tl;dv vs 부조종사: 진정한 AI 회의 도우미 찾기

tl;dv vs MS Copilot – which of these powerful AI tools is the best choice for your online meetings?

We’ve done the heavy lifting to compare the two comprehensively so you don’t have to waste away in front of a screen, trying to find information that, to be honest, isn’t that easy to find. There’s no free plan or trial to try Copilot, and it only works when transcription is enabled in an organization’s MS Teams calls. Regardless of that, we’ve dug deep to find up-to-date information about Copilot and its use as an AI meeting assistant.

MS Copilot had dramatic results when it first came out, reducing the time spent catching up on meetings by almost 4 times! This, however, is tl;dv’s bread and butter. tl;dv’s meeting summaries timestamp the most important parts and take a fraction of the time. You can jump to different parts of the meeting, tag colleagues, and even make bite-sized clips –  none of which is possible with Copilot.

Copilot stats
출처: 출처: Microsoft

But isn’t Copilot just Microsoft’s version of ChatGPT, I hear you say. Well, yes and no.

While Copilot is similar to ChatGPT in many ways, and has even been embedded into Microsoft’s Bing browser to help users with their search queries, Copilot aims to be more than a helpful assistant for general things. 

By introducing Copilot to MS Teams, Microsoft has allowed its AI brain to provide summaries for meetings, answer questions about specific meeting points, and even offers a real-time chatbot to catch you up on everything discussed so far. However, it’s important to remember that Copilot was never designed with online meetings in mind. It’s ventured into meetings because it can (and does) help summarize key topics.

However, tl;dv was designed with meeting intelligence as the primary goal. Every feature it releases is for this specific purpose. Where Copilot’s meeting features are somewhat of an afterthought, tl;dv’s meeting features are in their blood. It’s designed to help sales teams close more deals and maximize their performance through multi-meeting insights.



트랜스크립션20 🟢14
녹음18 🟢12
대화형 인텔리전스14 🟢12
자동화 및 통합10 🟢6
노트 필기10 🟢2
보안19 🟢8
코칭8 🟢0
관리자8 🟢0
조직12 🟢2
지원4 🟢2
수익 인텔리전스00
기타8 🟢4
합계131 🟢62

As far as dedicated AI meeting assistants go, tl;dv blows Copilot out of the water with a whopping 131 points to Copilot’s 62. tl;dv is built specifically for recording, transcribing, and learning from your meetings. It’s designed to make your work life easier and to maximize your organization and productivity. 

Copilot, on the other hand, is an AI LLM in the same vein as ChatGPT, that Microsoft has added to MS Teams so that it can summarize and provide insights in online meetings. However, tl;dv isn’t just for summaries. It’s for complete multi-meeting intelligence.

Imagine you’re a sales manager and every week you get an AI report straight to your inbox, outlining the highs and lows of your sales team’s sales calls that week. You can set filters to customize the topics you receive information about.

Perhaps you’re only interested in the finest of details: how your reps handle an objection to the price structure of your product. That’s what the AI will report on. Which of your reps handled it well, which could do better, how long did the reps talk for, is there a correlation there, did the prospects state why they disagreed with the price, what was the outcome of the meeting, what was the CTA…?

On top of this, you’ll get timestamps across several meetings all at once so you can hop to the relevant moments in seconds, jumping back and forth between different calls to rewatch the clips for yourself. You can share these clips with ease, or even work out a custom sales playbook within the platform itself to coach your team.

tl;dv empowers you to do all of this and more. Copilot barely scratches the surface with its basic summaries and non-existent free plan. In truth, it’s an unfair competition as Copilot is part of something else entirely: Microsoft 365. But if you’re looking at getting a subscription purely for transcribing and summarizing meetings, you might want to think again. If you already have a Microsoft subscription and you’re using it because it’s included, fair enough, but after exploring what it’s missing, it might make you think twice.

Ultimately, it comes down to your business needs. Only you can decide what’s right for you and your business. By the end of this article, you’ll have enough information to make a choice.

tl;dv AI 회의 도우미 홈페이지
Copilot for Teams

tl;dv vs Copilot: 12 Factors to Consider While Choosing the Best AI Notetaker

순위는 어떻게 매겨지나요?

