truth.

It’s about peeling back the layers of the conversation and getting to the heart of the matter. Yes, it requires a bit of detective work, but that’s where the challenge and the fun lie.

And here’s a secret: it’s not just about what your prospects are saying, it’s about how they’re saying it. That nonchalant shrug when they mention the price, the hesitant pause before they label it as ‘too complex’. These are all subtle cues that might slip by unnoticed in real-time but can offer you golden insights on a replay.

Now, this sleuthing isn’t just for your sales team. CEOs, sales directors, everyone can turn into a sales detective, using these insights for training, strategy-building, and decision-making. It’s a continuous feedback loop – the more you understand objections, the more adept you become at handling them. And suddenly, you might find that selling umbrellas in a desert doesn’t seem like such an absurd proposition after all!

Here is a list of some of the most common objections you might get, but also how to work out if they are the true one or if they are just giving you the runaround.

Objection: “Your product/service is too expensive.”

Hidden Meaning: This might be a polite way to decline the product/service due to a lack of interest, perceived value, or full understanding of the pricing structure, rather than a genuine cost concern.

Probing Question: “Could you help me understand how you’re currently evaluating the value of our solution? Do you have a clear understanding of our pricing model?”

Objection: “I need to consult with my team/board before making a decision.”

Hidden Meaning: They might be avoiding making a decision due to fear of responsibility or uncertainty about the value of your offering. Equally they may think it’s too expensive but are trying to save face.
Probing Question: “Is there specific information I can provide to help facilitate your discussions with the team/board?”

Objection: “We’re happy with our current provider.”

Hidden Meaning: They could be using this objection as a polite way to decline your offering, not necessarily because they’re satisfied with their current provider. They may not even have a current provider but are just looking for a way to shut down the conversation.
Probing Question: “What are some areas where you wish your current provider could do better?”

Objection: “Now’s not a good time.”

Hidden Meaning: This could be an indication of lack of interest or understanding of your product’s value rather than genuinely being a bad time.
Probing Question: “Could you share your current priorities? Perhaps our solution could help in achieving those.” or alternatively “Not a problem. Shall I call you back next Wednesday at 3pm or 4pm?” (Don’t leave it open ended, give them specifics AND choice but guide the conversation)

Objection: “We don’t have the budget for this right now.”

Hidden Meaning: This could be a softer way of saying they don’t see your product as a valuable investment rather than a real budget constraint.
Probing Question: “If we can demonstrate a strong return on investment, could we revisit the budget discussion?”

Objection: “Your solution doesn’t have ‘X’ feature.”

Hidden Meaning: This might be a way to end the conversation if they are not interested in your product rather than a genuine need for the ‘X’ feature. They also may have jumped to conclusions that you don’t offer the feature, or that the feature is an absolute necessity for their needs.
Probing Question: “Could you explain how crucial ‘X’ feature is to your process? Perhaps we have alternatives you may not be aware of.”

Objection: “Your product/service is too complex to implement.”

Hidden Meaning: They might be unenthusiastic or apprehensive about learning a new system, rather than it actually being too complex.
Probing Question: “What concerns do you have about the implementation process? We offer comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition.”

Objection: “We’re already in a contract with another vendor.”

Hidden Meaning: They may not see enough benefits to consider your offering rather than genuinely being held back by a contract.
Probing Question: “What aspects of our solution would make it worth considering when your current contract ends?”

Objection: “I’ve heard negative things about your product/service.”

Hidden Meaning: They might be expressing their skepticism or reservations about your product, rather than having heard specific negative reviews. They may also have a prior relationship with a competitor.
Probing Question: “Could you share the specific concerns you’ve heard? I’d like the opportunity to address them directly.”

Objection: “Your solution doesn’t align with our current goals.”

Hidden Meaning: They might not fully understand your solution’s benefits, or they are subtly expressing lack of interest rather than a genuine strategic misalignment. If you have done your homework correctly then this shouldn’t be a very common objection.
Probing Question: “Could you share more about your current goals? Our solution might be more relevant than you think.”

