50+ Free Google Meet Icons, Images & Logos for Download: PNG, JPEG, SVG, and more

You know it’s not easy to find Google meet icons on the internet.

I mean, there are some sites that offer free Google Meet logos and icons for download but they don’t have all of them in different formats and sizes. And if you want more than one or two, then you will need to buy them from a site that charges $10 minimum per icon! That is why we created this article with more than 100 Google Meet logos and icons available for download in any size, format, or color scheme. Now you can save money while getting exactly what you need. Check out our selection below!

What is Google Meet?

Before sharing the 20+ different downloadable Google Meet icons, let’s quickly recap what is Google Meet. Google Meet is a web-based application that allows running online meetings with up to 15 participants.

Google Meet is a part of the Google Suite, which you can download for free from the Google Drive website. You will be able to take advantage of this Google product for one year after downloading it, and then you need to renew your subscription annually. Moreover, there are no other hidden charges when using Google meet – all the features are available for free!

Different Google Meet icons

Here you can download the different versions of Google Meet’s icons and logos. They come in two colors: blue and grey. There are also different formats available for each icon: PNG, EPS, JPG and SVG. You can download them all for free!

You should use the Google Meet logo to promote your events as well as to create visual content such as e-mail signatures, website graphics and social media posts.

Google Meet Blue Logo Rectangle

This is Google Meet’s main logo that you can find on their official site here. It features a rectangle with the words “GOOGLE MEET” written inside it in bold capital letters with smaller font sizes. The word “MEET” is blue while the rest of the text is white colored. On top of this text, there is a big icon showing two hands shaking each other.

At the bottom of the icon, there are tiny grey circles that make it look like the icon was printed on paper. This Google Meet logo is available for download in 4 different formats: PNG (in 2 sizes), EPS (in 2 sizes) and JPG (in 3 sizes).

Google Meet Blue Logo – Vertical Rectangle

This is exactly like Google meet’s main icon but it features the rectangle with text written below vertically instead of horizontally. You can download it here in 4 formats: PNG (2 sizes), EPS (2 sizes) and JPG (3 sizes).

Google Meet Grey Logo Rectangle

The third version of Google Meet’s logo comes in a light grey colored rectangle with the words written inside in white. The big icon is placed on the top and it represents 4 people – an interviewer and 3 interviewees. This Google Meet logo can be downloaded for free here: PNG (2 sizes), EPS (2 sizes) and JPG (3 sizes).

Google Meet Grey Logo Vertical Rectangle

The fourth version of Google meet’s light grey logo is exactly like the third but features a vertical rectangle instead of a horizontal one. You can download this Google meet logo in 4 formats: PNG (2 sizes), EPS (2 sizes) and JPG (3 sizes).

Google Meet Grey Logo Circle

This Google meet logo also comes in a light grey color scheme but has a circle shape instead of a rectangle. The background is transparent and the words “GOOGLE MEET” are written inside in a bold font with smaller font sizes. On top of this text, there is a big icon showing two hands shaking each other.

You can download this Google Meet logo for free here: SVG (in 4 sizes) and JPG (in 5 sizes).

Google Meet Grey Logo Vertical Circle

This second version of Google Meet’s light grey circle logo features the same design as the first one but it has been turned by 90 degrees so now it looks like a vertical ellipse instead of a horizontal one. You can download it here: SVG (4 formats), PNG (2 sizes), EPS (2 sizes) and JPG (3 sizes).

Google Meet Logo with a Blue Background

This is a Google meet logo with a blue background. It does not come in different formats so you can download it here: PNG (in 2 sizes) and JPG (3 sizes).

Google Meet Logo Grey with a Square Background

This is Google meet’s main logo but it features a colored square that looks like the one on the keyboard’s numpad instead of the usual rectangle. The icon is also grey colored and there are circles at its bottom. This Google meet icon comes in 4 formats: PNG (2 sizes), EPS (2 sizes), and JPG (3 sizes).

History of different Google Meet logos

Google Meet has changed its logo over time. It originally had a white background with no shape at all and the logo was written in white font. After that, Google decided to add a rectangle but it was still white-colored and behind this whole design there were circles like on small pebbles.

Finally, they changed the color scheme to light grey and added a circle around their main logo.

Which size icon is best?

There are many different icons, images, and logo sizes you can download. The size, pixels, ratio, and type you need depend upon your use. Some common uses are for social media, websites, and blogs. Here are some icon size guidelines.

Icons that are 20+ pixels in height or width may start to get too pixelated when viewed at a smaller size. If you want your icon to be displayed on a small screen, use larger icons sizes of 60-100 pixels in height and width.

Animated GIFs work well for logos on the web but certain formats like SVG look better for print applications.

Logos with more colors can result in an image that is less transparent when placed over different backgrounds. For example, images with white backgrounds will often require solid shapes without gradients (i.e., PNG or JPG). The number of colors in your logo should correspond with the background color it will be placed upon; otherwise, some areas may not fully show up (i.e., white text on a yellow background will not be clearly visible).

Logos with gradients or more than one color can add an extra level of detail that may work best in the print world. However, logos that have gradients or are too small might be blurry when printed. Gradient fills are less preferable in web graphics since many browsers do not support them well for screen display.

If you’re adding the logo to your website, then the size that you need may be dependent upon how large or small of a space you have for it on the page. If the logo is just going to be displayed at one size and not change depending on screen resolution, then we recommend using an SVG file since it’s an XML-based vector image format that scales well. However, if users with larger screens will see your logo at a different size than users with smaller screens, then use PNGs instead.

Any image uploaded to Facebook is recommended to be the following size: 180 x 180 minimum. As a logo, you can use a PNG, JPG, or GIF format and upload the image to Facebook directly from your website.

As far as using a Google meet logo on a social media profile, the size is typically 100 x 130 pixels for both Twitter and LinkedIn.

Final thoughts on Google Meet Icons, Logos, and Images

If you’re looking to download Google meet logos then this article provides the best, high-resolution Google logo images for your use. There are several different Google meet logos available depending on how large you want them and what background color they should have. If there is another type of Google graphic you need, let us know in the comments below!

Thank you for reading this article 🙂

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