  • 한 플랫폼이 확실한 승자이거나 다른 플랫폼의 역량이 동등하게 충족되면 해당 플랫폼에 2점을 부여합니다.
  • 해당 기능이 존재하지만 승자가 아닌 경우 1점을 부여합니다.
  • 해당 기능이 없는 경우 0점을 부여합니다.

전사 기능

 tl;dv (20)Copilot (14) 
트랜스 크립 션 포함🟢 무제한🟠 Prerequisite
실시간 트랜스크립션🔴🟢 
지원 언어🟢 +40🟠 20+
지원되는 방언🟢🔴
필러 단어 제거🔴 곧🔴
화자 인식🟢🟢
발표자 이름🟢🟢
비디오/오디오 업로드 트랜스크립션🟢🟢
성적 증명서 내보내기🟢🟢
스크립트 클립🟢🔴
사용자 지정 어휘🔴 곧🔴
전체 성적표 검색🟢🟠 (via Microsoft Stream)
트랜스크립션 편집🟢🟠 (via Microsoft Stream)
AI 노트 및 녹취록 - tldv 스크린샷
tl;dv 성적 증명서 및 메모

트랜스 크립 션 포함

With tl;dv, you’re getting unlimited video recordings and transcripts without spending a single cent. You can transcribe to your heart’s content – even with multiple meetings at the same time.

For Copilot, transcriptions are a prerequisite, meaning you have to get the paid plan of MS Teams and be already transcribing the meeting before Copilot even works at all.

실시간 트랜스크립션

When it is transcribing, Copilot is doing it in real-time, offering you summaries if you arrive late to a meeting. This allows you to interact with the AI on-the-go which can be really helpful in busy environments.

tl;dv doesn’t offer real-time transcriptions so you’ll have to wait until after the call has ended to access it.

지원 언어

tl;dv supports transcription in over 40 languages, providing a broad linguistic range that caters to global teams and multilingual environments.

Copilot’s transcription service is available in 25 languages. Still impressive but tl;dv is the superior choice for users needing transcription services across a wider variety of languages.

지원되는 방언

Copilot does not offer support for different dialects. This can drag a dialect-heavy team down as they won’t be receiving accurate transcripts and will thus get less value from the transcript and subsequent summaries.

tl;dv excels in dialect recognition, offering better transcription accuracy for users of diverse dialects. tl;dv makes certain that the nuances of regional accents are accurately captured.

필러 단어 제거

Neither tl;dv nor Copilot offers filler word removal at the moment. For tl;dv, this will only be for a short time as it’s one of their top priorities. This upcoming feature will help produce cleaner and clearer transcripts by removing unnecessary words and phrases. It’s a future differentiator to watch out for.

Clips From Transcript

tl;dv enables you to take snippets from the call recording and turn them into clips or reels. These can be shared much easier and help people catch up with relevant information quickly.

Copilot offers no such feature, leaving teams to sift through the entire meeting manually to find the relevant bits.

사용자 지정 어휘

Adding your own custom vocabulary for the AI to detect is another feature that tl;dv is working on for the very near future. This will increase the accuracy and relevance of transcriptions for specialized fields or terminologies.

Currently, Copilot does not offer custom vocabulary. This puts tl;dv in the driving seat going forward as it will soon be able to cater to jargon-heavy meetings.

Full-Transcript Search

Copilot is able to search the full transcript only by using Microsoft Stream, a third party app within the Microsoft ecosystem. It’s unlocked only in certain plans, so be sure to check that it’s included in yours. This, while doable, adds an unnecessary hurdle for what seems like a super simple task.

tl;dv allows for a full transcript search, making it the go-to tool for those who spend a lot of time scanning through old recordings. You’ll find what you’re looking for in moments.

Edit Transcription

tl;dv’s transcript can be edited. If you’ve found a mistake or you want to add something that the mic didn’t properly pick up, you can. This makes it easier to tidy your transcripts and have them ready for further viewing.

This feature is possible with Copilot’s transcripts, but again, only through Microsoft Stream. 

