The best revenue intelligence platforms in 2024

The 5 Best Revenue Intelligence Platforms in 2024

The best revenue intelligence platforms are the ones that convert conversations into revenue intelligence. That’s why so many sales-based platforms are now incorporating AI meeting assistants. ZoomInfo forked out $575M to acquire Chorus AI. The reason is simple: conversational intelligence directly affects revenue intelligence, and until recently, it wasn’t possible to properly mine it. 

But now the doors are wide open. AI meeting assistants are carving out niches all over the place because of the sheer amount of automation that meeting intelligence can provide for different industries. Revenue intelligence is one critical one, but it’s not the only one.

In this article, however, we’ll be entirely focusing on the best revenue intelligence platforms – particularly those that feature AI meeting assistants. But first, a quick pit-stop for the basics: what actually is a revenue intelligence platform?

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What is a Revenue Intelligence Platform?

To put it simply, a revenue intelligence platform is a third-party solution for businesses to get deal insights and better pipeline management for their sales force automation (SFA) platforms. 

They are mostly used by B2B sales organizations to coach sales reps to be able to handle objections better, close more deals, and streamline the sales pipeline.

Let’s take a look at 5 of the best revenue intelligence platforms for 2024.

2024's 5 Best Revenue Intelligence Platforms

1. Gong

Gong's homepage

Gong bills itself as an “AI platform that transforms your revenue growth.” Sounds like a good place to start, right?

For enterprises that are serious about upping their sales game, Gong is for you. It’s an all-in-one revenue intelligence platform that records sales calls, offers sales coaching, and forecasts deals so you can better manage your pipeline.

Gong utilizes sentiment analysis with its meeting analytics, leveraging AI to assess the tone and emotional engagement of participants during meetings. This feature is designed to assist businesses in understanding the emotional backdrop of conversations, which is critical for refining communication strategies and enhancing customer interactions.

Gong Pros

  • Integrations. Gong has hundreds of integrations that make connecting your workspaces seamless.
  • Revenue intelligence. Gong’s state-of-the-art revenue intelligence allows you to forecast sales and help with deal execution.
  • Sales coaching. Gong offers custom playbooks, scorecards, templates, and objection handling training.
  • Sentiment analysis. Gong’s AI analyzes customer sentiment to bring you closer to closing the deal.

Gong Cons

  • Expensive. Gong’s pricing is notoriously high.
  • Long-winded onboarding. To get access to Gong, you have to jump through a lot of hoops.
  • Intrusive recommendations. Some reviewers suggest that Gong’s recommendations on how to improve your sales pitch can be annoying and unwanted.

How Does Gong Score on G2?

Gong scores 4.7/5 on G2 from almost 6,000 reviews, which shows its quality and dedication to customer satisfaction. 

Reviewers love Gong’s call recordings, search functionality, and overall ease of use.

Some claim that Gong’s transcripts are often inaccurate or that it sometimes joins calls that it shouldn’t, which then wastes time as users have to remove it or awkwardly explain themselves.

Gong Pricing

Gong’s pricing is hidden behind a sales call. This seems to be quite common among enterprise-level businesses.

It’s been reported that some plans cost as much as $1,600 per user annually, for a maximum of 49 users. That means if your team has 49 members, you’ll be forking out $78,400 before you’ve even used the tool. 

Whether or not Gong is worth that kind of price is completely down to your business needs. If sales coaching is more important to you than revenue intelligence, it might be worth taking a look at how Gong fares against tl;dv.

2. Clari

Clari Copilot homepage

Clari is an AI-powered platform that streamlines RevOps, sales engagement, and conversation intelligence to stop revenue leak in its tracks.

Its AI meeting assistant comes in the form of Clari Copilot and is capable of recording, transcribing, and bringing conversational insights to the forefront. 

Clari excels in its ability to forecast deals. On its revenue intelligence dashboard, you’ll find analytics and insights into everything you need to know, from deal health and potential risks to areas of improvement and next steps. 

