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tl;dv vs Rewatch – The Alternative Everyone is Looking For?

This is it: tl;dv vs Rewatch. If you’re a Rewatch customer, you’re likely wondering where to go to after Atlassian announced they’re sunsetting the Rewatch platform and integrating it into Loom.

We believe tl;dv is a strong contender and want to make your time worth it with a no bull comparison, worth of your time.

This comprehensive comparison will break down 12 fundamental categories and compare both tool’s features for each one. By the end, you should have a greater understanding of which tool will fit seamlessly into your current tech stack and understand whether tl;dv is a valid option on the table.

Table des matières

en résumé

Transcription19 🟢18
Enregistrement20 🟢14
Intelligence conversationnelle14 🟢8
Automatisation et intégrations9 🟢8
Prise de notes12 🟢8
Sécurité19 🟢7
Coaching8 🟢0
Administrateur8 🟢6
Organisationnel12 12
Soutien4 🟢3
Revenue Intelligence00
Autres6 🟢2
Total131 🟢86

As you can see from the table above, tl;dv comes out on top with a whopping 131 points compared to Rewatch’s 86.

While Rewatch was able to draw level on the organizational front, and come close with transcription and automation capabilities, it ultimately drifted further and further behind as the comparison went on.

tl;dv’s stand-out multi-meeting intelligence was one of the defining factors in the tl;dv vs Rewatch battle. This feature enables users to get AI insights across multiple meetings at once, helping them identify trends and patterns. This can even be scheduled regularly about any topic from any set of meetings you desire.

Rewatch’s AI wasn’t up to scratch in comparison. It also fails to offer any dedicated sales features, unlike tl;dv that features a wide range of playbook options, as well as objection handling tips and a speech analytics dashboard. 

Rewatch does have some promising features however. The Enterprise level support features a dedicated support rep for your business which is a nice personalized touch. They are SOC2 compliant and have all their integrations available, including CRMs, on the free plan. They also have a great custom vocabulary feature so you can include jargon and industry terminologies in your transcripts.

Let’s dive a little deeper into this comparison.

tl;dv Page d'accueil de l'assistant de réunion IA
Rewatch homepage

tl;dv vs Rewatch: 12 Factors to Consider While Choosing the Best AI Notetaker

Quel est notre classement ?

  • Nous attribuons deux points à une plate-forme lorsqu'elle l'emporte clairement ou lorsque l'autre plate-forme répond à la même capacité.
  • Nous accordons 1 point lorsque la capacité est présente, mais ce n'est pas une victoire.
  • Nous attribuons 0 point lorsque la capacité n'est pas présente.

Capacités de transcription

 tl;dv (19)Rewatch (18)
Transcriptions incluses🟢 Illimité🟠 15 free
Transcriptions en temps réel🔴🔴
Langues prises en charge🟢 +40🟠 30
Dialectes pris en charge🟢🔴
Suppression des mots de remplissage🔴 soon🔴
Reconnaissance des orateurs🟢🟢
Noms des orateurs🟢🟢
Transcrire les téléchargements vidéo/audio🟠 5 per month free🟢 15 per month free
Exporter des transcriptions🟢🟢
Extraits de la transcription🟢🟢
Vocabulaire personnalisé🔴 soon🟢
Recherche de transcription intégrale🟢🟢
Editer la transcription🟢🟢
Rewatch custom vocabulary setting.
Rewatch's custom vocabulary settings.
Notes et transcriptions AI - Capture d'écran de tldv
tl;dv's AI notes and transcript

Transcriptions incluses

tl;dv provides unlimited call recordings and transcriptions completely free of charge. Rewatch, on the other hand, only allows users to transcribe 15 meetings per month on the free plan. While this is enough to try the tool out, it certainly puts a limit on how much you can get a feel for the tool before you’re forced into a purchasing decision.

Transcriptions en temps réel

Neither tl;dv nor Rewatch offer real-time transcriptions, highlighting a key drawback for both platforms for users who prioritize instant transcription access.

Langues prises en charge

tl;dv supports transcription in over 40 languages, providing a broad linguistic range that caters to global teams and multilingual environments. Transcript translations can be done on the free plan.