레코딩 기능

 tl;dv (18)Copilot (12) 
비디오 플랫폼Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet🟠 MS Teams only
스토리지🟢 무제한🟠 Depends on your MS account
비디오 녹화🟢🟢
동시 회의🟢 무제한🟢
녹화물 다운로드🟢🟢
슬라이드 캡처🟢🔴
분석 보기🟢🟢
통합 캘린더🟢🟢
레코딩 편집🔴🔴
Copilot in Teams.
Copilot in Teams
멀티 미팅 인사이트 스크린샷
tl;dv's multi-meeting report generation

비디오 플랫폼

Unsurprisingly, Copilot is only available with MS Teams. The good news here is that Copilot is also created by Microsoft so it’s actually built into MS Teams itself. This means users of Teams will have a seamless integration and won’t need to worry about setting things up.

tl;dv works with MS Teams too, but it also works for Google Meet and Zoom calls, making it a much better fit for teams that don’t rely solely on Microsoft products. tl;dv’s flexibility makes it the more favorable choice in regards to video platforms.


While tl;dv offers unlimited storage for your meeting recordings and transcripts, Copilot doesn’t actually store your meetings at all. You can store them on your Microsoft account using OneDrive, but the amount of storage will completely depend on your Microsoft subscription.

As a general rule, all of Microsoft’s plans offer a minimum of 1TB of storage, but this includes all Microsoft things, from Word docs to Powerpoints and even photos or videos you’ve saved to the same account.

동시 회의

Both tl;dv and Copilot can record and summarize two meetings simultaneously. If you are double-booked, you can send either of these bots to both meetings at the same time while you only personally attend one.

However, tl;dv can also record and transcribe more meetings concurrently. Copilot makes no mention of whether it can simultaneously join three or more meetings, making tl;dv the better choice for those with ram-packed schedules.

Captures Slides

tl;dv will always capture presentation slides if somebody shares their screen, making sure you can go back over them whenever necessary. This is the best way to catch up on meetings.

Copilot doesn’t offer this natively. Instead, it recommends that you ask the presenter to share the document with you afterwards.

tl;dv offers users the ability to transform snippets of their calls into reels which can be shared quickly and easily. To make a reel takes mere moments and helps those not in the meeting to catch up on relevant talking points without having to sit through the entire call.

Copilot doesn’t allow users to create reels. Anybody that wants to share a specific moment from a meeting will instead have to tell their colleagues where to find it in the call, making it clunky and less reliable.

대화 인텔리전스 기능

 tl;dv (14)Copilot (12)
싱글 미팅 AI 인사이트🟢🟢
멀티 미팅 AI 인사이트🟢🔴
키워드 추적🟢🔴
감정 분석🔴 아니요, EU AI 법에 따라🟢
주요 토픽 감지🟢🟢
음성 분석🟢🟢
작업 항목 감지🟢🟢
질문 감지🟢🟢
custom reports on tl;dv
Schedule recurring AI reports with tl;dv
Copilot's AI summary and recap
Copilot's AI recap

싱글 미팅 AI 인사이트

Both tl;dv and Copilot offer single meeting AI insights. This allows absent users to catch up quickly and easily as the bots of both tools will summarize all key information and any calls to action. 

멀티 미팅 AI 인사이트

tl;dv offers multi-meeting insights, enabling its AI to analyze and review multiple meetings at once. This allows users to quickly find information across their entire meeting library. This could be something as simple as finding the name of a person or tool, or it could be more complex like finding the most common objections from prospects during sales calls. tl;dv will review all calls within your selected parameters and provide an answer for you, along with timestamps so you can quickly rewatch for yourself.

Copilot doesn’t have any multi-meeting intelligence. It cannot provide insights from several meetings at once, hindering its ability to streamline your workflow.

키워드 추적

tl;dv enables its users to track specific keywords and locate them through multiple different meetings. Let’s say you want to find talk of “pricing” within your team’s library of calls, you can simply search for “pricing” and you’ll get all the talk around it from any call allowed by your filters.

Copilot highlights keywords from single meetings and can identify key topics, but it can’t identify them with a simple search across multiple meetings at once. This limits its ability to organize meetings en masse.

감정 분석

tl;dv’s AI does not offer sentiment analysis, as per the EU AI Act. As tl;dv is an EU-based company, it prioritizes security, privacy, and compliance.

