Gong vs. Chorus.ai: Which Sales Meeting Assistant To Go For?

Gong and Chorus.ai are two of the most notable and expensive sales-focused AI meeting assistants on the market. 

Both sales tools are known for their deep insights and features designed to be sales-first, although the two brand themselves have slightly different offerings. Gong refers to itself as a “Revenue Intelligence” platform, although it primarily focuses on conversation intelligence by analyzing sales interactions in real time and providing actionable insights. Gong also tracks deal progression and highlights risks but doesn’t fully integrate marketing activities yet.

Chorus.ai, on the other hand, remains a “Conversation Intelligence” platform with strong coaching features. It focuses on analyzing calls and offering in-depth coaching for sales teams, which is meant to help identify and define trends. This allows sales teams to refine their messaging and generally improve their performance. The platform’s AI-driven coaching capabilities offer personalized feedback to sales reps, helping them develop their skills and close deals more effectively.

But which tool is the right for your organization. The cost, resources and requirements to implement both tools are considerable, but they state to offer real rewards to those who can use them accurately. In this guide, we will look at each platform and its features and compare the two. From simple tasks such as transcribing calls, recording and general administrative features to the more involved AI-driven insights. We’ll lay out exactly which of the two is “better” and whether that is worth the investment involved. 


Table of Contents


Gong Chorus.ai
Transcription 26 🟢 20
Recording 12 🟢 11
Conversational Intelligence  16 16
Automation & Integrations 10 10
Note-taking 12 12
Security 9 🟢 8
Coaching 8 8
Admin 4 4
Organizational 10 10
Support 2 2
Revenue Intelligence 4 4
Other 5 🟢 3
Total 118 🟢 108

Although we will get into price later on, Chorus is cheaper, which shows in the overall scoring. While it’s not a huge difference, there are around 10 points where Gong pulls ahead out of the two. 

Both have great insight into helping to move deals forward. The tools can dive in, read emails, listen to sales calls, ensure that the cadence is going well, and rescue deals that could be falling away from sales reps. 

However, in the rush to get many lovely features that can do this, there are some slight discrepancies, many of which make them very geared for the US market, but leave certain legal and compliance issues for other parts of the world (namely Europe), open for issues 

Gong wins, but not by much. 


Gong vs Chorus: 12 Factors to consider while choosing the best AI Notetaker for Sales

How do we rank?

  • We give 2 points to a platform once it is the clear winner or when the capability is equally met by the other.
  • We give 1 point when the capability is present, but it’s not a winner.
  • We give 0 points when the capability is not present.

Transcription capabilities

 Gong (26)Chorus (20)
Transcriptions included🟢 Unlimited🟢 Unlimited
Real-time transcriptions🟢 Yes🟢 Yes
Languages supported🟢 70+ languages, with hyper-optimized languages🟠 English, others unclear
Dialects supported🟢 Yes, supports multiple dialects🟠 Unclear
Filler word removal🟢 Yes, measures filler word usage🔴
Speaker recognition🟢🟢
Speaker names🟢🟢
Transcribe video/audio uploads

🟢 Yes 

Export transcripts🟢🟢
Clips from transcript🟢🟢
Custom vocabulary🟢🔴
Full-Transcript search🟢🟢
Edit transcription🟢🟢

Languages Supported

Having access to a range of languages is very important nowadays. Business is rarely local, particularly when it comes to digital, and being able to converse with customers across the globe in many languages is really important. Gong supports transcription in over 70 languages, offering a wide range of options for global teams. This makes it suitable for businesses operating across various regions, although the depth and accuracy of support can vary depending on the language. While its transcription quality is consistently strong in English, the platform may deliver different levels of nuance for other languages, making it important to test performance in key languages your team uses​

Chorus primarily supports transcription in English, with support for other languages somewhat unclear. This narrower focus could be a limitation for organizations that operate in multiple languages or need to cater to non-English-speaking clients. While Chorus.ai may suffice for English-centric teams, tl;dv offers broader accessibility and utility for global teams.

Filler Word Removal

Gong supports filler word removal. This feature allows users to track and reduce filler words in conversations such as “um,” “uh,” and other non-essential verbal cues. Gong uses AI to monitor these filler words, providing insights that help sales reps improve communication and professionalism over time. This capability is part of Gong’s broader conversation analysis tools, allowing teams to refine their messaging based on real-time feedback

Chorus.ai does not have automatic filler word removal, instead focusing on enhancing sales team performance through detailed post-call coaching and feedback. For teams that value streamlined transcripts with minimal manual editing, the lack of filler word removal in Chorus could be a drawback, but overall the AI insights make up for this in terms of overall functionality​

Custom Vocabulary

Many industries rely on highly specialized language, and having a transcription tool with custom vocabulary capabilities is essential for maintaining accuracy and context. Gong offers this feature, allowing users to add industry-specific terms, ensuring that conversations are transcribed precisely. This can be a significant advantage in sectors like pharmaceuticals, where terms related to drug names, clinical trials, and regulations must be accurately captured, or in heavy machinery, where technical jargon and equipment names are crucial for clear communication.

