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AI 기반 영업 교육이란 무엇인가요? 영업용 AI 도구 가이드

AI is CRAZY. Some say it will lead to the singularity – where future tech predictions become impossible to make as the sheer scope and speed of innovations will lead to countless ramifications too complex to calculate in time – while others say it will become sentient and go full-scale Terminator. Nobody knows for sure.

Terminator: Now listen to me very carefully

What we do know, however, is that AI (in its current state) is a super effective tool for helping you to create a more personalized coaching system for your different work teams. And its growth is exponential. Its usage is expected to rise by more than 37% every single year from now until 2030. 

Using AI in sales meetings, for example, is a sure-fire way to enhance your pitch success rate and win more clients to begin with. AI tools can also be used for other work departments, including customer service management (CSM).

This article is going to delve a little deeper into AI tools and how you can use them to compliment your work practices.

What is an AI Tool?

AI tools are any kind of software that utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist you. It usually saves you time as you can automate certain areas like analysis. The most well-known AI tool of recent times is ChatGPT. It was such a revolution that it sent rulemakers back to the drawing board across the EU because they had no idea how to regulate an open source AI.

However, it’s important to note that many other softwares and tools have integrated with the underlying GPT technology to add the same functionality to their pre-existing benefits. As the code is open and available for anyone to modify, many tools that are using GPT have altered the code to help it be more specialized towards what they need.

AI-Enhanced Sales Training

One of the best use-cases of AI is in sales meetings. By piggybacking off the AI’s (mostly) superior knowledge, you can quickly and effectively improve your sales game. If you use a call recording tool like tl;dv, you can increase the speed at which you evolve in your niche tenfold.

How? Easy!

Easy peasy


Record your calls and set aside a time each week to rewatch your sales pitches so that you can see what worked well and what can be improved. If you’re already thinking that’s a big time commitment – you’re missing the AI point. You can get meeting summaries and notes generated by the AI. Transcripts are searchable and recognize who’s speaking. You can also create clips and reels from multiple pitches at once, grouping together all talk around objections, for example. 

The options you have available with tl;dv’s AI superpower are unreal! You can spend fifteen minutes rewatching clips and learn enough to notice a dramatic improvement in your next pitch. Do this weekly and watch the results compound.

Team Training

You can also use a video recording software like tl;dv to improve your entire sales team’s performance. For this, gather the highlights (literally) of your weekly sales calls across your entire team. Use it to analyze things that can be improved as a whole. Maybe a specific sales rep can learn from one of their colleagues. If they’re a little too hasty with their pitch, maybe they need to watch someone who effectively utilizes the power of the pause a little more. 

Similarly, if a sales rep is handling objections like a complete boss, then maybe it’s a wise idea to show how they do it for the rest of the team.

Essentially, you want to find areas to improve and things that you’d like to see more of. They’re easy to get via searching the transcripts for specific keywords, or simply asking the AI to generate summaries about certain topics. It won’t take as long as you think but it can potentially enhance your entire sales team’s approach to pitches week in, week out, compounding endlessly. That’s the power of AI-enhanced sales training!

Teamwork makes the dream work


While continuously training your team with AI-powered video call recordings is a sure-fire way to success, what’s even better is that you can use them to quickly get new employees up to speed.

Have a few specific sales techniques that are working extremely well for your sales reps? Don’t just tell your new employees about them; actually show them at work. Let your new blood bathe in all your successful strategies so they take them on themselves.

Then, following the training methods outlined above, you can show the new employees what they can improve on and what they’re doing well. With a little more time and emphasis, new sales reps can quickly get used to your style, brand, and sales pitch tactics.

Internal Calls

It’s also worth mentioning for onboarding that you don’t need to limit the call recordings to just sales pitches. When a new employee joins, there’s a whole host of things they can learn from internal calls. In fact, tl;dv is frequently used as an onboarding software specifically for introducing new employees to the different elements of work in a super quick and easy way.

It introduces them to the ethos of the company, as well as the general vibe. It can also be an icebreaker as they’ll see their new colleagues in the videos and be able to talk with them about the introduction they were shown.

Phone calls with your colleagues like Kermit

Customer Service Management (CSM) Training

There are dozens of reasons why call recordings are beneficial to CSM. Most of them are fairly self-explanatory, but here is a non-exhaustive list for you to check over.

  • Quality assurance
  • 교육 자료
  • Issue resolution
  • 일관성
  • Empathy and understanding
  • Knowledge base enrichment
  • Performance evaluation
  • Complex issue handling
  • Process improvement
  • Customer insights
  • 사용자 조사

As you can see, the breadth of benefits for call recordings makes you wonder why you haven’t been doing it the whole time. Mostly, it’s because people aren’t aware that AI tools like tl;dv exist that can provide exactly what you’re looking for without the faff of rewatching full-length videos and manually editing them in a separate software to knit together some kind of highlight reel. If only people knew how easy it is to use AI to turbo charge customer service, sales, and other departments…

Other AI tools for Sales

Lead Generation and Prospecting

AI tools can analyze large amounts of data to identify potential leads and prospects that are most likely to convert. These tools can sift through social media, websites, and other online sources to gather relevant information about potential customers. 

And guess what? They can do it in a fraction of the time it would take a human. And usually with more accuracy too. Just remember: even with prospects that are more likely to convert, you still have to be persistent.