Clari doesn’t just talk the talk either. It boasts users among revenue professionals at industry-leading companies like Zoom and Adobe. It increases productivity and drives overall efficiency, helping your revenue team hit their goals (and set higher ones!).

Clari Pros

  • Revenue intelligence. Clari empowers you to forecast deals with accuracy. You can also monitor deal execution with a dashboard that provides all the insights you need to free up your sales pipeline.
  • Battle cards. Battle cards are little pop-ups that provide tips and suggestions for improving your pitch, handling objections, or closing the deal all during a live sales call. 
  • Sales coaching. Clari provides tons of insights for coaching your sales team. You can organize your sales reps by monologue length, talk-to-listen ratio, questions asked, and other sales-specific criteria. This helps managers get an overview of their sales team and identify areas of focus.
  • Automations and integrations. Clari has dozens of integrations, including many popular CRM systems, sales tools, video conferencing platforms, and third-party connection tools like Zapier. 

Clari Copilot Cons

  • Language support. Clari’s revenue platform is only available in English. While Clari Copilot can translate meeting transcripts in 15 different languages, the tool itself is English only. This can be a big drawback for multilingual teams.
  • Expensive. To access Clari’s pricing, you’ll need to fill out a form to get a quote, but it’s thought to be around $1,000 per user per year.
  • Inaccurate transcriptions. Several reviews for Clari Copilot note that the transcript isn’t as accurate as they’d have liked.

How Does Clari Copilot Score on G2?

Clari scores a respectable 4.5/5 from nearly 2,000 reviews, while Clari Copilot (formerly Wingman) scores 4.6.

Reviewers generally agree that Clari is easy to use and makes deal forecasting a breeze. 

Critics highlight the steep learning curve and the fact that it lacks any standout feature to separate it from the crowd.

Clari Pricing

As mentioned earlier, Clari’s pricing requires you to ask for a quote. The plans are tailor-made on a client-by-client basis. It’s expected that it will cost at least $1,000 per user per year, which can be a big setback for larger teams. 

If you already have a revenue intelligence platform and are just thinking about making the switch to get meeting intelligence from Clari Copilot, take a look at how it fares against a specialized AI meeting assistant. We did a comprehensive comparison of tl;dv vs Clari Copilot that might pique your interest.

3. Avoma

Avoma homepage.

Compared to the other revenue intelligence platforms on this list, Avoma is definitely on the smaller end. It’s more of an AI meeting assistant with revenue intelligence capabilities included, rather than a flat-out revenue intelligence platform in and of itself.

This comes with its own range of advantages and disadvantages. For one, you’ll find that it’s probably cheaper than most sales-heavy revenue intelligence platforms (though that ultimately depends on which subscription tier you pick).

Avoma helps manage the entire customer lifecycle. You can use it to better prepare for sales calls, take notes on your behalf, and also to arrange and organize all the meeting insights afterwards.

Avoma is compatible with a good range of video conferencing platforms, making it easy to fit into your current toolkit. However, it has no Zapier integration, meaning that it’s limited to whatever native integrations it has. And we can confirm, there aren’t many.

Another drawback is its lack of a localized platform outside of the English language. It does offer transcription translations in 30+ languages, but the lack of a localized platform could make it a problem for multinational teams. 

Avoma Pros

  • Compatibility. It can be used across Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, BlueJeans, UberConference, GoToMeeting, and more…
  • Sales coaching. It offers sales coaching derived from personalized insights.
  • Revenue intelligence. Plan your sales pipeline better by forecasting deals with Avoma’s AI.
  • Collaboration. A collaborative tool that allows multiple people to edit notes in real-time.
  • Easy to search. Searchable database across all meetings.
  • Free plan. Avoma provides a standard free plan to try out the tool’s most basic features.

Avoma Cons

  • Integrations. There’s no Zapier integration, no email integration, and CRM system integrations will set you back $49/month. 
  • Language support. There are no localized platforms for non-English speaking users.
  • Customer support. There’s no customer support on the free plan, and only limited support until the Business and Enterprise plans.

How Does Avoma Score on G2?

Avoma gets a solid 4.6/5 from just over 1,000 reviews.