For example, in the pharma industry, drug development teams often discuss complex compound names and regulatory terms that could easily be misinterpreted by generic transcription tools. Similarly, in the heavy machinery sector, discussions around model numbers, engineering specifications, or safety protocols could benefit from custom vocabulary to avoid confusion and maintain the integrity of technical conversations.

By integrating custom vocabulary, Gong ensures that critical terms are understood and transcribed accurately, minimizing the need for manual corrections and improving the overall efficiency of the transcription process. Chorus.ai, however, does not currently offer this capability, which may result in additional post-transcription edits for teams working with specialized terminologies

GONG voice of the customer graphic
Source: Gong
Source: Chorus

Recording capabilities

 Gong (12)Chorus (11)
Video platforms🟢 Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet, Webex, BlueJeans🟢 Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet & Webex
Storage🟢 Unlimited🟠 Cloud-based, details unclear
Records video🟢🟢
Concurrent meetings🔴🔴
Download recordings🟢🟢
Capture slides🟢🟢
Viewing analytics🟢🟢
Custom Bot🔴🔴

Video Platforms

Gong supports an extensive list of widely-used video conferencing platforms, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex, and BlueJeans. This broad compatibility makes it an excellent option for businesses using multiple tools across departments or regions. Chorus.ai covers the essential platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Webex, offering solid functionality but fewer integrations. While both platforms provide essential coverage for most business environments, Gong’s added support for BlueJeans makes it slightly more versatile for companies using niche video platforms.


When it comes to storage, Gong provides unlimited storage, which is invaluable for organizations needing to store large volumes of meeting data without worrying about running out of space. This is particularly helpful for companies that rely on historical data for long-term analytics or training. On the other hand, Chorus.ai offers cloud-based storage, but the specifics regarding capacity and duration are less clear, which may require users to monitor their storage usage more closely or inquire about potential limitations.

Recording Capabilities

Gong and Chorus.ai enable users to record video and audio during meetings, capturing every conversation detail. This functionality allows teams to review interactions anytime, making it useful for sales call analysis, coaching, and performance reviews. The comprehensive recording capabilities ensure that all important content is documented, making post-meeting reviews more efficient.

Concurrent Meetings

Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai currently supports the recording of multiple concurrent meetings. This can be a limitation for larger organizations or teams that frequently have overlapping meetings. Businesses needing to record multiple simultaneous sessions may need to explore alternative solutions or manage their recording schedules accordingly.

Download Recordings

Both platforms allow users to download recordings, providing offline access or external sharing flexibility. This is crucial for organizations that need to share recordings with clients, stakeholders, or team members who might not have access to the platform. It also ensures that important meetings are archived locally, providing an extra layer of security for critical business discussions.

Slide Capture

Gong and Chorus.ai can capture slides shown during meetings, a feature especially useful during presentations or training sessions. This ensures that visual content, which is often integral to the discussion’s context, is preserved alongside the audio and video recordings. Users can easily revisit and review key slides to reinforce learning or review the details of a presentation.


Viewing Analytics

Both platforms provide detailed viewing analytics, offering insights into how recordings are used. These analytics help teams understand which parts of a meeting were revisited most frequently and provide insights into engagement with the content. This can be particularly valuable for sales teams or managers looking to understand which portions of a meeting are most impactful.

Custom Bot

Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai offers a custom bot for branding or note-taking during meetings. This feature, seen in some competing tools, allows companies to personalize their meeting experience or automate note-taking in a branded or customized way, reducing distractions during meetings.

Conversation Intelligence capabilities

Gong (16) Chorus.ai (16)
Single Meeting AI Insights 🟢 🟢
Multi Meeting AI Insights 🟢 🟢
Keyword tracking 🟢 🟢
Sentiment Analysis 🟢 🟢
Key Topic detection 🟢 🟢
Speech Analytics 🟢 🟢
Action item detection 🟢 🟢
Question detection 🟢 🟢

Multi-Meeting AI Insights

Gong and Chorus.ai offer multi-meeting AI insights, allowing users to analyze multiple customer interactions and extract patterns that may not be evident from a single conversation. Gong focuses heavily on sales and helps teams track recurring customer objections, mentions of competitors, and key topics across calls or meetings. These insights can identify trends that may impact a sales deal’s progression, making it easier for teams to take action and adjust strategies across multiple touchpoints.

Similarly, Chorus.ai provides multi-meeting insights tailored to sales, helping managers and reps spot behavioral patterns in customer responses and optimize their messaging. Both platforms aggregate data to provide an overarching view of customer interactions, but due to their sales-focused nature, their applicability to non-sales departments may be limited. For teams outside of sales, these tools may not deliver as much value, especially if access is restricted due to cost or the siloing of insights.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a key feature in both Gong and Chorus.ai, offering a window into customer interactions’ emotional tone and mood. Gong uses AI to detect shifts in customer sentiment during sales calls, providing real-time feedback on how prospects react to pitches, product discussions, or objections. This is invaluable for sales teams to adapt in real-time, ensuring they can adjust their communication strategy to foster better engagement with the customer.

