AI Meeting Assistant for Business Leaders

Unlock business growth with customer insights

Keep yourself and your teams closely connected with your customers’ needs. Drive sales performance, customer renewals, and a customer-centric product roadmap.

Deepen the connection with your customers

Transform sales call insights into strategic actions, ensuring your products and services directly address evolving customer needs and preferences.

Lead your business by staying ahead of the curve

Gain a competitive edge by swiftly responding to market trends and insights, positioning your business for success in a constantly changing landscape.

Improve your sales teams efficiency

Skill up your sales team by assessing objection handling and comparing meeting performance to sales frameworks.

loom logo
"tl;dv is a Customer Superbrain that helps me remember every detail from any customer conversation, and elevate the emotional insights throughout my entire organization"

Susana de Sousa
CS Director, Loom

Keep your customers closer

Capture and act on direct feedback from sales and customer meetings, ensuring your strategies and decisions align with customer needs and expectations.

Keep up with the market

Get real-time insights from sales interactions, allowing you to quickly adapt strategies and respond to emerging trends.

+1 million businesses feel the power of extracting extra value from their meetings

Insights from Sales at a fraction of the cost of using Gong

Unlock actionable sales insights affordably, outperforming Gong’s cost. Dive into effective conversation analysis, sales coaching, and seamless tool integration without breaking the bank.

"Skip the meetings: Maybe you don’t need the entire team on your next videoconference, after all..."

AI that adds value across teams

Transform sales from a solo act to a team win, share value across the company.

Custom Sales Playbooks & Scorecards

Refine your team’s sales strategy. Choose from a library of proven frameworks like BANT or MEDDICC, or craft your unique playbook.

Dive into a wealth of data points to reveal who’s dominating the dialogue as well as the overall engagement and efficiency of your team’s meetings.

Make your team better at responding to objections. See how your reps’ answers match up with the ideal response, and use this to guide one-on-one training that really improves their skills.

Swap shadowing for real-call learning, focusing on objections and communication. Our tool helps sales managers speed up training, getting the team up to speed fast.

Default team settings let you ensure every external call is automatically recorded and notes are sent to all participants post-call. Simplify your workflow, and never miss a beat in your sales process.

Get instant alerts (in Slack for instance) for key topics mentioned in sales calls, from products to competitors. Customize alerts to stay on top of important conversations, helping you strategize and support your team effectively.

Sales Reps

Sales Managers

Auto-fill your CRM​

Say goodbye to typing notes. Automatically update your CRM with meeting details, so you can focus on selling and talking to customers.

We help you draft messages that get attention, using key points from your discussions, so you can keep the conversation moving.

Never lose track of what was said. Save every meeting detail for future reference, ensuring you have the evidence you need for decisions, agreements, and action plans.

Get ready for meetings quicker and with more confidence. With all your past meeting insights in one place, you can prepare thoroughly so every meeting is more productive.

See who’s watched your meeting recordings, so you can understand who’s interested and who might need an extra follow-up.

Get instant alerts (in Slack for instance) for key topics mentioned in sales calls, from products to competitors. Customize alerts to stay on top of important conversations, helping you strategize and support your team effectively.

Customer Success Team Manager

Get the voice of the customer across teams

Collect real feedback from customer conversations to understand their needs and opinions. This helps CS Team Managers spot what’s working and what needs to change, leading to better decisions and happier customers.

Swap shadowing for real-call learning, focusing on objection-handling, customer engagement tactics and post-meeting communication. 

Leverage AI to identify trends and important details from your team’s interactions, automate reports for strategic planning, and easily incorporate these insights into your daily work to boost your team’s effectiveness.

As a CS Team Manager, automatically record all customer calls and send notes to your team after. This makes work easier, keeps things consistent, and ensures nothing is missed in handling customers.

Receive instant notifications (for example, in Slack) for critical issues raised in customer conversations, from service feedback to feature requests. Set up custom alerts to monitor essential talks, enabling you to strategize and provide effective support to your CS team.

Customer Success Rep

Let the customer voice boost stakeholder buy-in​

Boost stakeholder buy-in for customer-driven changes, enhancing customer success outcomes.

We help you draft follow-up messages that get attention, using key points from your discussions, so you can keep conversations going and avoid losing the momentum.

Say goodbye to typing notes. Automatically update your CRM with meeting details, so you can focus on selling and talking to customers.
Search through meetings, transcripts and notes to find those shareable moments. Understand where you left off a customer by creating multi-meeting reports that cover different interactions with the same customer. 

Streamline product insights

Capture and summarize key meeting moments effortlessly. tl;dv’s AI turns discussions into concise insights, helping product teams prioritize innovation and customer satisfaction.

Use AI to quickly turn meeting feedback into insights and actions. Boost product relevance and customer loyalty with concise reports and shareable clips.

Align your product roadmap with customer needs using tl;dv’s insights to focus on features your customers really want, based on actual user feedback

Use AI to analyze multiple customer conversations, helping your team identify key patterns and make informed decisions that resonate with user demands.

Gather compelling evidence from customer meetings with tl;dv. Use clips and insights to convincingly present your case and win over stakeholders for your product initiatives.

Leverage tl;dv to track discussions on competitors, market trends, and more, giving your team the insights needed to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Never miss a beat. Set alerts for specific keywords in your and others’ meetings, ensuring immediate attention to critical customer feedback, bugs and opportunities.

custom reports on tl;dv


Sharpen your edge with competitive analysis

Mine sales calls for competitive insights. Understand market positioning and refine your strategies, ensuring your marketing moves keep you ahead.

Find customer success stories within calls from your Sales team. Turn them into compelling video testimonials and case study assets that showcase your product’s value in their own voice.

Gain insights from customer calls from your Sales team, revealing the path customers take, and fine-tune your marketing to their real-world experiences.

Uncover valuable insights from sales discussions that highlight potential partnership opportunities, enabling strategic alliances that amplify your market presence.


The tough job of being a CEO...

Is the title of CEO the most overrated on the planet? Explore how other teams perceive CEOs through tl;dv’s Office Life in Tech.

Follow us on your favorite social media to discover the essence of leadership, sprinkled with fun!