Welcome to our inaugural tl;dv monthly update! 🤩🤩

We’re on a journey to beat meeting fatigue with fewer and leaner meetings! During this time, we’re fortunate enough to learn & grow with our amazing early Beta pioneers! In May alone, we’ve welcomed over 1,300 Beta testers. These numbers are insane! On our upward trajectory, we’ll share our journey, milestones, and learnings with all of you once a month, starting today.

Without further ado, here’s our monthly address from the remote-maestro himself, Raph! 👇

Product updates

tldv.io delete GIF
How to delete your tl;dvs

This month we had the largest # of meetings since we began! Aside from that glorious fun fact, here are our biggest product updates in May 2020.

  • ⚡️⚡️ Improved loading speed of the platform: Amazingly, our platform is growing and is handling more and more meetings from more and more companies. That impacted our load, which you have all felt. We’ve now managed to decrease our loading speed by 100x as part of our commitment to making meeting insights instantly accessible to our users.

  • 💄💄 Live Meeting Interface Revamp: In May we made our live-meeting interface (LMI), draggable, expandable, collapsable, and even more fashionable! All to enable you to have a seamless asynchronous meeting experience with a more intuitive tl;dv LMI.

  • ✨✨ New LMI onboarding: we’ve updated our LMI’s onboarding so our increasing number of new Beta pioneers can quickly understand the value of recording, highlighting, and instant sharing of your recorded Google Meets!

  • 🧽🧽 tl;dvs can now be deleted: Feel like doing some tl;dv repository spring cleaning? We now got your back! Learn more about how to delete your tl;dvs here.

  • 📝📝 We reflect all Google Chrome Extension updates in our Changelogs. Read it here.

What’s coming next?

We’re always tinkering away to make tl;dv the best meeting experience ever! One product change we’re cooking, that we’re particularly excited about is an update to our sharing flow. Whilst we don’t want to give away too much, we’re working on making sharing your best, most insightful, and favorite meeting moments easier and more streamlined. Wherever you are, wherever you work! Watch this space.

From the blog

Our tl;dv blog continues to feature unique content from a startup’s lens on topics such as meetings, recruitment and everything in between. We’ll continue to share our journey with you as a remote-first asynchronous startup. In May we discussed the future of remote-hiring, remote-working communities and had a good laugh at some Zoom fails!

Sharing the customer love 💌

May was a big month, with over 4.5K meetings tl;dved, over 3014 magnificent hours of recorded meetings, and over 1.3K Beta pioneers were welcomed! It goes without saying that without our community to test, record, and asynchronously catch up on our meetings, there would be no tl;dv! Here’s what one of our favorite community members had to say about tl;dv this month.

“It’s so nice to have a demo call and know that that the recording is going to be automatically sent to everyone who is in that call. It saves a ridiculous amount of time … like hours over the course of a month. The other really nice thing is being able to reference or to just take notes [highlights] in the middle of the call … Those quick links make it so that … you can hop straight to that portion” Brielle Nickoloff, Co-founder & Head of Product @ Botmock

That’s all from us this month! Thanks for being the most awesome community, and continuing to do your online meetings right! 🥂 As per usual, feedback, comments, questions, Tweets, and even memes are welcome!

Until next month, happy async-first meetings!