Chorus.ai offers similar functionality, analyzing the emotional cues from customer responses to help sales teams assess how well their messaging is resonating. However, one important consideration is that while both platforms provide detailed sentiment insights, Gong’s sentiment analysis may run into compliance issues with regulations such as the EU AI Act, which places restrictions on AI systems that analyze or influence emotions. This could pose challenges for organizations operating in regions where the Act applies, and teams may need to explore alternative solutions or limit their reliance on this feature.

Keyword Tracking

Gong and Chorus.ai have solid keyword tracking, allowing teams to monitor specific terms and phrases mentioned during customer conversations. In Gong, keyword tracking is especially helpful in identifying recurring topics, competitor mentions, and product features that spark interest or concerns. This can be used to refine sales pitches, understand market positioning, or identify customer pain points.

Similarly, Chorus.ai tracks keywords to provide insights into the most frequently discussed topics during sales calls. Both platforms allow for the tracking of customized keywords relevant to the business, enabling teams to analyze specific conversation elements that are critical for deal progression or customer engagement. However, the sales-centric focus of both tools may make keyword tracking less useful for teams outside of sales​

GONG Call Stats
Source: Gong

Action Item Detection

Action item detection is another important AI-driven feature in Gong and Chorus.ai. It helps automatically identify commitments or tasks that come up during conversations, ensuring that follow-ups are clear and nothing important falls through the cracks. For instance, Gong detects when a customer commits to a next step or requests additional information, helping the sales team keep track of important deadlines or actions needed to move the deal forward.

Chorus.ai provides similar functionality, highlighting action items within conversations to ensure that follow-up tasks are well-defined and assigned. This feature is particularly useful in fast-paced sales environments where multiple calls happen simultaneously, and tracking commitments manually can be challenging. However, like other features, action item detection is predominantly useful for sales teams and may not deliver as much value in other departments​

Chorus.ai's homepage: is it the best meeting recorder?
Source: Chorus

Automation & Integration capabilities

Gong(10) Chorus (10)
CRM Integrations 🟢  Yes, extensive support for Salesforce & Hubspot 🟢 Yes
Email Integrations 🟢 Yes 🟢 Yes
Zapier Integrations 🟢 Yes 🟢 Yes
Post-Meeting summary email 🟢 Yes 🟢 Yes
Schedule Reports 🟢 Yes 🟢 Yes
Source: Gong

CRM Integrations

Both Gong and Chorus.ai offer strong CRM integration capabilities, essential for streamlining sales processes and ensuring that insights from customer conversations are fully captured within the CRM system. Gong integrates extensively with leading CRMs such as Salesforce and HubSpot, allowing seamless data flow between sales conversations and customer management tools. This ensures that all critical data from sales calls—such as action items, key topics, and deal progression—are automatically logged into the CRM, giving teams real-time visibility into customer interactions and deal status.

Similarly, Chorus.ai offers excellent CRM integration, supporting platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics. With these integrations, sales teams can efficiently sync all conversation data, ensuring customer interactions are accurately reflected in the CRM. This real-time integration is invaluable for sales managers looking to manage their pipeline more effectively and forecast outcomes with greater precision

Email Integrations

Each of the tools also integrate with major email platforms, allowing teams to seamlessly link their email communications with CRM systems.

Gong enables users to capture email interactions and sync them with CRM records, ensuring that all correspondence is tracked in one place. This integration helps sales teams manage follow-ups and ensures that communication is not lost between email and customer management platforms.

Similarly, Chorus.ai integrates with popular email platforms, facilitating automatically syncing email data with CRMs. This ensures that all conversations, whether via email or phone, are centralized and easily accessible for review, helping sales teams keep communication consistent and organized across different channels

Zapier Integrations

Zapier integrations are available on both platforms, expanding their flexibility by allowing users to connect with thousands of other apps. With Gong, sales teams can automate workflows by connecting with tools like project management platforms, cloud storage, and other business applications. This allows users to create seamless automation flows—for instance, automatically saving call transcripts to cloud storage or sending key insights to task management tools like Trello or Asana.

Chorus.ai also supports Zapier, allowing teams to connect to over 6,000 apps and automate various tasks, from saving meeting summaries to integrating insights with analytics platforms. These integrations make it easy to enhance productivity by streamlining data transfers between different tools.

Post-Meeting Summary Emails

The ability to generate post-meeting summary emails, ensuring that teams have a clear record of the meeting’s outcomes and next steps. Gong allows these summaries to be automatically sent to participants, capturing action items, key discussion points, and follow-ups. This feature keeps everyone on the same page and ensures nothing important is missed, facilitating smoother transitions between sales meetings and follow-up actions.

