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Attention Alternatives

Attention.com Alternatives & Review: Are There Better Options?

Attention.com has been earning its name recently, gaining traction as one of the best AI meeting assistants for sales teams. But are there better options? That’s for you to decide. 

We’ll present the best Attention alternatives and give a detailed review of Attention and its features. At the end, you’ll be able to analyze whether your business needs are compatible with any of the Attention competitors. 

The answer, ultimately, will be different for everyone. But let’s get started with a comprehensive Attention review. What makes it stand out?


Attention Review: What are the Advantages of Using Attention.com?

Attention.com homepage

Attention is an AI meeting assistant that’s designed to save your sales team time and energy in meetings. Here are some of its most powerful features:

1-Click CRM Updates

One of the immediate draws of Attention is that it claims to save more than 50% of a sales rep’s time, letting them save their energy for what they do best: selling. It does this by enabling 1-click CRM updates. This means sales managers will never have to chase reps around to remind them to fill out their CRM. It’s all taken care of automatically.

The way this works is Attention’s AI takes notes on the reps’ behalf, letting them focus on the conversation at hand. At the end, the rep can ask the AI to “analyze” the transcript and answer preset questions – these questions correspond to fields in your CRM of choice, and you even get a dropdown menu to choose which CRM system you want to fill out. Then, through native integrations, the data inputted by Attention’s AI is instantly and automatically synced with your CRM. Simple!

Follow-Up Emails

Another time-saving feature of Attention is that it can send follow-up emails in under 60 seconds. This generated email uses the prospect’s own words and catches them when they’re most likely to respond. 

Call recordings can also be used to master the sales follow up call. You can refresh your mind with key information and bring up personal talking points from the original call to make the prospect feel respected and remembered.

영업 코칭

Attention offers real-time objection handling advice for sales reps, helping them out mid-call with battlecards and other signals. It also provides sales playbooks for your team to follow and rate themselves against. These include popular frameworks like MEDDIC.

If you’d rather have the freedom to create your own sales playbook, you’re in luck. Attention gives you the flexibility to create your own custom playbook and monitor your sales reps against it. It’s great for sales training but it’s also an incredibly useful tool for self-learning.


Attention integrates with over 100 work apps so you can connect your AI meeting assistant seamlessly with your other work tools! Firstly, it works with Zoom, MS Teams, and Google Meet to record and transcribe video calls. It also integrates with Hubspot, Salesforce and other CRMs for 1-click updates. Even better, it has an integration with Zapier so you can use zaps to connect with even more third parties. 

Sales Analytics

With Attention, you can track your sales reps where it counts. Use smart trackers to review performance metrics and start A/B testing to figure out the best sales method for you. 

멀티 미팅 인텔리전스

You can ask Attention’s AI anything and it will analyze all your team’s calls to find you the result. For example, if you ask it why you’re losing customers to competitors, it will scan all your calls and provide you with direct timestamps to exact moments from specific calls where insights occur that answer your question.

What are the Disadvantages of Attention.com?

Just from this Attention.com review, you can see that it has a lot going for it. But it’s not perfect. What are some of the drawbacks of using such a platform?

Hidden Pricing

One hurdle you’ll have to overcome if you want to sign up to Attention is that the pricing is hidden behind a sales call. You can only sign up with your work email, meaning that Attention is very much not for personal use. This type of AI sales software is typically targeted at large enterprises with big budgets. 

No Free Plan

What makes the lack of visible pricing worse is that there’s no free plan. You can view several landing pages and then you’re directed to schedule a sales call to discuss more in-depth, but nowhere are you able to actually try out the tool for yourself. 

This is a massive drawback, especially for a new tool that only has 15 reviews on G2, despite them advertising the high rating all over their website.


Attention.com can be a little too niche for many users. Sales teams might benefit from using it, but if you want an AI meeting assistant that you can use across your entire company, Attention.com isn’t it. It would be awkward, expensive, and clunky if your business had to purchase two subscriptions to separate AI meeting assistants so you could get the sales benefits of Attention and also another more general one to provide insights for internal calls, or customer support queries.

What would be much easier is choosing one of the Attention.com alternatives that is more versatile.

No Feature List

It’s difficult to know exactly what Attention offers. While the website shows several key features, you don’t get a all-inclusive list to browse, you can’t try it out because there’s no free plan, and you won’t be able to find out more information until you agree to a sales call and subject yourself to constant upselling, cross-selling, and everything in between.

