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Mobile Recruitment: Get in the Know About Hiring on the Go!

Recruiting is very different today than it was ten years ago. Heck, it is even different when compared with 2021! We think the next big change will be the transition towards, legitimization of and emphasis on mobile recruitment. So, what is mobile recruitment? What are some unique recruitment strategies specific to mobile applicants? What about mobile job search statistics? We’re going to cover all of that and more, to get you ready for the next logical phase in recruitment!

In this mobile recruitment guide

What is mobile recruiting

So, what is mobile recruiting? Mobile recruiting is, like what the name suggests, the act of recruiting via mobile devices. More specifically, this entails advertising current job openings on social media or corporate websites to make sure that they are accessible on mobile phones and tablets with internet access.

Mobile recruiting can involve either both or only one of the recruitment parties involved (applicant and recruiter) participating in this process via a mobile device.

How is mobile recruitment different from social media recruitment?

Yes, they’re somewhat similar. However, what sets mobile recruiting apart from social media recruitment is that it takes social media marketing and combines it with mobile search engine marketing.

Mobile recruitment also involves mobile advertising, which isn’t done during social media recruitment. This means that job seekers can apply for jobs directly on their mobile devices while they’re performing mobile searches.

How does mobile recruiting work?

Businesses can implement several types of mobile phone recruiting strategies:

– Social Media Recruiting: employers and applicants alike advertise information about what positions are available via various forms of social media (i.e., Facebook). Applicants search for open positions using their mobile devices; once they find one they like, they submit an application right away or apply at a later time (sometimes even days after applying!)

– Mobile Recruiting Websites: these are essentially a cross between a company website and a social media site. They allow job seekers to review what positions are available, what the requirements for those positions are, what benefits come with the position and what the company is like. Job seekers can also submit applications from mobile devices at any time before or after reviewing this information.

– Location Specific Recruitment: employers select various regions where they want their job postings to appear. They choose areas that have high rates of mobile phone usage to make sure that applicants in those areas actually see the jobs when they’re searching for them on mobile devices. Applicants use mobile devices to search these specific using keywords related to what kinds of jobs they’d like to be recruited for. If what they’re searching for is what the company is recruiting, then their application will be submitted and processed accordingly.

Mobile recruitment statistics

So, we have some inklings that mobile recruiting is going to be the next big thing in hiring. But let’s back up those hunches with some cold hard facts.. presenting the long list of mobile hiring statistics. They’re pretty staggering:

– 50% of all job applicants use mobile devices to search for jobs on a daily basis (Chronicle)

– 20%-30% of all online searches performed by professionals and college students alike happen on mobile phones (Forbes)

– 51% of all mobile phone users look for local business information (Pew)

– 39% of these searches lead to people performing more in-depth research on what they find; this often leads them to apply for what they’ve seen (eMarketer)

– 77% of businesses state that there was an increase in new hires after implementing mobile phone recruitment strategies (HireRight)

– As of 2016, the average US company has seen a 73% increase in new hires due to mobile recruiting (Recruiter)

– Those who use their mobile devices as recruiters screen out 57% fewer job applicants than those who do not (HireRight)

– 89% of what’s posted on websites that are optimized for mobile devices is viewed within 15 minutes or less; what isn’t found that fast is usually viewed within a day or less (eMarketer).

– 46% of businesses rank mobile recruiting as the most effective job searching strategy, what with it being so easy for applicants to apply and such (HireRight)

– By 2017, some estimate that more than half of all job searches will be performed on mobile devices (HireRight)

Mobile phone recruitment is a no-brainer. It’s going to be the next big thing in employment services, what with its effectiveness and ease of use. Businesses who don’t jump onto this trend now might end up missing out later on!

Mobile recruitment strategy

So, a mobile recruitment strategy should just be the same as a normal recruitment strategy, just on mobile, right? Wrong! Mobile job search is a different ballgame entirely, what with the display on mobile devices being what it is. That’s why some companies are opting to either use mobile job boards or create their own “mobile recruitment websites”.