Copilot, on the other hand, does offer sentiment analysis. While it’s not a specific feature, you can ask Copilot to give you a sentiment analysis and it will dive into the way people are feeling in the meeting.

자동화 및 통합 기능

 tl;dv (10)Copilot (6)
CRM 통합🟢🟢
이메일 통합🟢🟢
Zapier 통합🟢 🟢 
회의 후 요약 이메일🟢🔴
일정 보고서🟢🔴
tl;dv 통합
tl;dv 5,000개 이상의 업무용 앱과 직접 통합됩니다!

CRM 통합

tl;dv integrates with 5,000+ work and productivity apps, including dozens of CRMs. All tl;dv’s integrations are unlocked in the Pro plan. You’ll find Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, and many more CRMs available for a quick and direct link with tl;dv, allowing you to store clips, notes, transcripts and more automatically into your CRM.

Copilot also integrates with several popular CRM systems, including Zendesk, Salesforce, and Dynamics 365.

회의 후 요약 이메일

tl;dv automatically sends an AI summary to each participant in the recorded meeting as soon as the call ends. This gives all participants a reference point and makes any action points crystal clear.

Copilot, surprisingly, doesn’t offer this feature. The AI summary is not sent via email after the meeting. Instead, it must be manually shared with team members, causing unnecessary friction.

일정 보고서

tl;dv enables users to schedule recurring reports. Simply select which filters you want to apply and what you’d like to receive reports about, and tl;dv’s intuitive AI will gather insights from all meetings within this criteria and provide you clear and concise reports at regular intervals. This is great for managers wanting to stay on top of things within their team.

Copilot doesn’t allow users to schedule reports, reducing its impact for managerial positions.

노트 필기 기능

 tl;dv (10)Copilot (2) 
AI 노트🟢🟢
통화 중 수동 메모🟢 앱 필요🔴
노트에 사람 태그 지정🟢🔴
작업 할당🔴🔴 
AI 태그 / 북마크🟢🔴
tl;dv's grouped notes.
tl;dv can group your meeting notes for you

통화 중 수동 메모

If you have the tl;dv app, you can take manual notes during a call. This ensures you don’t forget anything that the AI might not pick up on.

Copilot, despite offering real-time transcripts and live chat within the call, doesn’t allow you to add any manual notes. If you want to take a note with Copilot, you’ll have to do it in a separate document or on a piece of paper.

노트에 사람 태그 지정

tl;dv empowers users to tag their colleagues in notes, drawing their attention to relevant meeting moments. If a developer needs to fix a bug, for example, tl;dv enables the CS team to tag the relevant dev at the moment where the customer explains the problem. This improves cross-team collaboration and streamlines the workflow of all your teams.

Copilot doesn’t allow you to tag other team members in notes. This severely limits Copilot’s capacity to help with streamlining collaboration.

작업 할당

Copilot will summarize tasks that have been assigned during the meeting, but it won’t let you assign tasks to specific team members afterwards. You can “create tasks” in the Copilot recap but these seem more like to-do lists than anything else.

tl;dv also offers a summary of tasks assigned during the meeting, but doesn’t provide the capability to assign tasks to specific individuals afterwards in any measurable way. 

AI Tags

tl;dv allows users to quickly and easily bookmark and revisit important parts of a meeting. This feature is available across all plans on tl;dv, including the Free plan.

Copilot doesn’t offer any tagging or bookmarking system, making it fairly rudimentary in terms of its note-taking offerings.


tl;dv enables users to leave comments on the transcript. This opens up doors for collaboration as users can have mini conversations within the transcript itself, providing context and open discussion.

Copilot does not allow commenting on the transcript, pushing it even further behind in regards to collaboration.