The Objection Handling Process - 3 Steps to “Yes”

Whether you’re in the CEO’s chair or on the sales floor, dealing with objections can feel like playing a nerve-wracking tennis match. But it doesn’t have to be Wimbledon to win a client over. With a solid strategy and the help of revenue intelligence solutions, you can transform that “no” into a “yes.” Here’s a three-step guide:

Step 1: The Art of Active Listening

The first step in handling objections effectively is active listening. This involves fully focusing on the client, absorbing their words, and understanding the nuances behind their concerns. You might feel tempted to jump right into solving mode, but the secret to success lies in patience.

Allow your prospect to fully articulate their issues without interruption. Using video call recording can help here, by providing insights that enable you to identify recurring objections. Encourage elaboration by asking, “Could you tell me more about that?” or “Could you explain why you feel this way?”

Step 2: Reflect and Confirm Understanding

Once they’ve voiced their concern, reflect it back to them. Paraphrasing ensures you’ve accurately grasped their objection and gives your prospect a chance to clarify if needed. 

This step signals to the prospect that they are heard and understood. It could be as simple as saying, “So, if I understand correctly, your main concern is…”

Step 3: Respond and Solve (and close!)

Now, armed with understanding address the objection. Provide a clear and concise solution that tackles their concern head-on to and tailor your response effectively.

After presenting your solution, check in with them. Ask, “Does that address your concern?” or “Are you more comfortable with the concept now?” This encourages a dialogue and ensures any lingering doubts are cleared up.

This is also a great way to start to range finding for the close as well.,“Is this your only concern or is there anything else that you are uncertain about?” The key here is to keep “flushing” out the concerns, listening, reflecting, and solving them.

You need to be able to get to a point where you have handled every objection that they’ve thrown at you calmly and carefully so that you can say, “Is there anything else from stopping you from making a decision today?” the answer is “No”. You are then ready to close the deal but also have ALL the information to pass onto Customer Success and other departments to create a better product, service and customer experience.

Mastering objection handling is not about “winning,” but about fostering understanding and confidence. By actively listening, reflecting, and responding effectively – and with the aid of revenue intelligence solutions – you’re well on your way to transforming objections into opportunities.

Mastering the Art of Objection Handling with Video Call Recordings

Navigating objections in sales can be as complex as deciphering an intricate code. But what if you had a secret tool that could decipher it and turn every objection into an opportunity? This tool exists, and it’s not a secret at all – it’s video call recordings.

Video call recordings serve as more than just mere documentation of your meetings. They’re repositories of insight, holding lessons from the past and keys to the future. They can be transformative for your sales performance, particularly for mastering the art of handling objections and perfecting the tone of your sales conversations.

Revise, Refine, and Redefine
Let’s turn back the clock to a sales call where you were hit by a challenging objection, a moment that left you scrambling for the right words. Rather than being a rough patch, with video call recordings, this instance transforms into a valuable learning opportunity. Revisiting these recordings offers you the chance to introspect, to decode where the conversation swerved, and to strategize for future interactions.

Sharp Ears, Sharper Skills
Active listening is a cornerstone of successful sales. However, during live conversations, important cues may slip past unnoticed. With video call recordings at your disposal, you can replay these interactions at your own pace, picking up previously missed nuances. Did their body language change when raising an objection? Was there a slight hesitation in their voice? Such details, easily captured and reviewed in a video call recording, can offer profound insights into your prospect’s mindset, helping you fine-tune your responses.

Practice to Perfect Your Pitches
“Practice makes perfect” holds true, especially in sales. Video call recordings can be an ideal sandbox for you to practice and refine your responses to objections. You can experiment with various approaches, tones, and word choices, learning from your trials to find the most effective strategy.