Chorus.ai also offers automated post-meeting summaries, which can be integrated with CRM systems to capture all critical information from the conversation. This ensures that sales teams can quickly review what was discussed and move forward with action items without needing to manually sift through the conversation

Scheduled Reports

For ease, Chorus.ai offers a flexible scheduled reporting feature, allowing teams to automate the delivery of key sales performance metrics and insights at regular intervals. With this capability, managers can set up reports that track deal progression, pipeline health, and individual rep performance, ensuring they stay updated without needing manual data pulls. This feature is particularly useful for sales teams that must closely monitor critical metrics and ensure timely follow-ups. These reports can be tailored to specific needs, such as tracking the frequency of customer objections or monitoring key deal stages. The automation provided by Chorus.ai enhances decision-making by keeping vital information flowing consistently.

On the other hand, Gong also provides scheduled reporting, with a focus on automating insights drawn from sales conversations. Gong’s scheduled reports can be triggered by events such as keyword mentions or changes in deal stages, helping sales managers stay informed about potential risks or opportunities without the need to gather data manually. This feature supports a more proactive approach to managing the sales pipeline, as teams can set up regular updates that offer real-time visibility into their deals.


Note-taking capabilities

 Gong (12)Chorus (12)
AI Notes🟢🟢
Manual notes during calls🟢🟢
Tag people in notes🟢🟢
Assign tasks🟢🟢
AI Tags / Bookmarks🟢🟢
Custom Meeting Templates🔴🔴

AI Notes

Gong offers an advanced AI-driven note-taking feature, which automatically captures essential moments and decisions made during sales conversations. This functionality ensures that key points, action items, and customer sentiments are recorded without needing manual input, saving time and reducing the chances of missing important details. Sales teams benefit from this automatic documentation, as it provides a clear and concise summary after each meeting, streamlining follow-ups.

Similarly, Chorus.ai utilizes AI to generate automatic notes that focus on important discussion points such as customer feedback, objections, and decisions made during the call. These AI notes help teams stay aligned and ensure that all follow-ups are clear and actionable.

The ability to rely on AI for note-taking enables sales teams to remain engaged in the conversation without being distracted by manual note-taking.

Manual Notes During Calls

Taking notes manually remains an important capability, and Gong allows users to add detailed, personalized notes during conversations. This flexibility ensures that any insights or nuances not captured by the AI can still be documented, which is particularly helpful for more complex or detailed discussions. Whether it’s specific customer feedback or action items that need more context, manual notes provide a personalized layer of detail.

Chorus.ai also allows users to take manual notes during meetings, providing the same flexibility. Both platforms ensure that conversations are captured comprehensively, blending human input with automated documentation by allowing users to add their thoughts and observations alongside AI-generated content.

Manual notes are especially useful for addressing intricate customer needs or tracking the nuances of more technical discussions that require additional context beyond what AI detects.

Tag People in Notes

Chorus.ai enhances collaboration by allowing users to tag colleagues directly in the meeting notes, ensuring that tasks and follow-ups are assigned to the right team members. This feature helps streamline communication, particularly in larger teams where responsibilities need to be clearly delegated. For example, a sales rep can tag a product specialist to address specific customer queries or escalate technical concerns.

Gong enables users to tag team members in the notes, ensuring that follow-up tasks are communicated quickly and efficiently. This feature not only helps in assigning responsibilities but also improves accountability by making sure everyone knows their next steps following a customer interaction.

The ability to tag colleagues directly in notes ensures that follow-ups are not only documented but also immediately actionable, facilitating smoother cross-team collaboration.

Assign Tasks

Gong allows users to assign tasks directly from meeting notes, ensuring that responsibilities are clear and actionable. Whether it’s a follow-up call or a specific task like sending additional materials, these tasks are clearly linked to the meeting outcomes, minimizing the risk of missed opportunities.

Chorus.ai also allows assigning tasks based on conversation insights, ensuring that all follow-up actions are well-defined and aligned with customer needs. This feature is essential for keeping sales processes organized and ensuring that each team member knows their role in moving deals forward.

By assigning tasks within the note-taking system, both tools help ensure that follow-ups are executed promptly and that responsibilities are clear.

AI Tags / Bookmarks

Gong automatically tags and bookmarks critical moments during meetings using AI, helping users quickly locate key points such as customer objections or important questions. These AI tags make it easier to navigate through long conversations and focus on the sections most relevant to deal progression or customer feedback.

Chorus.ai also includes an AI tagging feature, which flags significant parts of the discussion, like competitor mentions or customer concerns, making it easier for sales teams to revisit those moments during post-call reviews.

AI-driven tagging enhances the efficiency of post-call analysis, allowing users to jump straight to the most impactful moments without combing through entire recordings.

Source: Chorus


Gong and Chorus.ai allow users to add comments to meeting notes, enabling team members to provide additional context or clarifications. This feature fosters better collaboration by allowing users to share their thoughts on the conversation and offer suggestions for the next steps. For example, a sales manager might leave feedback on a specific part of the conversation or suggest adjustments for future meetings. Adding comments allows teams to refine their strategies and improve communication around key points discussed in customer calls.

The commenting feature enhances team collaboration by allowing ongoing discussions and refinements even after the meeting ends.