– Mobile Job Boards: employers have their open positions posted on these sites, which are accessible by computers and mobile devices alike. Applicants visit these sites, see what’s available and what they’ll need to do to apply for what they’ve seen so that if they like what they see – whether it be salary or location or what have you – then they won’t hesitate to send in an application.

– Mobile Recruitment Websites: these employers create their own mobile recruiting websites (completely separate from their normal site) to put what’s available to applicants where they’re looking. They use keywords like the ones we discussed earlier to make sure that what applicants are looking for – what they’ll want to apply for

– Shows up on what we’ll call a “mobile search page”. These pages can also include job listings and more information about what’s available and what kind of application process people who like what they see should do in order to get hired. These sites have withstood the test of time because what’s awesome about them is what’s awesome about mobile job boards – what is awesome about Android and what awesome about iOS, what awesome about websites.

Mobile-friendly job applications

Well, what kind of a recruitment strategy would a truly mobile-friendly job application be? One that was specially made for mobile devices to optimize what’s there for what someone who’s looking at their phone will probably want to see. This means that it’ll put the necessary things where anyone going to apply from a mobile device can get to them – like contact information and what have you. It also means removing unnecessary things – something which might not seem all too important but really saves time in the long run.. if they’re on a mobile device, then they don’t need complicated text and whatnot.

– Try to include what we talked about earlier – what keywords they might want to use on mobile devices when looking for what you have available

– Make sure that the website is optimized for what people using mobile devices want to see and what they need in order to apply and get hired

Mobile hiring assessment

Alright, so we’ve discussed different types of recruitment strategies and how they can be implemented in a truly mobile job search but what kind of company would just settle for finding their new hires via the Internet, right? That’s why some companies are included assessments into their hiring process which applicants must take up on mobile devices. In this way, employers know if their applicant has what it takes within minutes of sending over an assessment and what have you – what they’ll be thinking is “okay, what kind of a candidate takes this assessment on their mobile device within such and such amount of time? Within two minutes? Three? Is that what we’re looking for?”

– Always keep what the applicant needs in mind when deciding what kinds of assessments to come up with. If it’s something that they might want to access over a mobile device but only in the same way as they would if they had access to a computer (for instance, in an app), then make sure to let them know where they can find it! A recruitment strategy isn’t complete unless you tell applicants what they need in order to apply and get hired

Overall, just remember that what you have can be accessed by mobile devices so what you have should be able to stand the test of what a mobile device will show it. This means what’s important has to be where what people who want what they see will find it – and what they’ll need in order to apply for what they’ve seen themselves.

Mobile recruitment platforms

Let’s look at some of the most mobile-friendly recruitment platforms. Our favorite is LinkedIn – the Easy LinkedIn Apply makes mobile job applications super easy. Here are some of our other favorite mobile recruitment platforms, websites, job boards, and social media applications:

  • LinkedIn – we felt it deserved a second mention!
  • Indeed – what is what’s awesome about mobile job boards, what’s awesome about Android and what awesome about iOS all rolled up into one
  • CareerBuilder – the mobile application is what people want to see when they’re on a mobile device
  • Monster Mobile – what it lacks in terms of customization makes up for what recruiters want to see when they’re on their way to lunch or something like that
  • Simply Hired – the news feed doesn’t just give information about what jobs are available but also things like company culture.

Final thoughts about mobile recruitment

Short summary: what’s awesome about mobile recruitment? What is it that you want people to read and what can they do with what you have to offer as a way of making what you have available as easy as possible for them? This means what employers need to keep in mind when thinking about what kind of strategy they want to implement.

The bottom line, always remember – if it’s not where those who will see what’s there will find what they’re looking for (and what they’ll need in order to apply), then it doesn’t count! Mobile-friendly job applications and assessments are the waves of the future because let’s face it – we live in a society where phones and other mobile devices rule us all.. might as well make

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