In short, you don’t really know what you’re getting yourself into until you’re already in it. The lack of clarity can be frustrating for teams that want to assess and compare before committing to anything.

The 5 Best Attention Alternatives

While you may not be able to take a deep dive into Attention, you can definitely take a deep dive into its competitors. We’ve actually done it for you. Here are the five best Attention alternatives that might just be better for your business.

1. tl;dv

tl;dv, which stands for “too long; didn’t view”, is one of the best Attention.com alternatives.

For starters, it has the sales push without being the only thing in its arsenal. In other words, tl;dv has sales coaching, speaker analytics, objection handling tips, and sales playbooks, but it can also be used by HR for hiring, Product Development, Customer Success, internal calls, and even UX Research. Basically, it’s got the style and the substance to work across your entire organization.

tl;dv also comes with a phenomenal free plan so you can literally get started today. It’s not some little tester either, but a premium free plan that provides unlimited call recordings, transcriptions, translations, and AI moment summaries. It also gives you limited access to additional AI features and a few basic integrations.

When you commit to a paid subscription – the features of which are very clearly outlined and start at $18 per month – you unlock 5,000+ integrations, unlimited AI usage, and cutting edge sales coaching features like playbooks, scorecards, and objection handling tips.

Additionally, tl;dv offers a similar multi-meeting intelligence to Attention, only tl;dv allows you to schedule recurring AI reports too. Where Attention lets you ask the AI anything and it’ll scan all your meetings, tl;dv takes things a giant step further.

Imagine you’re a sales manager and you want regular reports on your sales team’s performance. Sound familiar? With tl;dv, you can set up a recurring report so that the AI will automatically assess a batch of meetings (defined by filtered criteria) and provide you with regular insights however frequently you desire. This could be an email every Monday about the previous week’s sales calls, and more specifically, about how your reps handled objections regarding the price of your product or service.

These AI reports aren’t sales-specific either. A customer success manager could schedule biweekly reports of their team’s support calls and filter them for mentions of a competitor. It’s a seamless way to automate hours of work into a simple summary, complete with timestamps so you can jump to and from meetings that talk about your chosen topic.

80% of retail leaders expect to adopt intelligent automation by 2025. With tl;dv, you’re ahead of the curve.

As for sales coaching, tl;dv is in a similar position as Attention. Its speaker analytics dashboard shows you a whole range of statistics, from monologue length to the amount of filler words used, the number of questions asked to the rep’s talk-to-listen ratio. It’s also here where you can monitor if your sales reps have stuck to the playbooks you’re working from.

Like Attention, tl;dv offers you a wide selection, including MEDDIC, BANT, and SPIN. However, it also gives you the opportunity to edit them or create your own custom playbook. Unlike Attention, tl;dv also provides users with playbooks from other fields, including HR, CS, and Product.

As with Attention’s most gripping feature, tl;dv enables you to set up meeting note templates to map each section to your CRM fields. When you export the transcript, it’ll fit straight into your CRM seamlessly. You can also take this a step further by filtering which meetings will use which of your templates. By arranging all this beforehand, it makes the actual note-taking process as smooth as can be.