Rewatch only provides translations in 30 languages and those are only unlocked for paid users.

Dialectes pris en charge

tl;dv excels when it comes to dialect recognition, offering enhanced transcription accuracy for users of diverse dialects and regional accents.

Rewatch doesn’t provide support for speakers of dialects, providing weaker transcriptions for these users.

Suppression des mots de remplissage

Neither tl;dv nor Rewatch offers filler word removal at this moment. However, tl;dv is in the process of adding this feature to their transcription services. This will help produce cleaner, more concise transcripts by eliminating unnecessary words and phrases, marking a future differentiator.

Transcrire les téléchargements vidéo/audio

Both platforms allow users to transcribe files they’ve recorded elsewhere by uploading them onto the respective platform. There are plenty of file types to choose from, including MP4, WAV, MOV, and more. 

tl;dv lets users have 5 free uploads per month, while Rewatch offers 15 free uploads per month. On the paid plans, both tools provide this feature without restrictions.

Vocabulaire personnalisé

The ability to add custom vocabulary into your AI’s dictionary so that your transcriptions will be even more accurate is noted as a forthcoming feature for tl;dv. It aims to enhance the accuracy and relevance of transcriptions for specialized fields or terminologies.

Rewatch already offers custom vocabulary, helping it cater more specifically to the needs of users with technical or industry-specific language requirements.

Capacités d'enregistrement

 tl;dv (20)Rewatch (14)
Plates-formes vidéo🟢 Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet🟢 Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet
Stockage🟢 Illimité🟢 Illimité
Enregistrements vidéo🟢🟢
Réunions simultanées🟢 Illimité🔴
Télécharger les enregistrements🟢🟢
Capturer les diapositives🟢 🟢
Visualisation des analyses🟢 🟢
Calendrier intégré 🟢 🟢
Enregistrement Édition🔴🔴
Avatar de robot personnalisé🟢🔴
Rewatch's viewer analytics page
Rewatch's viewer analytics

Plates-formes vidéo

Rewatch and tl;dv are both available for the same three video conferencing platforms: Zoom, MS Teams, and Google Meet.

Vidéo des enregistrements

Recording video is second nature to both tools too. They don’t just transcribe calls but they also record them visually, capturing the full experience of the call. This means that when you hop between points on the transcript on either platform, you’ll be able to view the corresponding part of the call too. This is great for identifying body language in a rewatch.

Réunions simultanées

tl;dv enables users to record concurrent meetings. If you’re scheduled to attend multiple meetings at the same time, you can send the AI transcriber to all scheduled calls simultaneously. This is fantastic for busy managers who frequently get CC’d into calls that they only really need to know the outcome of. Now, they’ll get a summary without needing to attend in the flesh.

Rewatch doesn’t allow users to record or transcribe multiple meetings at the same time. This is a big hindrance for those with busy schedules as they’ll be unable to take advantage of Rewatch’s conversational intelligence features for unattended meetings that run parallel to attended ones.

Télécharger les enregistrements

Both tl;dv and Rewatch let users download recordings for local storage. This lets you export call recordings for you to manage privately.

Visualisation des analyses

tl;dv has viewer analytics so you can keep track of how your meeting content is being consumed. How many people are rewatching calls, how many AI insights has your team gathered, and more. It helps ensure your team is making the most of the tool’s capabilities in their own recordings.

Rewatch offers similar analytics, including tracking plays, transcripts read, total searches, and even top searches. It also covers more specific metrics like average watch time that can help identify team members who are making the most of the recordings.


If you want to share snippets from multiple calls at once, condensed into a bite-sized video, you can! By using tl;dv, you can create clips from different transcripts about the topic you have in mind; feature requests, for example.

Once you’ve got several clips, you can make them into a reel and share it with your colleagues for further discussion. This means you don’t have to send them several separate transcripts with instructions about where to find the clip in question, and you don’t need to send them several separate clips either. One video with all the clips merged together hits two birds with one stone.

Rewatch doesn’t facilitate the making of reels.

Avatar de robot personnalisé

tl;dv encourages users to customize and personalize their bot avatars. You can rename the AI that joins the call and give it a new avatar image so that it isn’t so intimidating to other participants. 