Custom Meeting Templates

At the moment, neither Gong nor Chorus.ai currently supports custom meeting templates, which could be a limitation for teams looking to standardize their note-taking processes. Custom templates can help ensure that all important aspects of a meeting are consistently captured, but users of these platforms will need to rely on their own note-taking structure or use existing features to capture key moments during calls.

Custom meeting templates could enhance efficiency by providing structured, repeatable formats, but their absence means users must manually ensure consistency in how they document meetings.

Security capabilities

 Gong (8)Chorus (9)
Data retention🟢 3 years by default🟢 Yes, Data retention available
SOC2 Compliant🟢🟢
SAML-based SSO🟢 🟢 
GDPR Compliant🟠 Partial, but compliant with relevant ISO cerficiations🟢 Yes, but with some limitations
EU AI Act Compliant🔴 No, due to sentiment analysis🔴 No, due to sentiment analysis
Uses your data to train AI🟠 Opt-in🟠 Opt-in
Private storage🔴 Not disclosed🔴 Not disclosed
Anonymised sensitive data sent to LLMs🔴 Not disclosed🔴 Not disclosed
Meeting data chunking and randomizing🔴 Not disclosed🔴 Not disclosed
BAA with LLM providers🔴 Not disclosed🔴 Not disclosed
0-day data retention polity with vendors🔴 Not disclosed🔴 Not disclosed

Data Retention

This refers to how long the platform retains meeting and conversation data by default. Gong retains data for up to 3 years, providing ample time for teams to access historical data when needed. Chorus.ai also supports data retention, though specifics on the duration are less clear, offering flexibility for organizations needing long-term access to call data.

SOC 2 Compliant

SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2) compliance indicates that the platform adheres to strict standards for managing customer data to protect privacy and security. Both Gong and Chorus.ai are SOC 2 compliant, ensuring that they meet rigorous standards for data protection, which is essential for companies handling sensitive customer information.

SAML-based SSO

SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) allows users to authenticate securely across multiple applications using one login. Both Gong and Chorus.ai support SAML-based SSO, making it easier for organizations to manage user access while enhancing security across platforms by centralizing authentication.

GDPR Compliant

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures that platforms comply with European data protection laws, particularly when handling personal data. Chorus.ai is GDPR compliant, though it has some limitations in terms of data handling. Gong has partial compliance with GDPR but meets other relevant ISO standards. However, its partial compliance may require additional attention for companies handling EU customers’ data.

EU AI Act Compliant

The EU AI Act regulates the use of AI, especially around emotion and sentiment analysis, which are key components of both platforms. Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai is fully compliant with this act, primarily due to their use of sentiment analysis, which can conflict with the EU’s stringent regulations on AI usage in certain applications.

Uses Your Data to Train AI

Both Gong and Chorus.ai allow customers to opt-in to using their data to help train the platforms’ AI algorithms. This feature can enhance the platform’s accuracy and learning over time but also introduces privacy considerations for users who prefer to limit how their data is utilized.

Private Storage

This refers to whether or not the platform stores user data in private storage environments. Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai discloses detailed information about private storage, leaving some uncertainty about how securely they store sensitive user data.

Anonymized Sensitive Data Sent to LLMs

This describes whether sensitive data is anonymized before being sent to large language models (LLMs) for processing. Gong and Chorus.ai do not currently disclose details regarding the anonymization of sensitive data sent to LLMs, which could be a concern for companies with strict privacy requirements.

Meeting Data Chunking and Randomizing

Chunking and randomizing of meeting data can enhance security by splitting and anonymizing data. Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai have provided disclosures on whether they implement data chunking or randomizing for additional protection of meeting content.

BAA with LLM Providers

A Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with LLM providers would ensure that third-party language model services follow strict guidelines for handling sensitive data. Gong and Chorus.ai have not disclosed whether they have BAAs in place with LLM providers, which may raise questions about data security and privacy when using external AI services.

0-day Data Retention Policy with Vendors

A 0-day data retention policy ensures that vendors do not retain any data beyond the immediate processing needs. Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai have disclosed whether they enforce this policy with third-party vendors, leaving potential gaps in how long external providers hold onto sensitive data.

Coaching capabilities

 Gong (8)Chorus (8)
Playbooks Scorecards🟢🟢
Custom Playbooks🟢🟢
Template Playbooks🟢🟢
Objection Handling🟢🟢
Source: Chorus

Playbooks and Scorecards

Gong offers playbooks and scorecards designed to guide sales reps through best practices and provide a structured framework for success during customer interactions. These tools allow sales managers to create standardized processes for sales teams, helping them stay on message and follow proven strategies. Chorus.ai also provides playbooks and scorecards, which help teams track performance and adherence to sales methodologies. Both platforms give managers the ability to track sales metrics and compare performance against established benchmarks, ensuring consistency in sales approaches.