tl;dv 장점

  • 무료 AI 통합: tl;dv는 최고 수준의 AI를 활용하여 요약, 메모, 자동 화자 감지 기능을 제공합니다.
  • 무료 및 즉시 번역: tl;dv의 번역은 Zoom, MS Teams 및 Google Meet 에서 40개 이상의 언어로 제공됩니다. 또한 7개 언어로 현지화된 플랫폼을 갖추고 있어 다국적 팀에게 탁월한 선택입니다.
  • 놀라운 무료 플랜: Zoom , MS Teams 및 Google Meet 통화의 무제한 무료 동영상 녹화 및 녹취.
  • 간편한 사용: tl;dv의 세련된 디자인으로 초보자부터 전문가까지 누구나 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 다중 미팅 인텔리전스. 반복 보고서를 예약하면 여러 회의에서 얻은 인사이트를 한 번에 받은 편지함으로 바로 전달받을 수 있습니다.
  • 영업 코칭. 영업 통화에서 얻은 인사이트를 활용하여 영업팀을 업그레이드하세요. 이의 제기 처리를 개선하고 템플릿 또는 사용자 지정 playbooks 을 사용하여 코칭 전략을 맞춤화하세요.
  • 타임스탬프 및 태그 기능: 미팅 하이라이트에 타임스탬프를 찍어 통화 중 특정 순간으로 빠르게 돌아갈 수 있습니다. 또한 특정 미팅 순간에 동료에게 태그를 지정하여 받은 편지함으로 바로 연결되는 링크가 포함된 이메일을 받을 수 있는 기능도 있습니다.
  • 5,000개 이상의 통합: 타임스탬프와 미팅 클립을 Notion, Slack, HubSpot, Salesforce, 그리고 5,000개 이상에 직접 푸시하세요.
  • 사용자 지정 회의 템플릿. AI가 원하는 대로 정확하게 메모할 수 있도록 회의 템플릿을 만들고 편집하세요. 채우고 싶은 CRM 필드가 있는 템플릿을 만들어 원하는 CRM과 직접 동기화하세요.
  • 클립 및 하이라이트 만들기: 라이브러리를 스캔하고 클립과 하이라이트 릴을 만들어 인사이트를 압축하세요.
  • 직관적인 라이브러리: 회의 라이브러리에서 녹취록의 키워드를 검색하여 원하는 내용을 빠르게 찾을 수 있습니다.
  • 동시 회의. tl;dv의 AI는 여러 회의를 동시에 녹화하고 필사할 수 있어 예약이 두 번(또는 세 번 이상) 있는 경우 더욱 편리하게 사용할 수 있습니다.

tl;dv 단점

  • 호환성: Webex 또는 BlueJeans에서는 아직 사용할 수 없습니다.
  • No Revenue Intelligence. While tl;dv provides ample sales coaching features, it doesn’t have any revenue intelligence features yet.

가격 책정

tl;dv’s free plan is a godsend when you consider Attention doesn’t offer one at all. It lets you play with the vast majority of features without any strings attached. Plus, depending on which region of the world you’re in, you can get up to a 40% discount on the paid plans!

무료 요금제 기능
  • 무제한 동영상 녹화 및 녹취록.
  • Google Meet, Zoom 및 MS Teams 통화를 녹음합니다.
  • 40개 이상의 언어로 전사
  • 무제한 AI 순간 요약
  • 10배 AI 회의 노트
  • 10배 Ask tl;dv AI
  • 10배 더 많은 AI 멀티미팅 보고서 
  • Slack, 이메일 및 캘린더 통합
  • 타임스탬프 및 하이라이트 설정
  • 클립 만들기 및 공유
  • 자동 화자 인식
  • 월 3회 업로드

TL;DV의 유료 구독을 통해 5,000개 이상의 통합 기능, 영업 코칭 playbooks, 무제한 멀티 미팅 인텔리전스, 반복 보고서, 분석, 다운로드 가능한 녹화, 사용자 지정 가능한 공유 설정, 우선 순위 고객 지원 등 다양한 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.

자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

tl;dv vs Attention

The sheer fact that you can get started with tl;dv today is enough of a reason to give it a try ahead of Attention. Attention is by no means a weak tool, but tl;dv offers all the snazzy sales features that Attention does, plus recurring reports, and it actually has its pricing clearly available.

On top of that, it’s versatile and can be used by your entire organization. Every department can benefit from tl;dv without taking away from its sales offerings. For that reason, it’s arguably the best Attention.com alternative on the market right now.

2. Gong

Gong의 홈페이지

Gong is an enterprise-scale sales platform that transforms revenue growth through meeting intelligence. It’s quite possibly Attention.com’s biggest competitor in the sales-specific niche of enterprise-ready AI meeting assistants. However, if for some bizarre reason you have a subscription to both platforms, you can import Gong calls to Attention. It’s not entirely clear why you would want to do that as Gong is more than capable of analyzing the call itself, but there is a direct integration between the two. Make of that what you will.

Gong, in many ways, suffers from the same flaws of Attention.com. It’s sales only, so the rest of your organization will have to find another meeting assistant. It also doesn’t have a free plan (but at least it’s well-known as a groundbreaking industry leader). Finally, Gong also requires you to jump on a sales call before you get to see anything about price, though it’s thought to cost in the region of $1,200 – $1,600 per user per year.

Having said all that, there’s a reason why Gong is so universally loved, despite its high cost. That’s because it’s rammed full of features that light sales teams up and take them to the next level. If you’re looking for an Attention alternative specifically for sales and revenue, Gong could well be your best contender.