Rewatch doesn’t offer users the ability to customize their bot’s avatar.

Capacités de renseignement sur les conversations

 tl;dv (14)Rewatch (8)
Réunion unique AI Insights🟢🔴
Multi Meeting AI Insights (en anglais)🟢🔴
Suivi des mots-clés🟢🟢
Analyse des sentiments🔴 Non, conformément à la loi européenne sur l'IA🔴
Détection des thèmes clés🟢🟢
Analyse de la parole🟢🔴
Détection de l'action🟢🟢
Détection des questions🟢🟢
Rapport sur les réunions multiples
tl;dv's AI multi-meeting report
Rewatch notes template
Rewatch can provide summaries for recaps or action items

Réunion unique AI Insights

The “Ask tl;dv AI” feature empowers users to get specific and detailed insights into a single meeting. You can ask the generative AI questions about the meeting. For example, “list the reasons why this prospect wants to leave our competitor”. Not only will it create the list for you, it’ll also provide timestamps for you to hop through the call and rewatch it for yourself.

Rewatch doesn’t provide single meeting AI insights in the same way. It has AI notes and summaries, but you can’t get deeper insights from it than that.

Aperçu de l'IA dans le cadre de réunions multiples

Talking of deeper insights, tl;dv’s “ask tl;dv AI” feature isn’t just for single meetings. You can generate reports by filtering the meetings you want the AI to search and asking similar questions over a broader range of calls. For example, filter your sales calls, perhaps even specific sales reps, and ask something like: “What are the most common objections from prospects?” You’ll get a list with timestamps that take you directly to the most common objections. These kinds of insights are why tl;dv is an industry leader.

Rewatch doesn’t allow users to generate reports across multiple meetings simultaneously, hindering its ability to help you find trends, patterns, or deeper insights.

Suivi des mots-clés

Both tl;dv and Rewatch facilitate keyword tracking so that users can quickly and easily identify call moments of importance. With tl;dv, you can even schedule reports based on keywords to get AI insights automatically that cover a number of calls in one.

Rewatch enables users to subscribe to keywords and get notified whenever it’s been used in a video that you have access to.

Analyse des sentiments

Neither tl;dv nor Rewatch enable sentiment analysis. tl;dv is a German company. As such, it’s unable to offer sentiment analysis due to the EU AI Act. 

Rewatch was founded in San Francisco, U.S.A, but has recently been acquired by the popular Australian company, Atlassian. Despite this, Rewatch does not have a sentiment analysis feature.

Détection des thèmes clés

Detecting key topics in your AI summaries is important for skimming and easily locating information. Both tools provide this feature so their AI notes can be broken down easily.

Analyse de la parole

tl;dv’s speech analytics dashboard helps you identify how your sales team is performing by empowering sales managers to monitor things like monologue length, talk-to-listen ratio, filler words used, and more. It also lets users check how well sales reps have stuck to the playbooks you’re working from, and how they’ve handled objections.

Rewatch doesn’t provide any speaker analytics, highlighting a clear differentiator between the two platforms.

Détection des points d'action

Both tl;dv and Rewatch provide action item detection in AI notes and summaries. This makes it super easy for users to find key takeaways, including next steps after a call.

Capacités d'automatisation et d'intégration

 tl;dv (9)Rewatch (8)
Intégrations CRM🟢🟢
Intégrations d'emails🟢🟢
Intégrations Zapier🟠 in Pro plan🟢 
Courriel de synthèse après la réunion🟢🟢
Rapports de programmation🟢🔴
tl;dv intégrations
tl;dv s'intègre directement à plus de 5 000 applications professionnelles !
Rewatch integrations
Rewatch's integration list

Intégrations CRM

tl;dv offers numerous CRM integrations with all your favorite tools. From Salesforce to Hubspot, Zoho to Pipedrive, tl;dv integrates directly with a wide variety of CRMs so that you can seamlessly input meeting data. This feature is unlocked in the Pro Plan.

Rewatch offers CRM integrations for free, giving it the upper hand over tl;dv. However, it’s worth noting that Rewatch only provides integrations for 2 CRMs: Hubspot and Salesforce. This lack of choice may be a hindrance for teams using less popular CRMs.