보안 기능

 tl;dv (20)Copilot (11)
데이터 보존🟢 6 months on FREE plan Unlimited on all paid plans🟠 1-7 days standard. Customizable
SOC2 준수🔴 (인증 진행 중)🟢
SAML 기반 SSO🟢 엔터프라이즈에서만 사용 가능🟢 
GDPR 준수🟢🟢
EU AI 법 준수🟢🔴 
데이터를 사용하여 AI 학습🟢 (아니요, 데이터는 비공개로 유지됩니다.)🟢 (No, but it can with your consent)
개인 스토리지🟢 엔터프라이즈에서만 사용 가능🔴 공개되지 않음
Anonymized sensitive data sent to LLMs🟢🟢
데이터 청크 및 무작위화 회의🟢🔴 공개되지 않음
LLM 제공업체와의 BAA🟢🔴 공개되지 않음
공급업체의 0일 데이터 보존 정책🟢🔴 공개되지 않음

데이터 보존

Copilot’s data retention policies are a little confusing. At its most basic, data is retained for 1-7 days before being moved into a soft delete folder. Copilot’s memory only goes back 30 days, too, unless the data retention settings have been specifically changed by the user. This means that Copilot will forget any conversation you had with it last month or earlier.

tl;dv has clear and easy to understand data retention policies: 6 months on the free plan, and unlimited for all paid plans. This makes it possible to keep your videos and recordings for half a year, even if you aren’t on a paid subscription. You can also set different retention levels if you so choose.

SOC2 준수

Copilot is SOC2 compliant already, making it a good choice for those that put trust and reliability above all else. 

tl;dv is currently in the process of becoming SOC2 compliant, highlighting its commitment to achieving high standards of security and data protection.

EU AI 법 준수

As an EU-based company, tl;dv is EU AI Act compliant, indicating its dedication to ethical AI practices and regulatory adherence.

Copilot is not yet EU AI Act compliant and has been deemed a limited risk by the relevant authorities. Microsoft has announced that it is committed to compliance and is working on implementing changes to be compliant with the new law.

개인 스토리지

tl;dv offers private storage for all Enterprise users. This adds an extra layer of security and sovereignty over data for big businesses.

Copilot does not disclose its private storage policy, possibly meaning that it has none. This can affect the decision of large businesses with specific data storage needs.

0-Day Data Retention Policy With Vendors

tl;dv deletes or anonymizes data immediately after its purpose was served. This emphasizes tl;dv’s stance on minimizing data exposure. It also explains these guidelines in a clear manner that’s easy for users to find and understand.

Copilot has no such policy disclosed, possibly creating problems for users with strict data governance policies.

코칭 기능

 tl;dv (8)Copilot (4)
Playbooks 스코어카드🟢🟠
사용자 지정 Playbooks🟢🟠
템플릿 Playbooks🟢🟠
이의 제기 처리🟢🟠
tl;dv coaching playbook
tl;dv offers many different playbooks, including MEDDIC

If you’re aiming to get a meeting recorder that helps you improve your sales calls, tl;dv is your only real option. While Copilot can be used this way, it’s limited to intelligence from one meeting at a time, and it can only provide guidance if you specifically request it with a prompt. For tl;dv, however, these sales coaching benefits are specific features.

tl;dv comes with an ever-growing suite of coaching capabilities, from playbooks to objection handling. Here are tl;dv’s main four coaching areas:

  • Playbooks Scorecards: Scorecards help track and evaluate individual or team performance during meetings, offering insights for personal improvement. Users can create a performance scorecard for any selected group of meetings, allowing them to monitor and analyze sales performance across multiple sessions.
  • Custom Playbooks: Users have the opportunity to create their own guidelines and best practices for conducting effective meetings. By utilizing these custom playbooks, users can guide and assess the execution of any meeting (or series of meetings), ensuring consistency and adherence to proven strategies.
  • 템플릿 Playbooks: tl;dv has a wide range of templates that teams can adapt to their coaching strategies.
    • 제품(연구 인터뷰, 사용자 테스트).
    • 프로젝트(스프린트 계획, 스탠드업 미팅, 브레인스토밍, 킥오프)
    • HR(면접, 퇴사 면접, 입사 면접).
    • Customer Success (회고 회의, 비즈니스 검토, 고객 온보딩 회의, 고객 체크인 회의, 피드백 통화).
    • 영업(데모 통화, MEDDIC, SPICED, BANT, Discovery 통화, GPCT, CHAMP, ANUM, BEBEDC, SPIN).
    • Management (Performance Improvement Plan, 1:1 meeting, Offboarding 1:1, Performance Review).