Custom Playbooks

Customization is key to adapting sales strategies to specific industries or customer needs. Gong enables teams to create custom playbooks, allowing managers to tailor scripts, messaging, and strategies to suit unique sales processes. This flexibility is particularly useful for businesses that need to adjust their sales tactics depending on product type or customer demographics. Chorus.ai also supports custom playbooks, giving sales teams the freedom to design workflows that align with their specific goals. This feature helps sales teams ensure their conversations remain relevant and effective across various customer segments.

Template Playbooks

For teams that prefer to use tried-and-tested methods, template playbooks are available on both platforms. Gong provides a library of template playbooks, helping new sales reps get up to speed quickly by using pre-built frameworks that follow industry best practices. These templates cover common sales scenarios, from initial outreach to closing deals. Chorus.ai offers a similar feature, with template playbooks designed to streamline the onboarding process for sales reps. By leveraging these templates, teams can ensure that they are using battle-tested strategies from the start, improving their chances of success in customer interactions.

Objection Handling

Handling objections effectively is a critical aspect of closing sales, and both Gong and Chorus.ai do well in this area. Gong uses AI-driven insights to provide real-time guidance during conversations, helping sales reps address customer objections with data-backed responses. By tracking common objections and offering recommended responses, Gong enables sales teams to refine their messaging and respond more confidently in challenging situations. Chorus.ai also focuses heavily on objection handling, offering real-time prompts that help reps navigate difficult conversations. Chorus analyzes past sales interactions to identify common objections and provides actionable insights to help sales reps overcome them, making it an invaluable tool for improving close rates.

Admin Capabilities

 Gong (4)Chorus (4)
Apply auto-record of all meetings in the team members’ calendar🟢🟢
Apply auto-share of meetings recorded by team members🟢🟢
Prevent Deletion🔴 Not available🔴 Not available
Admin rights over all recordings🔴 Limited 

Auto-Recording of Meetings

For teams that depend on complete documentation of customer interactions, the ability to automatically record all meetings is critical. Gong offers an auto-recording feature that automatically captures all meetings scheduled in team members’ calendars. This function helps maintain a complete record of customer engagements without requiring manual action from individual users. Chorus.ai offers the same capability, ensuring that important conversations are consistently recorded. This feature is particularly useful for tracking sales performance, reviewing calls, and analyzing customer interactions over time, eliminating the risk of missed recordings.

Auto-Sharing of Recorded Meetings

Gong also provides an auto-share feature that enhances team collaboration by making recorded meetings immediately available to the entire team. Once a meeting is recorded, it’s automatically shared with relevant team members, enabling managers and leaders to review conversations and provide feedback without needing to request access. Chorus.ai offers a similar auto-sharing function, streamlining post-meeting processes and ensuring that key insights from customer interactions are shared across the team for alignment and timely follow-ups.

Prevent Deletion

The prevent deletion feature may not be explicitly available in either Gong or Chorus.ai, but this could be due to how these platforms integrate into the broader digital ecosystem. In many cases, recordings are so tightly woven into CRMs or other systems that individual sales reps may not be able to delete them at their level. While it may seem like a limitation, this integration could inherently prevent unauthorized deletion, making it less risky. Companies needing strict control over data retention should consider discussing specific setups with their platform providers to ensure compliance with internal policies.

Admin Rights Over All Recordings

Regarding admin rights over recordings, Gong provides limited control, allowing admins to manage many aspects of the recordings but not giving them full oversight of all meeting content. Chorus.ai offers similar restrictions, giving admins some control but not complete access to every recorded interaction. This could concern businesses that require comprehensive administrative control over meeting content for compliance, quality assurance, or security reasons. Both platforms allow for management of key functions but may not grant the full level of access that certain organizations demand for stricter oversight.

Organizational Capabilities

 Gong (10)Chorus (10)
Meetings Library🟢🟢
Smart Filters🟢🟢
Global Search🟢🟢
Search within meetings🟢🟢

Meetings Library

Both tools provide users with a meetings library, where all recorded conversations are stored and organized for easy access. This central repository allows teams to search for, review, and analyze past meetings whenever needed. By storing all recorded calls in one location, teams can efficiently track customer interactions and sales performance and review conversations to ensure alignment on key deals. Whether it’s for training, performance analysis, or customer follow-up, the meeting library is a valuable tool for sales organizations to retain institutional knowledge.

Smart Filters

Smart filters in both platforms enable users to sort and refine their search results based on specific criteria. Gong offers smart filters that allow teams to quickly narrow down meetings by keywords, participants, time periods, or customer stages. This helps sales reps and managers focus on the most relevant calls without sifting through large volumes of recordings. Similarly, Chorus.ai provides smart filters that let teams categorize and prioritize conversations based on custom fields such as deal stage, engagement level, or call type. These filters enhance workflow efficiency, making it easier to retrieve important information.

Global Search

The global search function in Gong enables users to search across all stored meetings, transcripts, and notes, ensuring that no detail is missed. Sales reps can easily locate specific conversations or references, whether they’re looking for customer feedback, competitor mentions, or specific objections raised during calls. Chorus.ai also offers global search, allowing users to find keywords or phrases across all recorded calls. This capability streamlines the process of retrieving vital information from past meetings, enabling teams to be more strategic in their follow-ups and decision-making.