Here are a couple of AI tools for lead generation and prospecting:

  • Crystal: An AI-powered tool that provides personality insights for prospects, helping salespeople tailor their communication style.
  • Lusha: A B2B database that uses AI to save you time by finding contact information for potential leads and prospects faster.

Sales Forecasting

AI algorithms can analyze historical data, market trends, and other relevant factors to predict future sales with greater accuracy. This helps sales teams plan and allocate resources more effectively.

Video call recordings can actually help you more accurately forecast sales success too. Here are two different AI tools you could use to improve the same area:

  • Clari: An AI-driven revenue platform that uses data analysis to provide sales forecasts and insights.
  • Aviso: A tool that uses AI to provide real-time sales forecasts and pipeline insights.

Personalized Customer Interactions

AI can analyze customer data to provide personalized recommendations and messages, improving customer engagement and satisfaction.

Even setting up a GPT-powered tool to personalize customer service is a great way of leveraging AI. You can do it for personalized messages, general FAQ, and even email responses.

Here are some other AI tools for the job:

  • Salesforce Einstein: An AI-powered analytics tool that offers personalized recommendations for sales and marketing efforts.
  • Drift: A conversational marketing platform that uses AI chatbots to engage with website visitors in real time. It’s the market leader in conversational AI and saves tons of resources.

Sales Process Automation

AI tools can automate routine tasks, such as data entry and follow-up emails, allowing salespeople to focus on more strategic and high-value activities. This is one of the prominent use cases of AI in sales at the moment. Automate the bullsh*t.

Here are some tools that let you do exactly that:

  • Outreach: An AI-driven sales engagement platform that automates email outreach, follow-ups, and other communication tasks.
  • Zoho CRM: A CRM platform with AI-powered automation features for sales and customer management.

It’s worth noting that tl;dv pairs nicely with CRM tools as it directly integrates with all the big ones already. Salesforce, Hubspot, Notion – you name it, tl;dv has the integration. 

Customer Insights and Analytics

Like tl;dv does with call recordings, other AI tools can analyze customer behavior and preferences to provide valuable insights. They can enable sales teams to better understand their customers and make informed decisions.

Two of the best AI tools for this task are:

  • Zendesk Explore: A tool that provides analytics and insights about customer interactions and support tickets.
  • Intercom: A customer messaging platform that uses AI to analyze customer behavior and deliver relevant messages.

A Word of Warning

It’s important to note that while AI tools can send your sales to the moon and back, they still can’t compete with human expertise and relationship-building. These remain essential components of successful sales strategies and shouldn’t be overlooked in an effort to minimize resources or save time.

There are various factors at play when considering how effective an AI tool is too. Don’t be so quick to judge. They need to be aligned with the specific needs of the business, to be given high quality data, and integrate into existing workflows. The point on data is particularly important. With tl;dv, your data is your ever-growing wealth of call recordings. Basically, you and your current processes are the data. For other AI tools, the data needs to be given from elsewhere. It varies from tool to tool and is something to consider. 

AI might be powerful, but it’s still programmed by humans.

Or is it…?


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♬ 오리지널 사운드 - tldv.io - AI 회의 녹음기

Start Using AI in Sales Meetings Today

Download tl;dv for Google Meet or Zoom today and get started with it as soon as you like. Getting set up is a piece of cake and there’s absolutely zero commitment to subscribing. You can get started for free with unlimited recordings and transcripts. Sounds like a no brainer, right?

영업용 tl;dv - AI 영업 코치 만나기
저희의 AI는 playbook 채택을 추적하고 이의제기가 얼마나 잘 처리되는지 측정하여 관리자에게 담당자의 성과를 개선하기 위한 코칭 인사이트를 제공합니다. 수많은 회의를 요약하고 주요 논의를 강조합니다. 회의 준비, CRM 업데이트 및 후속 이메일을 자동화하는 등 담당자에게도 유용합니다.

거래 단계별 우승 Playbook 을 정의하고 AI가 분석을 처리하도록 하세요.

영업팀이 이를 얼마나 잘 따르고 있는지, 신입 사원이 승률을 높일 수 있는 기회가 있는지 모니터링하세요.

팀이 수백 건의 통화에서 일반적인 고객 이의 제기를 처리하는 방법을 파악하세요.

더 많은 거래를 성사시키기 위해 그들이 뛰어난 부분과 개선할 수 있는 부분을 파악하세요!

훌륭한 세일즈 콜의 모습을 담은 클립과 릴을 나만의 스타일에 맞게 정리해 보세요 playbooks.

전반적인 팀 효율성을 개선하고 각 담당자가 매주 4시간 이상을 절약할 수 있습니다.

  • 미팅에 참여하지 않더라도 미팅에 참여할 수 있습니다.
  • 30개 이상의 언어로 녹음 및 트랜스크립션합니다.
  • 원하는 구조로 메모를 작성합니다.
  • 하나 또는 여러 개의 미팅을 요약하세요.
  • 즐겨 사용하는 도구(Slack, Notion, CRM 등)를 자동으로 업데이트합니다.
  • 회의 스타일에 대한 코칭 인사이트를 제공합니다.
다음 미팅에 늦으시나요?
대신 tl;dv를 보내서 날아가세요!