Gong’s super-charged AI analytics aids sales reps in improving their skills, identifying high-potential leads, and elevating overall sales performance. It comes with all the features you’d expect from an industry giant, from multi-meeting intelligence to top-tier integrations. It has live battlecards for improving sales calls and an extensive revenue intelligence dashboard that can be used to tinker with your sales funnel and get each deal moving further along.

Gong 장점

  • 통합. Gong 워크스페이스를 원활하게 연결할 수 있는 수백 가지의 통합 기능이 있습니다.
  • Revenue Intelligence. Gong’s state-of-the-art revenue intelligence allows you to forecast sales and help with deal execution.
  • 영업 코칭. Gong 에서 맞춤형 playbooks, 스코어카드, 템플릿 및 이의 제기 처리 교육을 제공합니다.
  • 감정 분석. Gong의 AI가 고객 정서를 분석하여 거래 성사에 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
  • Multi-Meeting Intelligence. Gong’s AI can analyze and interpret data from multiple meetings at once, providing you with optimal feedback across entire groups of meetings.

Gong 단점

  • 값비싼. Gong 가격은 엄청나게 비싼 것으로 악명 높다.
  • 판매에 집중하세요. 극대화하지 않을 경우 Gong '의 판매 특징을 알아보려면 다른 곳을 가는 게 낫습니다.
  • 장황한 온보딩. 액세스하려면 Gong , 당신은 많은 난관을 극복해야 합니다.
  • 방해가 되는 추천. 일부 리뷰어는 영업 피치를 개선하는 방법에 대한 Gong의 권장 사항이 귀찮고 원치 않을 수 있다고 제안합니다.

Gong 가격 책정

To find out Gong’s official pricing, you’ll need to hop on a sales call with one of their reps. Like Attention, it’s an irritating obstacle that stops you from getting started, but it’s also done to warn off those that aren’t serious. Gong is for enterprises so expect to be paying the big bucks.

It’s been reported that some plans cost as much as $1,600 per user annually, for a maximum of 49 users. That means if your team has 49 members, you’ll be paying $78,400 before you’ve even made a single sale. If those numbers make your skin crawl, you might want to look at one of the other Attention alternatives instead.

Gong vs Attention

Gong and Attention both target similar markets. They’re both designed with enterprise-scale sales teams in mind. Gong has been around a lot longer, racking up an impressive 4.7/5 on G2 from almost 6,000 reviews! Attention, on the other hand, has just 15 reviews. For a large company wanting to improve their sales team performance, Gong certainly holds the upper hand due to its longevity and widespread popularity.

Additionally, Gong is a more polished tool. It has more advanced revenue intelligence features that help revenue teams prioritize their most valuable deals, forecast sales more accurately, and close sales with more success.

Gong may be pricier than Attention, but without being able to see Attention’s pricing, it’s difficult to truly say. What we can say is that Gong has walked the walk, whereas Attention is yet to prove itself on the same scale.

3. Avoma

Avoma 홈페이지.

Avoma is like a mix between tl;dv and Gong. It meets you somewhere in the middle; more affordable than Gong but pricier than tl;dv. It has basic revenue intelligence features, like Gong, but it has a free plan and clear pricing structure, like tl;dv.

In short, if you loved what tl;dv had to offer and the fact it had a free plan to try it out, but you were craving something with revenue intelligence features, Avoma might be in the Goldilocks zone.

As a sales-focused AI meeting assistant, Avoma helps you manage the entire customer lifecycle. You can prepare for meetings with ease, take notes automatically, and gather top insights in mere moments post-call.

Another thing that sets Avoma apart is that it’s available for multiple video conferencing platforms. While Attention (and tl;dv) works with the three main ones: MS Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet; Avoma is compatible with these and more, including UberConference, BlueJeans, and GoToMeeting. 

There are downsides to choosing Avoma as your Attention.com alternative however. Besides the video conferencing platforms, Avoma struggles when it comes to integrations. It doesn’t even integrate with Zapier so you can’t use a third party to connect your work tools. This is a fatal flaw for sales and revenue teams that need to pull data from all sorts of different places. Avoma’s lack of integrations means that you’ll have to manually transfer data between your tools. With 88% of small business owners saying that automation enables competition with larger companies, Avoma is really missing the boat with this!

The other drawback is that while it offers translations in 30+ languages, it doesn’t have a localized platform in anything other than English. This makes it a much weaker offering for multinational teams. 