Search Within Meetings

Both platforms allow users to search within individual meetings, making pinpointing specific moments or key insights from a single conversation easy. In Gong, this feature is particularly helpful for quickly finding parts of a call that cover important discussion points, such as customer objections or deal-closing moments. Chorus.ai offers similar functionality, enabling users to search the content of each recorded meeting to locate specific topics or phrases. This granular search capability saves time and ensures that team members can jump to the most relevant parts of a conversation without rewatching the entire meeting.


Both Gong and Chorus.ai support the creation of folders to further organize recorded calls and meetings. This feature allows users to group conversations by customer, deal stage, team, or any other custom category. By organizing meetings into folders, sales teams can manage their content more effectively, ensuring that related meetings are easy to find and review. This capability is particularly useful for large teams or organizations handling multiple deals simultaneously, as it simplifies content management and retrieval.

Support Capabilities

 Gong (2)Chorus (2)
Support in Free Plan🔴 Not applicable🔴 Not applicable
Priority Support🟢 Yes🟢 Yes

Support in Free Plan

Neither Gong nor Chorus.ai offers support under a free plan, as both platforms are primarily geared toward paid enterprise solutions. This means that there isn’t an accessible free-tier option with dedicated support for teams to utilize during trial periods or early-stage adoption. Organizations will need to opt for a paid plan to access support features.

Since Gong and Chorus.ai focus heavily on enterprise customers, the absence of support in a free plan reflects their target market of established sales teams that typically invest in a comprehensive toolset right from the start.

Priority Support

Both Gong and Chorus.ai offer priority support as part of their paid plans. With Gong, users can expect priority assistance for troubleshooting, technical issues, and account-related queries. This ensures that any challenges are resolved quickly, which is vital for sales teams that rely on uninterrupted access to the platform. Similarly, Chorus.ai provides priority support to its customers, ensuring fast responses and issue resolution to keep teams running smoothly. This high-level support is crucial for large organizations where downtime or technical issues could negatively impact sales operations.

Revenue Intelligence Capabilities

 Gong (4)Chorus (4)
Deal execution🟢🟢


Gong offers advanced forecasting capabilities, allowing sales teams to predict revenue outcomes based on real-time data gathered from sales calls and customer interactions. Gong uses AI-driven insights to analyze deal progression, customer engagement, and sales rep activity to provide highly accurate sales forecasts. These insights help sales leaders make informed decisions about future revenue and ensure they stay on track to meet their targets. Chorus.ai also provides detailed forecasting tools, which track deal health and sales trends. With CRM integration, Chorus enables sales managers to predict revenue with real-time updates from customer interactions, offering a clear picture of how deals are progressing and where attention is needed to close them.

Both platforms help businesses move beyond traditional forecasting methods by using customer interaction data to create more reliable and actionable predictions.

Deal Execution

Gong supports deal execution by offering real-time insights into ongoing deals, allowing sales reps and managers to understand the key factors influencing a deal’s success. This includes identifying at-risk deals, monitoring customer sentiment, and tracking important milestones in the sales process. Gong’s AI analyzes every customer interaction to ensure teams are equipped with actionable insights to close deals more effectively. Chorus.ai also enhances deal execution, providing detailed analytics of sales conversations progress. By tracking customer objections, engagement levels, and next steps, Chorus.ai helps sales reps stay on top of their pipeline and take immediate action to keep deals moving forward.

Both platforms help sales teams execute deals more efficiently by providing them with the data needed to address challenges, close gaps, and ensure smooth deal progression.

Who is it for?

 Gong (5)Chorus (3)
G2 Rating🟢 4.7🟠 4.5
Ease of set up🟠 Requires setup and is technically demanding🟠 Requires setup and integration across a number of systems
Localised platform🟢 70+ languages supported🟠 Limited localization
Best suited for whomEnterprise-level sales teams Medium to Enterprise-level sales teams

G2 Rating

Gong holds a higher G2 rating of 4.7, reflecting positive user feedback across various factors such as functionality, customer support, and overall user satisfaction. Its AI-driven insights and integration with popular CRM platforms make it highly regarded in the sales technology space. Chorus.ai, while still receiving a strong rating of 4.5, Chorus.ai falls slightly behind in user feedback, though it remains a well-regarded tool within the sales community. The slight difference in ratings could reflect user preferences for Gong’s broader AI capabilities and integrations.

Ease Of Setup

Both Gong and Chorus.ai require setup that involves integrating the platform with existing CRM systems and other sales tools. However, Gong can be more technically demanding due to its advanced features, requiring time and resources for optimal setup. Teams may need technical support to integrate it effectively into their workflows. Chorus.ai also requires integration across several systems, but it is generally considered comparable to Gong in terms of setup complexity. Sales teams should be prepared to invest time in configuring the platforms to fit their specific needs.

