WFH Abbreviation: Why You Need to Know WFH & WFA

WFH is a long-time dream for many people who want to have the freedom of their own schedule and be able to work at any time. WFH is a new trend that is getting more and more popular. The reason why WFH is so popular among many people who can work from home is because of its benefits for both companies and employees.

This article will explore what WFH means, how it can benefit you, and tips on how to excel whilst WFH.

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But firstly, what does the WFH abbreviation mean?

WFH is an acronym for Work from home and it is where a worker will choose to work at home rather than working in the office. WFH has been around for a long time, but with technology moving forward so quickly we can now do things we couldn’t before over the Internet such as:

  • Video conference calls
  • Hosting meetings online
  • Sending important information via email or online document sharing software such as Dropbox or Google Docs.

This means that our employees are no longer tied down to just their desks anymore! It’s not unusual to see many offices encouraging their colleagues to go WFH more often, this reduces costs on office space and provides greater flexibility in when you work.  

What about WFA? What does this mean!?

WFA is an acronym for Work from anywhere and it means that a worker will work from different locations – not just their home. It could be another company’s office or even a coffee shop, but the key difference is that it isn’t your own personal house where you live.

Are there other WFH acronyms?

Along with WFH and WFA there are some other acronyms you might like to know about, these include:

  • WFHW- Where workers will work from their home, but once a week they will do this for the whole day
  • WFHWTW – Where workers will work from their home, but twice a week they will do this for the whole day
  • WFBH – Where workers just get 1 full day of working at home each week

These acronyms are becoming more and more common in the workplace. If you’re lucky enough to be given any of these terms, then that means you have an extra amount of freedom by being able to choose when you want to work.

Why WFH? Why WFA?

The benefits of having WFH as an employee are extensive: – You can choose what hours you want to work – You won’t commute to work – There are no distractions from colleagues – You can make a little money whilst working on side projects etc… The benefits for companies with WFH employees are less obvious but they include:

  • Lower costs on office space and buildings
  • No commuting, less stress, and more productivity
  • More diversity in the workforce as there is more flexibility. There are plenty of posts about why WFH would be better for employees.

So why should you WFH?

Companies have been open to this idea for a long time, but it is only recently that employees have become more open-minded about this work-from-home trend. There are many benefits of having a flexible workforce and they include:

  • Greater Work/Life Balance
  • More engagement in the company
  • Reduced stress levels which lead to high employee satisfaction  and loyalty
  • Reduction of 100% remote opportunities, allowing team members to meet each other in person (on company-paid business trips)

This means that there is much less pressure on individuals to put in hours which leads them to be able to concentrate on their role when working at their home office. This can help increase productivity and decrease costs for companies who want to cut back on workplace space and office equipment/materials.

The WFH trend is like most things, it cannot be forced into the business world. There are some people who would find it unbearable working from home and others who would prefer not to work in an office anymore. It’s all about having a flexible workforce that can work without restrictions, making both employees and companies happier!

WFH and working from home trends and statistics

Between the years 2007-2011, there was a 57% increase in people working from home. The WFH trend has been steadily increasing over the past few years with many companies starting to see that this is something that can work for both employees and employers alike.

The most recent statistics show that 25% of millennials work from home at least once per week which is an increase compared to 20% back in 2013. Companies are becoming increasingly open-minded about allowing their employees to have flexible hours so they can enjoy a better work/life balance. Many organizations realize how valuable it is to have a less stressed workforce, leading them to allow staff members with more freedom when working remotely.

As long as the ‘Remote First’ ethos continues then we’ll see this trend increase. Businesses are thinking outside the box and realizing that there is a lot of potentials when people can work remotely from their home office. The WFH trend really does make sense because it has been shown to reduce stress levels and increase productivity and efficiency, meaning that companies (and employees) should benefit from flexible working hours where you can easily switch off between your commute and your work office environment.

How to make a positive WFH environment?

It is important to create the right environment when working from home, especially if you work in an open-office space. Here are some tips for creating the perfect WFH office: – Set up a dedicated area for work – Improve your personal productivity by using multimedia tools such as music or using apps that boost creativity – Make sure that you have headspace and peace and quiet which will allow you to focus on your work task. This means no distractions of any kind!  

There are numerous reasons why working from home is great for both employers and employees. The benefits of this includeimproved productivity, better staff engagement, increased focus, lower stress levels etc… It’s all about having flexibility whilst also getting the job done! Here are our top tips to making a productive WFH environment.


Mess can often create a crowded mind! Make sure you have a dedicated area for working where your desk is clear of any clutter. If you are surrounded by belongings then you may feel more distracted, or disorganised which can lead to getting nothing done.

Invest in good office furniture

If you are working from home then it’s likely that your desk is not of the highest quality. You should invest in good office furniture to make sure that you can get more done. A poor workplace can often lead to limited productivity, so make sure this doesn’t happen by having an organized and productive workstation!

Establish clear boundaries

It can be difficult knowing when to switch between your personal life and your work life when working from home, so create boundaries between work/life which will allow you to properly manage both areas. It may be helpful for you to have a set time when you need to stop working – at least until after dinner time! This will help you feel more refreshed throughout the day.

Multimedia Tools

This can help boost productivity! For example, listening to music during work has been proven to reduce stress levels and increase creativity which will ultimately help your work output. Try using different apps that give you the right amount of focus without being too distracting! At first, this may seem counter-productive but it’s all about testing what works for you!  

Are people who WFH happier?

Yes, the people who WFH definitely seem happier! This can be beneficial for both employers and employees. The benefits of WFH include increased happiness and satisfaction with work/life balance, improved productivity and more engagement in certain tasks. It’s all about making sure that you keep busy throughout the day and don’t end up getting bored or distracted – this is where multimedia tools come into play!

Final thoughts on the WFH abbreviation and ethos

So now you know what the WFH abbreviation means! Woohoo!

The WFH trend is becoming more and more popular due to its current benefits. However, it all depends on the employees and employers for them to be able to work effectively in this kind of environment. The secret is finding a balance between your work life and personal life! It may take time to adjust but you will reap the rewards eventually. Being productive doesn’t just mean working harder, it means that you need to work smarter as well – only then will you feel truly fulfilled with both your work and home life.

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