Avoma 장점

  • 호환성. Google Meet , Zoom, Microsoft Teams, 블루진, 우버컨퍼런스, 고투미팅 등에서 사용 가능...
  • 영업코칭. 개인화된 인사이트에서 도출된 영업 코칭을 제공합니다.
  • 수익 인텔리전스. 거래를 예측하여 판매 파이프라인을 더 잘 계획하세요. Avoma 의 AI입니다.
  • 협업. 여러 사람이 실시간으로 노트를 편집할 수 있는 협업 도구입니다.
  • 검색하기 쉽습니다. 모든 회의에서 검색 가능한 데이터베이스.
  • 무료 요금제. 표준 무료 요금제.

Avoma 단점

  • 통합. Zapier 통합, 이메일 통합이 없으며 CRM 통합은 월 $49의 비용이 듭니다.
  • 언어 지원. 영어를 사용하지 않는 사용자를 위한 지역화된 플랫폼은 없습니다.
  • 고객 지원. 무료 플랜에는 고객 지원이 없으며, Business 및 Enterprise 플랜까지는 제한적인 지원만 제공됩니다.

가격 책정

Avoma의 스타터 플랜은 사용자당 월 $19부터 시작하며 월 2,400분만 트랜스크립션을 제공합니다. 비교를 위해 tl;dv는 이 기능을 무료로 제공합니다.

플러스 요금제는 월 49달러로 인상되며, 월 19달러에 더 많은 기능을 제공하는 CRM 통합과 무제한 녹취록(tl;dv에서 무료로 제공하는)을 이용할 수 있습니다.

Avoma의 비즈니스 플랜은 월 79달러로 AI 스코어카드와 고급 대화 및 매출 인텔리전스를 이용할 수 있습니다. 

Avoma 월 $129의 엔터프라이즈 요금제도 있습니다.

무료 요금제 기능
  • 녹음 및 트랜스크립션(월 300분)
  • 제한된 AI 생성 노트
  • 협업 노트 필기
  • 의제 준비
  • 무제한 1:1 스케줄러

Avoma also provides a 14-day free trial for any of its plans so you’re free to test out its advanced features over any 2-week period. 

Avoma vs Attention

Avoma’s free plan may not be anything groundbreaking, but at least it lets you try out the tool free of charge. It doesn’t force you to jump through hoops to sign up, so you can get started a lot faster than with Attention. Avoma’s 14-day free trial is another excellent way it lets you try before you buy.

Avoma’s sales coaching features are on a par with Attention’s, but it provides a revenue intelligence dashboard so that your team can more accurately forecast deals and plan your sales pipeline better. This is something where Attention falls short.

Another win for Avoma comes in the fact that its pricing is clearly shared and easy to find. This allows you to assess the value of the tool before jumping through hoops. While Avoma is on the pricey side when considering its value compared to something like tl;dv, it’s still clearer and more open than Attention.

4. Modjo

Modjo의 홈페이지

Modjo is widely considered as one of the best revenue intelligence platforms on the market in 2024. It converts conversational intelligence into conversions, upping your sales game and helping your sales team close more deals.

By analyzing sales calls and utilizing the insights gathered to create new and improved sales strategies, Modjo aims to transform your business growth, maximize your team’s productivity, and streamline your path to success. It automatically draws from your interactions, mass-processing conversational insights to help you improve your sales strategy. This is designed to save sales managers and reps time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere.

Modjo boasts that sales reps who use their product save more than 4 hours each and every week. Over an entire year, those same reps will be saving a whopping 200 hours (more than 5 work weeks!). This time can be used productively to get more leads and close more deals.

Like Attention and tl;dv, Modjo automatically inputs conversational insights into your CRM of choice. It works in much the same way, making it super easy to import data without having to spend the time manually doing it. To make everything even more seamless, their Livenotes feature automatically synchronizes all your notes across all your business tools, making sure everything is in one easy-to-access place. Modjo’s ability to automate tasks that were once time-consuming is its biggest strength.

Modjo 장점

  • Simple Note Taking. Modjo’s AI automatically syncs insights with your CRMs, but also syncs notes across all business tools into one centralized and easily accessible place.
  • Enhances Productivity. By automating routine tasks, Modjo saves your sales reps multiple hours each week.
  • Modjo 통화 요약. Modjo의 요약은 회의에서 일어난 모든 일을 일목요연하게 정리한 것입니다.
  • Modjo 거래. 이 기능을 통해 수익 관리자는 자신 있게 예측하고 그에 따라 파이프라인의 우선 순위를 정할 수 있습니다. 