Intégrations Zapier

Both tl;dv and Rewatch integrate with Zapier so you can create no-code “zaps” with 5,000+ different work tools. However, Rewatch offers this free of charge, whereas it’s unlocked only in tl;dv’s Pro Plan. This gives Rewatch users a slight advantage in terms of trying out the tool’s automation features before committing to a subscription.

Courriel de synthèse post-réunion

Rewatch calls these “Meeting Recap Emails” and they’re sent to all invitees, even if the invitee never attended the meeting. This keeps all participants (and would-be participants) up to speed with everything discussed, all tasks assigned, and all action items noted. 

tl;dv also provides post-meeting summary emails to all participants so everyone can have a central source of truth to hold each other accountable by. This simple email can resolve disputes that arise over miscommunication in mere moments.

Rapports de programmation

The ability to schedule recurring reports and subscribe to specific topics is something that sets tl;dv apart from the competition. You can get multi-meeting reports about any topic you like at any frequency you like. For example, if you want to keep up to date on specific prospect objections, now you can. You’ll receive recurring reports, however frequently you wish, that cover all the meetings your team had within that time period. This can be narrowed down even further by selecting specific colleagues, internal or external meetings, and other filters.

The report will contain timestamps so you can jump between meetings to listen for yourself, but it’ll also provide a summary to let you know what’s been said about your topic of choice. The versatility of this feature makes it a stand-out success across the board. From sales teams to CS, product development to UX research, recurring reports are a manager’s best friend.

Rewatch does not offer the ability to schedule recurring reports.

Capacités de prise de notes

 tl;dv (12)Rewatch (8)
Notes AI🟢🟢
Notes manuelles pendant les appels🟢 a besoin d'une application 🔴
Marquer des personnes dans les notes🟢🔴
Attribuer des tâches🔴🔴
Tags AI / Signets🟢🟢
Modèles de réunion personnalisés🟢🟢
Modèles de réunion personnalisés tl;dv
tl;dv's Custom Meeting Templates

Notes manuelles pendant les appels

tl;dv requires you to have the app to take manual notes, but then it’s simple. The AI will still generate notes on its own, but you get the freedom to jot things down that require context that the AI won’t have.

Rewatch offers AI notes but doesn’t provide any way for users to take notes manually. This can be a big drawback. While AI notes are a great step forward, they’re never going to be perfect. Manual notes are still important as a fallback and it’s a better user experience if there’s a way they can do it.

Étiqueter des personnes dans les notes

If you want to tag people in notes, tl;dv allows this and can even create conversations in notes through comments. 

Rewatch lacks collaboratively here as its users are unable to tag colleagues straight into the notes themselves.

Assigner des tâches

Neither tl;dv nor Rewatch enable you to assign tasks to colleagues within the platform itself. However, both tools enable users to assign tasks via third-party integrations.

Modèles de réunion personnalisés

Custom meeting templates are a great way to get more streamlined notes in the way that suits your team best. tl;dv specializes in this by empowering users to set up different templates for different types of calls. Not only are there a whole host of recommended templates, you can build your own from scratch and set filters for which meetings the AI needs to use the template for.

This means you can have your sales calls running off one custom template, your CS calls off another template, and your UX Research calls off a third template. It’s a versatile feature that allows you to get the most out of your AI meeting assistant.

You can take this a step further by mapping each section of your custom meeting notes template with a CRM field so that all your meeting notes will be synced automatically to the correct place in your CRM afterwards. This seamless automation can save your team countless hours. 

Rewatch has recently upgraded from a generic summary to having the option to customize meeting note templates. Only channel administrators can create and edit meeting templates, but all users can apply them to their calls. Rewatch also offers some preset templates, but it provides the option to add prompts to these templates so that the AI answers more specific questions during its summary. These meeting templates can be applied to entire channels.