Localized Platform

When it comes to localization, Gong stands out by supporting over 70 languages, making it ideal for global teams that operate across different regions. This extensive language support allows sales teams to analyze and transcribe conversations in multiple languages, ensuring consistent insights across international markets. Chorus.ai, on the other hand, has more limited localization capabilities, which may make it less suitable for teams that require extensive multilingual support. This could be a deciding factor for businesses with a global presence.

Best Suited For

Gong is best suited for enterprise-level sales teams that need a highly detailed, data-driven approach to managing sales processes. Its comprehensive AI insights and advanced features cater to large organizations looking for sophisticated tools to enhance their sales performance. Chorus.ai is well-suited for medium to enterprise-level sales teams, offering strong functionality without the extensive complexity of Gong. While it also delivers valuable insights, its appeal lies in its balance of chunky sales features and simpler user interfaces, making it a good fit for teams looking for powerful but accessible solutions.

How Much Does Chorus.ai Cost?

Determining the exact cost of Chorus.ai can be tricky since the pricing details aren’t readily available on their website. Instead, potential customers are encouraged to request a demo, which often signals a higher price point.

Based on available information from multiple sources, Chorus.ai’s pricing structure appears to vary depending on several factors, including the specific features chosen, the number of users, and the length of the contract. Generally, the starting price is estimated to be around $8,000 per year for three users, with an additional cost of $1,200 annually for each extra user.

Contracts are commonly set for two years, though this can be negotiated depending on the company’s needs. Larger organizations or those requiring advanced features can work with the sales team to get a tailored pricing plan.

Although detailed pricing isn’t publicly listed, it’s important to note that Chorus.ai typically requires a direct consultation to provide a personalized quote, and the platform does not offer a free trial.

Estimated cost for a business requiring 15 licenses: approximately $22,000 per year.

How Much Does Gong Cost?

Like Chorus.ai, Gong doesn’t publicly list detailed pricing on its website, instead encouraging potential customers to request a demo for a tailored quote. Pricing for Gong generally includes two components: per-user licensing and a platform fee.

For smaller teams (3-49 users), Gong’s per-user pricing starts around $1,600 per user annually. Discounts apply to larger teams, but for a team of 15 users, the cost would remain at approximately $1,600 per user.

In addition to the user licensing, Gong also charges a platform fee, typically starting at around $5,000 annually for smaller teams. This fee covers the infrastructure, data storage, CRM integration, and ongoing system updates​.

Estimated Pricing for 15 Users:

  • Per-User Cost: $1,600 x 15 users = $24,000 annually.
  • Platform Fee: $5,000 annually.

Total Estimated Annual Cost $29,000.

This is a rough estimate and the actual cost may vary depending on the features, contract length, and any customizations required. For more information take a look at our article on the subject of Gong’s pricing.

Verdict: Gong vs Chorus – which one is the best?

Transcription26 🟢20
Recording12 🟢11
Conversational Intelligence 1616
Automation & Integrations1010
Security9 🟢8
Revenue Intelligence44
Other5 🟢3
Total118 🟢108

When comparing Gong and Chorus.ai, it’s clear that while both platforms cater to sales teams, the choice between them depends on specific business requirements and priorities.

Gong consistently scores higher in areas like AI-driven insights, forecasting, and global reach, making it a standout tool for enterprise-level sales teams. It is really good at capturing detailed, data-driven insights from customer interactions, supporting over 70 languages, and offering a comprehensive solution for teams working across global markets. The platform is highly suitable for larger businesses that prioritize advanced sales analytics, revenue intelligence, and deal execution capabilities. Gong also shines in areas such as custom playbooks and AI-based objection handling, providing real-time feedback and guidance that helps sales reps refine their approach during live calls.

Chorus.ai, while slightly behind in overall capabilities, remains a strong contender in areas crucial for sales-focused teams. It offers great CRM integration, especially with platforms like Salesforce, and provides deep insights into sales conversations, tracking metrics such as talk time, sentiment analysis, and engagement. Chorus is particularly strong in delivering AI-driven coaching, with features that help sales managers monitor and optimize rep performance in real-time. Objection handling is another key feature where Chorus provides value, giving sales teams the tools to navigate difficult conversations and close more deals.

However, Gong has an edge in revenue intelligence capabilities, especially with its forecasting tools that allow sales leaders to predict outcomes based on real-time data, making it an invaluable asset for organizations that want to proactively manage their sales pipeline. In contrast, Chorus.ai offers similar insights but may lack some of the advanced AI forecasting features that Gong provides.

Overall, Gong is better suited for large, global enterprises looking for a powerful sales intelligence platform that integrates deeply with multiple tools and offers language support across a wide range of regions. Its sophisticated features make it ideal for businesses that need to track sales performance at a granular level. Chorus.ai is a great choice for medium to large businesses that prioritize sales analytics and CRM integration but may not need the extensive global capabilities or advanced revenue intelligence features that Gong offers. Both platforms provide strong support for sales performance, but Gong stands out for enterprises looking for a more comprehensive, data-rich solution.

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