Modjo 단점

  • 개인정보 보호. 일부 사용자들은 녹화하기 전에 미팅 참가자의 동의를 얻지 않았다는 이유로 Modjo 비판하기도 했습니다.
  • Learning Curve. The platform can be a bit overwhelming for new users.
  • No Regional Dialect Support. Transcripts aren’t great for picking up on regional dialects.
  • 무료 요금제 또는 평가판 없음. 월 $100 이상을 약정하지 않고는 Modjo 를 사용해 볼 수 없습니다.
  • Limited Integrations. Modjo offers less than 40 integrations. There’s a decent amount there, but not nearly enough to be competitive in 2024.

Modjo 가격 책정

Modjo’s pricing is not so easy to find. Like Attention, you can trawl through the website to no avail. They require a sales call where you’ll be pitched a customized plan based on your specific business needs.

Also like Attention, there is no free plan and no free trial. It’s expected, however, that Modjo’s subscription starts at around $1,000 per user per year, placing it in a similar price bracket to Gong.

This can be quite steep for some smaller businesses, especially without any ways to try before you buy. 

Modjo vs Attention

Modjo and Attention are very similar tools. They both appeal to sales and revenue teams, they both lack free trials and plans, and they both automate tasks so that your CRMs are filled up automatically. This means they both excel in saving reps time and enhancing their productivity by eliminating the most tedious tasks.

Modjo is perhaps a slightly better bet for those that require revenue intelligence features. It has a little more emphasis on the sales pipeline, forecasting, and deal management. 

All in all, however, the two platforms are fairly evenly matched. 

5. Tactiq

Tactiq 홈페이지

Tactiq is a bit of a different choice. For starters, it doesn’t have the snazzy sales features that the rest of the Attention alternatives have. It has no revenue intelligence, no sales coaching, no multi-meeting intelligence… So what does it have?

Tactiq is for those of you that want to replace Attention.com with something a little more simple. You want to record, transcribe, and summarize your meetings, but you aren’t too fussy about any complex additional fluff. Tactiq might be perfect. Not only is it undoubtedly cheaper than Attention, it also provides some nifty features that make it great across all teams in your organization.

For example, Tactiq provides real-time transcriptions and insightful AI summaries so that you can get more out of your meetings, even during the call itself. It translates into more than 60 languages, supports regional dialects, and automatically removes filler words from the transcripts.

Tactiq’s AI can even perform sentiment analysis, helping your sales reps figure out where your prospects are at emotionally. It also lets users assign tasks based on meeting discussions. This helps create a centralized source for all client-based information. Tactiq also has great administrative options and organizational features, making it super intuitive and easy to use. The customer support is also highly praised for being quick and efficient. 

So while it might not have all the flashy bells and whistles as some of the others on this list, Tactiq does a fine job at the simple things. It’s affordable, versatile, and the fact it has a localized platform in 7 languages makes it fantastic for international teams.

Tactiq 장점

  • 실시간 트랜스크립션. Tactiq의 필사본은 실시간으로 표시되므로 이동 중에도 메모를 작성하거나 스니펫을 공유할 수 있습니다.
  • 번역. Tactiq의 대본은 60개 이상의 언어로 제공되며 7개 언어로 현지화된 플랫폼을 갖추고 있어 국제적인 팀에게 적합합니다.
  • 훌륭한 AI 요약. Tactiq의 AI가 회의를 요약하여 가장 통찰력 있는 댓글을 뽑아 다시 볼 수 있도록 합니다.
  • 작업 할당( Tactiq )을 통해 사용자는 미팅 토론을 기반으로 작업을 할당할 수 있습니다.
  • 감정 분석. Tactiq의 AI는 단어 뒤에 숨겨진 감정 어조를 파악할 수 있습니다.
  • 효율적인 고객 지원. Tactiq의 고객 지원은 빠르고 친절하며 효율적입니다.