Capacités de sécurité

 tl;dv (19)Rewatch (7)
Conservation des données🟠 6 months on FREE plan. Unlimited on all paid plans🟠 Flexible (Enterprise only)
Conformité SOC2🔴 (certification en cours)🟢
SSO basé sur SAML🟢 Uniquement sur Enterprise🟢 Uniquement sur Enterprise
Conforme au GDPR🟢🟢
Conformité à la loi européenne sur l'IA🟢🔴 non divulgué
Utilise vos données pour former l'IA🟢 (Non, vos données restent confidentielles)🔴 non divulgué
Stockage privé🟢 Uniquement sur Enterprise🔴 non divulgué
Données sensibles anonymisées envoyées aux LLM🟢🔴 non divulgué
Regroupement et randomisation des données de réunion🟢🔴 non divulgué
BAA avec les prestataires de LLM🟢🔴 non divulgué
Politique de conservation des données à 0 jour avec les fournisseurs🟢🔴 non divulgué

Conservation des données

tl;dv offers 6 month free data retention so that users on the free plan can still use tl;dv’s recorder and have access to their recorded meetings. Once the user adopts a subscription, they’ll keep their recordings for as long as they’re a paid member.

Rewatch’s data retention policy is a little more flexible, but only at the Enterprise level. This helps users meet their security and privacy obligations, but only on the highest subscription tier. 

Conformité SOC2

SOC2 compliance is an important security measure that data-conscious users need to be aware of. Rewatch is SOC2 compliant, giving users peace of mind when using this product.

tl;dv is currently in the process of obtaining SOC2 certification. While it’s not there yet, the process is ongoing, marking a commitment to becoming more compliant and data-savvy.

SSO basé sur SAML

Both tl;dv and Rewatch offer support for SAML-based SSO in their Enterprise plans. This is great news for big businesses who want more security from their AI meeting assistant.

Conforme au GDPR

tl;dv and Rewatch are both GDPR compliant. They follow the European Union’s strict regulations regarding data protection and privacy.

Conformité à la loi européenne sur l'IA

As an EU-based company, tl;dv is compliant with the EU AI Act and follows stringent policies to keep AI under control.

Rewatch has not disclosed whether or not it complies to the EU AI Act.

Utiliser vos données pour former l'IA

tl;dv will never use your data to train AI models. It also does not pass your data on for other companies to train AI. This is important for data privacy and security, but also for ethical reasons.

Again, Rewatch has not disclosed their policies concerning the training of AI. Whether or not they use customer data to train AI models is up in the air.

Politique de conservation des données de 0 jour avec les fournisseurs

tl;dv maintains a 0-day data retention policy with vendors so they do not keep user data for any longer than is absolutely necessary: under one day.

Rewatch has not disclosed their data retention policy for vendors. It’s unknown how long third parties can keep data given to them by Rewatch.

Capacités de coaching

 tl;dv (8)Rewatch (0)
Playbooks Cartes de pointage🟢🔴
Sur mesure Playbooks🟢🔴
Modèle Playbooks🟢🔴
Traitement des objections🟢🔴

tl;dv offers a comprehensive suite of coaching capabilities not available on Rewatch, including:

  • Playbooks Scorecards: This allows for personalized performance tracking and development. Generate a playbook scorecard against any set of meetings to get detailed insights into sales team performance or even for self-coaching.
  • Custom Playbooks: This lets users build their own playbooks or frameworks of proven  meeting strategies. Whichever playbook you decide to create, you’ll be able to run it against any meeting (or set of meetings) by establishing clear criteria for when it should be used.
  • Modèle Playbooks: These provide popular ready-made frameworks that teams can adapt to their coaching strategies.
    • Produit (entretien de recherche, tests d'utilisation).
    • Projet (planification du sprint, réunion préparatoire, brainstorming, lancement)
    • RH (entretien d'embauche, entretien de sortie, entretien d'entrée).
    • Réussite du client (réunion de rétrospective, analyse des activités, réunions d'accueil des clients, réunions de contrôle des clients, appels de retour d'information).
    • Sales (Demo call, MEDDIC, SPICED, BANT, Discovery call, GPCT, CHAMP, ANUM, BEBEDC, SPIN).
    • Gestion (plan d'amélioration des performances, réunion 1:1, intégration 1:1, examen des performances).
  • Objection Handling: This equips Sales and CS teams with performance scorecards on their objection-handling technique, driving improvement through actionable insights.