Objection Handling: This feature provides sales and CS teams with detailed performance evaluations specifically focused on how they respond to objections from prospects. It uses meeting data and insights to create scorecards that highlight strengths and weaknesses in objection-handling skills, assisting teams with refining their techniques – all within the platform.

As mentioned earlier, Copilot can help with sales coaching, but its methods are nowhere near as refined. It can provide a super limited version of each of the above features, but only if you specifically prompt it to.

관리자 기능

 tl;dv (8)Copilot (0)
팀원의 캘린더에 있는 모든 회의의 자동 기록 적용🟢🔴
팀원이 녹화한 회의의 자동 공유 적용🟢🔴
삭제 방지🟢🔴
모든 녹화에 대한 관리자 권한🟢🔴 (depends on OneDrive settings)


Both tl;dv and Copilot enable admins to record all meetings, but only tl;dv enables users to automatically record meetings directly from team members’ calendars. This feature is useful for managers who want to gain insights from all their team’s calls. Only tl;dv will facilitate multi-meeting intelligence that covers all these meetings afterwards, too. 


Similarly, both tl;dv and Copilot enable admins to share meetings recorded by team members, but only tl;dv can set it up to be automatic. With Copilot, you’re left to do a lot of the menial tasks yourself, while tl;dv saves you time, energy, and stress by automating them on your behalf.

삭제 방지

tl;dv empowers admins to prevent deletion of calls, including those made by other team members. This provides a huge reassurance to sales teams as there are reps who may delete incriminating sales call recordings before admins have had a chance to review them. By preventing deletion, tl;dv allows admins to oversee all sales calls throughout the entire organization, layering in additional accountability and trust.

Copilot doesn’t grant admins this power, weakening its power for managers in particular.

Admin Rights Over All Recordings

tl;dv gives admins rights over all recordings within their organization, making management much easier.

Copilot’s admin rights are largely determined by OneDrive settings. Copilot isn’t built for collaboration as much as tl;dv is, causing it to fall short when it comes to management, collaboration, and teamwork.

조직 역량

 tl;dv (12)Copilot (2)
팀 작업 공간🟢🔴
미팅 라이브러리🟢🔴
스마트 필터🟢🔴
글로벌 검색🟢🔴
모임 내 검색🟢🟢
tldv 회의 라이브러리
tl;dv 미팅 라이브러리

팀 작업 공간

From an organizational standpoint, Copilot is subpar. It doesn’t allow for users to create team workspaces, making it difficult to manage and stay on top of things. 

tl;dv does offer team workspaces, offering a clear solution for teams that want to utilize AI to organize and streamline their work efforts.

미팅 라이브러리

Copilot has no meeting library so to speak. The meetings can be found on MS Teams and Copilot can be used to recap them if there was a transcript. But Copilot itself offers no library for you to quickly oversee your meetings.

tl;dv, of course, does offer a meetings library. Its clean UI makes it super easy to navigate and find exactly what you’re looking for.

스마트 필터

Smart filters can be used in tl;dv to quickly locate specific batches of meetings. You can filter for only internal meetings, for example, if you wanted to find something specific.

Copilot doesn’t offer smart filters. Instead, you have to sift through all of them at once to try and find whatever you’re looking for. It’s not designed to be user-friendly.

글로벌 검색

tl;dv’s search function is a mighty tool that empowers users to find whatever they’re looking for across all their meetings with a simple keyword. This speeds up the process when you’re looking for something specific.

Copilot doesn’t allow you to search the transcripts of multiple meetings simultaneously. It suffers here, making it a burden to actually utilize the transcripts you’ve made.

Search Within Meetings

Both tl;dv and Copilot enable users to search within meetings. If there’s something within a meeting that you need to find, you can search the transcript to quickly find it in both tools.


tl;dv lets users set up folders for better management of their meeting library. They can store certain call recordings in certain folders to keep everything organized to your taste. Copilot does not enable users to make their own folders as it doesn’t even have its own meeting library. 

지원 기능

 tl;dv (4)Copilot (2)
무료 요금제 지원🟢 채팅 및 이메일🔴
우선 지원프로 요금제에서 🟢🟢 

무료 요금제 지원

If you use tl;dv on the free plan, you’ll still get access to online chat or email support. This provides multiple ways to get support quickly.