Most reviewers love the “Avoma Experience” and praise its ability to simplify meeting notes, summaries, and follow-ups. 

However, there are a few who criticize the company’s customer support, with one reviewer in particular claiming to be paying for almost double the seats that they need with no way to cancel and no help forthcoming.


Avoma’s Starter Plan begins at $19 per user per month and offers 2,400 minutes of transcription per month. The Plus Plan rockets up to $49 per month and unlocks CRM integrations and unlimited transcriptions.

Avoma’s Business Plan will set you back $79 per month and unlocks AI scorecards as well as advanced conversation and revenue intelligence. 

Avoma also has an Enterprise Plan that costs $129 per month.

Free Plan Features
  • Recording & Transcription (300 mins per month)
  • Limited AI-generated Notes
  • Collaborative Note-taking
  • Agenda Preparation
  • Unlimited 1:1 Scheduler

Avoma offers a free 14-day trial for any of its plans so you’re free to test out its advanced features over any 2-week period. 

For a similar AI meeting assistant that includes much more value for money, check out tl;dv vs Avoma.

4. Salesken

Salesken's homepage.

Salesken encourages you to convert conversations into conversions. Like many revenue intelligence platforms, Salesken records and transcribes meetings, but it also loops in lots of other platforms, tools, and touchpoints that a sales rep can use to create a big picture overview of your sales strategy.

It offers objection handling tips to get more deals across the finish line, and also allows you to analyze sales calls in real-time.

As for its revenue intelligence, Salesken provides accurate forecasting of your pipeline, enables you to course correct on vulnerable deals, and understand and analyze revenue trends. It gives you a better understanding of your target audience and empowers you to identify the best next move for every deal in your pipeline. It comes with plenty of integrations and a comprehensive dashboard from which you can oversee all your deals.

Salesken Pros

  • Powerful sales coaching. It listens, assesses, critiques and gives suggestions to sales reps in real-time.
  • Great integrations. Integrates with CRM and other tools. Custom integrations can be built on request (for Enterprise users).
  • Revenue intelligence. It can help you analyze your sales pipeline and deal execution strategy.

Salesken Cons

  • Shareability. Can’t share calls outside the platform, so it’s no good for sending clips to prospects for additional buy-in.
  • Intrusive. It can sometimes be intrusive and distracting with its AI insights and intelligence as they’re not always needed.
  • Pricing transparency. It’s impossible to find information about pricing without calling them directly.
  • Slow onboarding. It requires some setup and onboarding which can take time.

How Does Salesken Score on G2?

Salesken scores a whopping 4.9/5! While this is only from 383 reviews, it’s still pretty impressive.

Users were particularly impressed by the AI’s ability to make sales reps and managers more efficient by collecting data from every single call.

One potential drawback is that the real-time cues can sometimes be a little delayed. If they don’t arrive when needed then this can lead to the conversation moving on before you get a chance to implement any recommendations.


As with most revenue intelligence platforms, to access the pricing, you need to give them a call and get a personal quote. Unfortunately, there is no free plan.

5. Modjo

Modjo's homepage

Modjo is a powerful revenue intelligence platform that allows you to leverage AI for sales productivity and deal execution. It intends to make your business more revenue by analyzing team conversations with their clients and putting the insights gathered to use tactically.

It helps to optimize your teams’ productivity and implement an effective sales strategy based on data drawn from your interactions. In short, by automating the finicky little tasks, your sales team can focus on what they do best: selling.

Modjo claims to save more than 4 hours of a sales rep’s time per week. It also states that clients who have used Modjo have increased their conversion rate by more than 20%.

Modjo’s AI call summaries are automatically inputted into your CRM of choice, making the whole process seamless. Their Livenotes features automatically synchronizes all your notes in your business tools, too, bringing everything into one place.

Modjo Pros

  • Note taking is easy. Modjo’s AI takes care of meeting notes so you can focus on the conversation. It automatically syncs them with your CRMs, but also syncs notes across all business tools into one centralized and easily accessible place.
  • Enhances productivity. By automating routine tasks, Modjo saves your sales reps hours each week.
  • Modjo call summaries. Modjo’s summaries are clear overviews of everything that happened in the meeting.
  • Modjo Deals. This feature allows revenue managers to forecast with confidence and prioritize their pipeline accordingly. 