Capacités administratives

 tl;dv (8)Rewatch (6)
Enregistrement automatique de toutes les réunions dans le calendrier des membres de l'équipe🟢🟢
Appliquer le partage automatique des réunions enregistrées par les membres de l'équipe🟢🟢
Empêcher la suppression🟢🔴
Droits d'administration sur tous les enregistrements🟢🟢
tl;dv paramètres administratifs
tl;dv paramètres administratifs

Appliquer l'enregistrement automatique de toutes les réunions dans le calendrier des membres de l'équipe

tl;dv empowers admins with the ability to auto-record all meetings directly from their team members’ calendars. This means that an admin can auto record meetings that they aren’t even invited to.

Rewatch users can do something similar, though only within a given channel. Channel administrators can control the record settings of all meetings from that channel, but not outside of it.

Appliquer le partage automatique des réunions enregistrées par les membres de l'équipe

Similarly, tl;dv lets admins auto-share meetings recorded (and owned) by team members. This is a handy feature for managers who need instant access to their team’s meetings.

Rewatch also enables channel administrators to auto-share meetings from that channel with specific people. 

Empêcher la suppression

Admins in tl;dv can prevent their team from deleting meetings. This might not seem overwhelmingly useful at first glance, but it can be huge in maintaining organization within your company. It can prevent malicious actors from deleting incriminating evidence, but it can also ensure managers are getting accurate representations of their team’s overall work. For example, if you’re getting speaker analytics from your sales team, but the sales reps are deleting calls that didn’t go well (either voluntarily or accidentally) then the results will be skewed to reflect that. Preventing deletion is of vital importance for managers.

Rewatch doesn’t offer the ability for admins to prevent team members from deleting call recordings.

Capacités organisationnelles

 tl;dv (12)Rewatch (12)
Espaces de travail d'équipe🟢🟢
Bibliothèque des réunions🟢🟢
Filtres intelligents🟢🟢
Recherche globale🟢🟢
Recherche dans les réunions🟢🟢
tl;dv bibliothèque de réunions avec dossiers et filtres.
tl;dv's smart filters
Rewatch's smart filters
Rewatch's smart filters

Both tl;dv and Rewatch are equally matched here. Both platforms make it easy for you to organize your meetings. Whether you want to keep them in your meetings library or file them into folders, the choice is yours. 

You can search directly within the meeting transcript using either of these tools, and you can also do a global search across all your meetings at once. This is where tags, bookmarks, and keywords come in handy. 

tl;dv and Rewatch both enable you to use smart filters to quickly and easily find what you’re looking for.

Capacités de soutien

 tl;dv (4)Rewatch (3)
Soutien dans le plan gratuit🟢 chat & email🟠 email dans le plan gratuit
Soutien prioritaire🟢 dans le plan Pro🟢 in Team and above

Soutien dans le plan gratuit

tl;dv offers chat and email support for its free users, giving everybody two clear ways to get assistance.

Rewatch only enables email support for free users which can lead to longer wait times.

Soutien prioritaire

tl;dv provides priority support for all paid users, making sure getting help is quick and stress-free.

Rewatch provides a prioritized email for Team subscribers, allowing them to “jump the queue” in support queries. For Enterprise users, businesses get a dedicated rep to maintain relations with and get support from at any time.

Capacités de Revenue Intelligence

 tl;dv (0)Rewatch (0)
Exécution de l'accord🔴🔴

Neither of these two platforms provides any revenue intelligence features, making them subpar choices for teams that are prioritizing revenue intelligence, pipeline management, and deal forecasting.

À qui cela s'adresse-t-il ?

 tl;dv (6)Rewatch (2)
Classement G2🟢 4.7🔴 4.5
Facilité de mise en place🟢 Plan gratuit généreux + Interface utilisateur propre🔴 Adequate free plan, but not currently accepting new sign ups.
Plate-forme localisée🟢 (7 langues)🔴
Qui est le mieux placé pour le faire ?🟢 Ventes aux PME🟢 Ventes aux PME

Both tl;dv and Rewatch are built with SMB Sales teams in mind, though both tools can also work across the board. From Product Design to Customer Success, these two platforms are great for recording, transcribing, and even translating meetings both internally and externally.

