Conversational Intelligence

Finally, get that extra value from your meetings — distilled, compiled and delivered to propel informed decisions and actions across your team.

Key features

Wait, what was his cat's name?

No more skipping back and forth in your recording. Ask tl;dv pretty much anything about your meeting and get your answer in a split second.

Uncover the insights that matter

AI analytics gives valuable meeting insights. Spot discussion trends and important points easily, making your talks a powerful tool.

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"tl;dv is a Customer Superbrain that helps me remember every detail from any customer conversation, and elevate the emotional insights throughout my entire organization"

Susana de Sousa
CS Director, Loom

Integrate insights into your existing workflow

Enhance your workflow with seamless integration. Connect tl;dv with over 5,000 tools like Slack, Notion, Asana, and Trello via Zapier, placing strategic insights where they have the most impact, streamlining decision-making and collaboration across all your preferred platforms.

Reports on autopilot. Set and forget.

Choose your meetings, set a schedule, and let AI highlight important insights and trends, delivering them right when you need them for smart decisions.

Coaching & Playbooks​

Empower everyone in your team to be high-performers – with personalized scorecards to improve their skills and see how everyone’s doing, plus guides to handle tough questions easily,

"Skip the meetings: Maybe you don’t need the entire team on your next videoconference, after all..."​

Your questions, explained

Conversational intelligence from a meetings perspective refers to the use of AI technologies to analyze and interpret the content and dynamics of conversations that occur during meetings.

This advanced application of AI seeks to understand, process, and provide insights into the verbal and non-verbal communication that takes place, with the goal of improving meeting outcomes, participant engagement, and overall communication effectiveness.

Here are the key components and benefits of conversational intelligence in the context of meetings:

Key Components

  1. Speech Recognition: The ability to accurately transcribe spoken words into text, which is foundational for further analysis of the conversation.

  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Enables the AI to understand the context, sentiments, and intent behind the spoken words, going beyond mere transcription to interpret the meaning of conversations.

  3. Sentiment Analysis: Assesses the tone and emotional content of the conversation, identifying positive, negative, or neutral sentiments expressed by participants.

  4. Topic and Keyword Detection: Identifies the main subjects discussed, recurring themes, and specific keywords that emerge during the meeting, helping to capture the focal points of the conversation.

  5. Participant Engagement Analysis: Analyzes the participation rate of meeting attendees, including who speaks most often, who contributes ideas, and potentially who is disengaged or silent.

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Analysing meetings for the purpose of conversational intelligence can have several benefits, from aggregating content across meetings, surface trends and insights from multiple meetings, enhance strategic decision making, facilitating knowledge sharing and innovation and ensuring continuity and accountability.

  • Aggregating Content Across Meetings

    • Centralized Knowledge Base: Conversational intelligence can compile and analyze the content of discussions from various meetings, creating a centralized repository of knowledge. This allows organizations to easily access and review discussions on specific topics, decisions made, and action items assigned over time.

    • Cross-meeting Analysis: By examining conversations across a series of meetings, AI can identify recurring themes, questions, or concerns, providing a broader understanding of ongoing challenges or areas of interest within the organization.

    Identifying Trends and Patterns

    • Trend Detection: Conversational intelligence tools can detect trends in discussions, such as the increasing prominence of certain topics, shifts in sentiment regarding projects or policies, and emerging challenges or opportunities. This helps organizations to proactively address issues or capitalize on new ideas.

    • Pattern Recognition: AI algorithms can recognize patterns in how certain topics are discussed or resolved, offering insights into effective strategies or highlighting areas where the organization consistently struggles or excels.

    Enhancing Strategic Decision-making

    • Data-driven Insights: The ability to analyze discussions over time equips leaders with data-driven insights into the organization’s operations, employee concerns, and market opportunities. This supports more informed strategic planning and decision-making.

    • Predictive Analysis: By understanding past discussions and outcomes, conversational intelligence can predict future trends, potential roadblocks, and areas requiring attention. This foresight allows organizations to prepare and strategize effectively.

    Facilitating Knowledge Sharing and Innovation

    • Knowledge Sharing: Conversational intelligence can surface insights or ideas from one team or department that could benefit others, facilitating cross-functional knowledge sharing and collaboration.

    • Innovation Triggers: By aggregating and analyzing diverse viewpoints and discussions, AI can highlight unique ideas or innovative solutions that might otherwise be overlooked. This can be a catalyst for innovation and creative problem-solving across the organization.

    Ensuring Continuity and Accountability

    • Tracking Decisions and Outcomes: Conversational intelligence provides a historical record of decisions made and actions agreed upon, ensuring accountability and continuity in projects and initiatives. This is particularly valuable in tracking the implementation and impact of decisions over time.

    • Action Item Follow-up: With AI’s ability to extract and summarize action items across meetings, teams can better track progress on tasks, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks and that projects move forward as planned.

Yes it does! You can check Ian summarizing a D&D episode and asking it some questions. And that’s not the weirdest question we’ve ever got, believe us.