Tactiq 단점

  • 영업 코칭 없음 ( Tactiq )은 AI를 사용하여 매출을 개선할 수 없다는 점에서 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
  • 다중 회의 인텔리전스 없음. Tactiq의 AI는 단일 회의 인사이트에만 국한되어 있습니다. 두 개 이상의 개별 회의 사이의 점을 연결할 수 없습니다.
  • 의심스러운 규정 준수 ( Tactiq )는 SOC2 준수 여부에 대한 언급이 없고, 데이터 보존 정책이 명확하게 제시되지 않으며, 감정 분석 기능이 EU AI 법에 위배됩니다.
  • 동시 회의 없음: Tactiq 에서는 사용자가 동시에 두 개 이상의 회의를 녹화할 수 없으므로 바쁜 관리자에게는 취약한 기능입니다.

Tactiq 가격 책정

Tactiq’s paid offerings start at $8 per month, making it the cheapest plan out of all the Attention.com alternatives. However, this $8 plan just unlocks things that tl;dv offers for free: unlimited transcriptions and 10 AI credits per month.

The Team Plan is $16.7 per user per month and allows for unlimited AI credits and priority support. Lastly, the Enterprise Plan is customizable and varies in price depending on your specific business needs.

무료 요금제 기능
  • 월 5 AI 크레딧
  • 한 달에 10개의 성적 증명서
  • 녹취록 공유 및 내보내기
  • 회의 녹화물 업로드

무료 요금제를 사용하면 글로벌 검색 및 성적 증명서 편집과 같은 몇 가지 기본 기능도 사용할 수 있습니다. 

Tactiq vs Attention

These two tools are arguably the most distinct out of all the Attention alternatives. Attention is firmly targeted towards sales teams, but perhaps that’s why you’re leaving. You want a little something that’s more for everyone. Tactiq can certainly fill that role. Like tl;dv, it’s just as good for sales as it is for CS, Product, and HR. 

Tactiq also gains strength from the little things like real-time transcriptions, the automatic removal of filler words from the transcript, and the fact it translates into over 60 languages and has a localized platform in 7 languages.

If, however, you’re still firmly set on sales features, you might want to check out how Tactiq fares against the number one Attention alternative on this list, tl;dv, in our comprehensive comparison: tl;dv vs Tactiq.

Which of These Attention Alternatives is Right For You?

Only you know what your business needs. If you’re looking for the best of the best in regards to sales and revenue, Gong is the most prestigious tool. Want basic revenue intelligence without the high cost? Avoma might be worth trying out.

If you’re not quite happy with Attention, but you want something in the same ballpark, Modjo could be a safe bet. On the other hand, if you want something that’s less sales-focused but just as good at the basic functions, Tactiq is an affordable replacement.

But if you want something that’s more affordable, versatile, and intuitive, with swankier features like recurring AI reports, as well as a free plan so good that you can record, transcribe, and summarize unlimited meetings, you’re left only with tl;dv. It provides the most value for money and you can get started with it right away.

영업용 tl;dv - AI 영업 코치 만나기
저희의 AI는 playbook 채택을 추적하고 이의제기가 얼마나 잘 처리되는지 측정하여 관리자에게 담당자의 성과를 개선하기 위한 코칭 인사이트를 제공합니다. 수많은 회의를 요약하고 주요 논의를 강조합니다. 회의 준비, CRM 업데이트 및 후속 이메일을 자동화하는 등 담당자에게도 유용합니다.

거래 단계별 우승 Playbook 을 정의하고 AI가 분석을 처리하도록 하세요.

영업팀이 이를 얼마나 잘 따르고 있는지, 신입 사원이 승률을 높일 수 있는 기회가 있는지 모니터링하세요.

팀이 수백 건의 통화에서 일반적인 고객 이의 제기를 처리하는 방법을 파악하세요.

더 많은 거래를 성사시키기 위해 그들이 뛰어난 부분과 개선할 수 있는 부분을 파악하세요!

훌륭한 세일즈 콜의 모습을 담은 클립과 릴을 나만의 스타일에 맞게 정리해 보세요 playbooks.

전반적인 팀 효율성을 개선하고 각 담당자가 매주 4시간 이상을 절약할 수 있습니다.

  • 미팅에 참여하지 않더라도 미팅에 참여할 수 있습니다.
  • 30개 이상의 언어로 녹음 및 트랜스크립트하세요.
  • 원하는 구조로 메모를 작성합니다.
  • 하나 또는 여러 개의 미팅을 요약하세요.
  • 즐겨 사용하는 도구(Slack, Notion, CRM 등)를 자동으로 업데이트합니다.
  • 회의 스타일에 대한 코칭 인사이트를 제공합니다.
다음 미팅에 늦으시나요?
대신 tl;dv를 보내서 날아가세요!