The Tone Tells the Tale
Tone plays a crucial role in sales conversations. Being too stern may come off as aloof, while being overly relaxed may seem unprofessional. Video call recordings give you the ability to review and analyze your tone, allowing you to strike the right balance for every scenario. Observing your tone when handling objections can offer you insights on how to better convey confidence, empathy, and understanding.

Continuous Learning, Continuous Improvement
Consider every sales call a lesson. Make the habit of reviewing your video call recordings as integral to your routine as a sportsperson reviewing their game tapes. Learn from each call, successful or otherwise. Identify common objections, analyze your responses, and aim for continuous improvement.

Leveraging Advanced Tools

The advent of AI and smart video recording has made the recording and analysis of video calls easier than ever. These solutions don’t just provide crystal clear recordings; they also offer data-driven insights, trend identification, and highlighting of key moments. This can supercharge your objection-handling abilities, helping you to develop a data-backed, successful strategy. 

With tl;dv in particular you can search ALL recordings using a particular word and even create a showreel. Want to find any time that someone has said “expensive”? No problem and you’ll be able to see every time that a sales rep has overcome the objection and those who need some additional support.

Objection? Schmobejection!

As the CEO or senior manager, you’re the torchbearer of change, the fearless leader in the corporate jungle, and let’s face it, possibly a millennial who’s cool with swapping your briefcase for a backpack. It’s time to upgrade your sales team’s arsenal with a tool that makes even the slickest of objection handling seem like child’s play.

Consider video call recordings. But don’t be overwhelmed – this isn’t some sort of Matrix-style mind-bending tech. It’s a powerful tool that helps sales teams ditch the age-old instinct of ‘fight or flight’ when faced with objections and adopt a ‘let’s talk about it’ approach.

Harnessing this technology means encouraging sales teams to approach objections from a place of understanding rather than defensiveness. After all, objections are not like some bad TrustPilot review, but opportunities hidden in a potential client’s doubts. And, let’s be real – your sales team is already burning the midnight oil (or more likely, guzzling down coffee) to get those deals signed.

Let’s help them to level up their game. Video call recordings allow them to replay, dissect, and learn from their interactions. This is about finding REAL objections’ concealed behind polite ‘umm’s and ‘maybe later’s and then giving them the training and confidence to action them.

With tl;dv this AI-powered platform doesn’t just record calls. It’s like having Tony Stark’s Jarvis in your corner, providing data-driven insights, trend identification, and highlighting the moments in conversations where your team went from zero to hero.

Plus, the best part? tl;dv starts off with a free plan. That’s right, FREE. Your sales team can explore all its cool features without burning a hole in the company’s pocket. But hold onto your beanies, because it doesn’t stop there. The software is a game-changer for the entire organization, not just the sales team. It can help to bridge the gap between departments, give real life voices to your customer and client base, and make people just that bit more communicative and prevent anything falling through the gaps.

Give your team the modern edge they need to excel in the dynamic world of sales. Empathy, patience, and some rad tech can turn objections from roadblocks into launchpads. Give tl;dv a spin today. It’s the kind of upgrade that would make even the most hardened aficionado give a nod of approval.

tl;dv for Sales - Meet your AI Sales Coach
Our AI tracks playbook adoption and measures how well objections are handled, giving managers coaching insights to improve rep performance. It summarizes countless meetings and highlights key discussions. It’s great for reps too – automating meeting prep, CRM updates and follow-up emails

Define your winning Playbook per Deal Stage, and let our AI handle the analysis.

Monitor how well your sales team follows it and where new hires have opportunities to improve their win rates.

Understand how your team handles common customer objections across hundreds of calls.

Spot where they excel and where they can improve to win more deals!

Organize clips and reels of what great sales calls look like according to your own playbooks.

Improve overall team efficiency and ensure each rep can save over 4 hours each week.

  • Joins your meetings, even if you don’t.
  • Records and transcribes in +30 languages.
  • Takes notes in your preferred structure.
  • Summarize one or multiple meetings.
  • Auto updates your favourite tools (Slack, Notion, CRM, etc).
  • Provides coaching insights on your meeting style.
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