However, tl;dv gets a higher rating (from more reviewers) on G2, emphasizing the tool’s ability to go above and beyond what’s expected of an AI meeting assistant. 

Additionally, tl;dv provides a localized platform in 7 different languages. This localized platform doesn’t just translate the text, but considers the culture, market, and user experience in the countries it targets. This makes tl;dv an excellent choice for international teams or multinational enterprises. Rewatch does not have a localized platform for any foreign markets.

Finally, tl;dv has a freemium plan that provides unlimited call recordings, transcriptions, translations, and even a bunch of AI features and limited integrations that you can get started with without spending a penny. This means you can get a real feel for the tool before committing to a purchase. Rewatch also has a free plan available, though it’s rather limited with just 15 transcriptions per month. Rewatch’s free plan does, however, provide access to all its integrations.

The real drawback of Rewatch in terms of setting up right now is that it’s becoming a part of Atlassian. During the takeover, Rewatch is not accepting new sign ups. This brings the ease of setting up to impossible.

Verdict: tl;dv vs Rewatch – Which One Is the Best?

Transcription19 🟢18
Enregistrement20 🟢14
Intelligence conversationnelle14 🟢8
Automatisation et intégrations9 🟢8
Prise de notes12 🟢8
Sécurité19 🟢7
Coaching8 🟢0
Administrateur8 🟢6
Organisationnel12 12
Soutien4 🟢3
Revenue Intelligence00
Autres6 🟢2
Total131 🟢86

While tl;dv wins on paper, it ultimately comes down to your business needs. For example, if you already have a Loom subscription, Rewatch could very well be slotting into that subscription without an additional fee soon (though this is yet to be seen). This type of technicality can create a big difference in how you see the results.

However, if you’re in any way inclined to use your AI meeting assistant to make more sales, then tl;dv is the standout choice here. And it’s not even close. 

Rewatch doesn’t have any sales coaching features, nor multi-meeting intelligence. These two areas are where tl;dv shines as it allows them to stand head and shoulders above the competition.

Its wealth of playbooks are great for sales coaching, whether self-learning or with a dedicated sales coach. The speaker analytics dashboard provides plenty of insights into your team’s sales performance and how to improve it. And the recurring reports feature makes a manager way more efficient.

Additionally, tl;dv’s transcription, recording, and note-taking capabilities all surpass that of Rewatch’s, further emphasized by tl;dv’s higher G2 rating. Having said that, Rewatch provides custom vocabulary which can be vital in certain industries. It’s also already SOC2 compliant whereas tl;dv is still in the process of obtaining certification. 

To summarize, the final thing to consider in this tl;dv vs Rewatch comparison is your specific business needs. And whichever platform you opt to go for, you’re making big strides towards efficiency. Good luck.

tl;dv pour les ventes
Consacrez votre temps à ce qui compte le plus. Découvrez l'intelligence commerciale et vérifiez si votre équipe suit votre Playbooks. tl;dv est un assistant de réunion IA qui vous permet (enfin) d'obtenir des informations sur toutes vos réunions, directement dans les outils préférés de votre équipe.
Enregistrements et transcriptions (+30 langues)
Intégrer facilement de nouveaux représentants
Évaluez vos réunions par rapport à des cadres populaires tels que MEDDIC, BANT, etc.
Créez votre propre cadre
Transférez automatiquement vos notes de réunion vers votre CRM préféré
Les idées des conférenciers pour vous aider à garder le contrôle de vos réunions
  • Participe à vos réunions, même si vous ne le faites pas.
  • Enregistrements et transcriptions en plus de 30 langues.
  • Prend des notes dans la structure qu'il préfère.
  • Résumer une ou plusieurs réunions.
  • Mise à jour automatique de vos outils préférés (Slack, Notion, CRM, etc).
  • Fournit des informations de coaching sur votre style de réunion.
Vous êtes en retard à votre prochaine réunion ?
Envoyez plutôt tl;dv à la place et laissez-vous surprendre !