Copilot doesn’t work with MS Teams on the free plan, making it impossible to test and lacking any form of free support.

우선 지원

In tl;dv’s Pro plan, you get access to priority support with shorter wait times.

Copilot doesn’t offer priority support as such, rather it has the basic Microsoft support options available when you have a Microsoft subscription.

수익 인텔리전스 기능

 tl;dv (0)Copilot (0)
거래 실행🔴🔴

Neither tl;dv nor Copilot offer features related to Revenue Intelligence such as Forecasting and Deal Execution. Users searching for specialized sales tools would need to look somewhere else for these features, but be warned: these tools come with a hefty price tag. Revenue intelligence tools are often $1,000+ per user and can rise steeply depending on the extra features your team requires.

If revenue intelligence is your goal and you want to become a master of sales forecasting, then there are other ways you can use these platforms to improve your team’s sales skills

For tl;dv, you can implement their sales coaching and use meeting intelligence to improve from the ground up. 

With Copilot, you can feed it data and give it prompts to help you with forecasting, but as it’s not built with this in mind, it may struggle to compute. This is especially true if your data is nuanced or complex.

누구를 위한 서비스인가요?

 tl;dv (8)Copilot (4)
G2 등급🟢 4.8🔴 4.3
간편한 설정🟢 넉넉한 무료 요금제 + 깔끔한 UI🔴 Need Microsoft 365
현지화된 플랫폼🟢 (7개 언어)🟢 (Piggybacks off MS Teams)
누구에게 가장 적합할까요?🟢 SMB 영업🟢 Marketing

tl;dv is for SMB sales teams. It’s designed with sales in mind, and it can be used to help sales teams close more deals and stay organized and productive. Its localized platform means you can still use tl;dv even if you have a multinational team.

Copilot is not really a platform designed for any one group of people. Rather it’s a feature of Microsoft’s suite, making it a small part of a bigger ecosystem. Having said that, Copilot is probably best suited for Marketing teams. Its stronger features lie outside of call recording. For example, Copilot can help you craft better copy, especially useful for email campaigns or landing page design.

Ultimately, tl;dv is for anyone that wants to maximize their meeting intelligence, whereas Copilot is for those that already have a Microsoft subscription and want nothing more than to browse through AI summaries every now and then.

This is one of the rare cases where it doesn’t hurt to have both. If you already use Copilot for its non-meeting features, there’s no reason you should let it stop you from upgrading your meeting intelligence too.  

Verdict: tl;dv vs Copilot – which one is the best?

트랜스크립션20 🟢14
녹음18 🟢12
대화형 인텔리전스14 🟢12
자동화 및 통합10 🟢6
노트 필기10 🟢2
보안19 🟢8
코칭8 🟢0
관리자8 🟢0
조직12 🟢2
지원4 🟢2
수익 인텔리전스00
기타8 🟢4
합계131 🟢62

As you can see here, the competition is one-sided. tl;dv comes out on top in every single category, except for revenue intelligence which is a 0-0 draw.

The truth is: tl;dv is built to record, transcribe, and provide actual utility to meetings. It’s a tool designed to enhance sales teams by utilizing multi-meeting intelligence and insights from meetings to coach sales reps.

Copilot is not a tool in its own right. It’s a feature of Microsoft’s ecosystem. It provides summaries and helps you catch up if you were late, but besides that, the features are non-existent. Its collaborative and organizational features make it a nightmare for managers, while its actual recording, transcribing, and note-taking are all subpar.

The problem lies in meeting intelligence being an afterthought for Copilot, rather than the main goal. For this reason, tl;dv is the go-to tool for anyone that wants more than just a meeting summary.

You can get unlimited recordings and transcripts for free so there’s no harm in trying it, even if you already have a Microsoft subscription.

tl;dv 영업용
가장 중요한 곳에 시간을 투자하세요. 영업 인텔리전스를 발견하고 팀이 Playbooks 을 얼마나 잘 따르는지 추적하세요. tl;dv 은 팀이 즐겨 사용하는 도구에서 모든 회의에서 인사이트를 얻을 수 있도록 도와주는 AI 회의 도우미입니다 .
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