Modjo Cons

  • Privacy. Some users have criticized Modjo for not gaining the meeting participants’ permission before recording.
  • Learning curve. Can be a bit overwhelming at first.
  • No regional dialect support. Transcripts aren’t great for regional dialects.
  • No free plan or trial. There’s no way to try out Modjo without committing to $100+ per month.

How Does Modjo Score on G2?

Modjo gets a respectable 4.7/5 from 64 reviews.

Modjo is mostly praised for its intuitive design, convenient note taking, and the ability to send everything directly to the CRM.

Some reviewers noted that this could be expanded upon if Modjo’s AI could assign tasks within the CRM automatically based on the information gathered. As of yet, this feature doesn’t exist.

Modjo Pricing

Modjo’s pricing is hidden behind a sales call, though it’s rumored to start at more than $1,000 per user per year. There is no free plan nor any kind of free trial for you to test out the product before you commit.

The Drawbacks of Revenue Intelligence

While revenue intelligence is great, relying too much on AI can be a hindrance. For example, if a revenue intelligence platform tells you a deal will close because of how the prospect reacted, they might be missing the point entirely. AI isn’t capable enough to work out the nuances of being human.

Take the British, for instance. They are notoriously sarcastic and they are also extremely polite to the point of being unable to say “no”. That doesn’t mean they’re going to buy your product. That means they don’t know how to say “no” without being rude.

As AI is in its infancy, the figures of deals they expect to close may become inflated. 

If you’d like to experiment with AI meeting assistants and reap the rewards of sales coaching (based on personalized data from each sales rep’s sales calls), but you’d rather handle the deal forecasting, pipeline management, and execution strategy yourself, check out tl;dv. 

tl;dv for Sales
Spend your time where it matters most. Uncover Sales intelligence and track how well your team follows your Playbooks. tl;dv is an AI Meeting Assistant that helps you (finally) get insights from all your meetings, right in your team's favorite tools.
Recordings & Transcripts (+30 languages)
Onboard new reps with ease
Evaluate your meetings against popular frameworks like MEDDIC, BANT and more
Create your own framework
Automatically push your meeting notes to your favourite CRM
Speaker insights to help you keep control of your meetings

Best Revenue Intelligence Platforms: The Verdict

As you can see, there are plenty of revenue intelligence platforms that all offer similar features. The five outlined in this list were specifically chosen because of the way they use meeting intelligence to benefit deal execution strategy.

To decide which tool is best for your business, you’ll need a clear idea of what you’re looking for (and what you’re looking to avoid). For example, most tools on this list have a bit of a learning curve, but that could be time well spent if the tool will serve you well.

We advise you to figure out your specific needs and then browse again through the pros and cons of each tool to see which speaks to you. When you reach out to the tools, see if you can request a demo and/or get a free trial; these will help immensely with understanding whether or not a tool is right for you. As most of these revenue intelligence platforms are high-end tools, you don’t want to commit to something before you’re sure it’s right for you.

tl;dv for Sales
Spend your time where it matters most. Uncover Sales intelligence and track how well your team follows your Playbooks. tl;dv is an AI Meeting Assistant that helps you (finally) get insights from all your meetings, right in your team's favorite tools.
Recordings & Transcripts (+30 languages)
Onboard new reps with ease
Evaluate your meetings against popular frameworks like MEDDIC, BANT and more
Create your own framework
Automatically push your meeting notes to your favourite CRM
Speaker insights to help you keep control of your meetings
  • Joins your meetings, even if you don’t.
  • Records and transcribes in +30 languages.
  • Takes notes in your preferred structure.
  • Summarize one or multiple meetings.
  • Auto updates your favourite tools (Slack, Notion, CRM, etc).
  • Provides coaching insights on your meeting style.
Running late to your next meeting?
Send tl;dv instead and get blown away!