man giving a microsoft teams presentation on his computer

Microsoft Teams Presentation Tips

So, you have a big Microsoft Teams presentation coming up and are looking for some tips to make it sparkle? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Whether you’re in MarketingProduct or Sales, you want to engage and inform, (while maybe entertaining at the same time!), we’ll run through some top tips on how to use the Microsoft Teams app to really enhance your presentation while also sharing some great tips in creating an overall engaging presentation for any platform.

Table of Contents

How to Prepare an Engaging Presentation?

Prepping for a Teams presentation, or any presentation for that matter, isn’t just about having snazzy slides and a meme thrown in (although, we do love them). A good presentation is a mix of storytelling, design, and a little bit of magic (okay, not real magic, but close enough).

First, you need to know your audience – are they super engaged, nit-picky or just starting at their iPhone wondering when they can grab some lunch? Whoever they are make sure to tailor your content to keep them engaged and interested.

Think of how different people take in information and ensure that you provide a range of materials to engage each one. There’s auditory, visual and kinesthetic.

So for the visual people use visuals that pop off their laptop scream.

For audiophiles make sure that each slide has a succinct and intriguing explanation you can present with it (and please don’t just read the slides!!!!).

Finally for kinaesthetic, well that’s where interactive elements come into play. Engage your kinesthetic audience by incorporating activities where they can participate or contribute. This could be through live polls, Q&A sessions, or even quick hands-on exercises if appropriate.

Thankfully Microsoft Teams has features that can facilitate these interactive elements seamlessly.

What Technical Setups are Needed?

The golden rule of presentations is that before you do the presentation check to make sure your tech setup doesn’t betray you. Does your microphone work? Do you have a stable internet connection? Do you know where your slides are? Have you cleared your desktop of anything that shouldn’t be visible? Also, make sure to use a quality webcam, and no, the one from 2005 won’t cut it. Position yourself in a well-lit room, where the only shadow is the looming deadline of your presentation.

How to Troubleshoot Common Issues?

If something can go wrong in your presentation, it probably will – it’s Murphy’s Law. Make sure to prepare for the unexpected and while that doesn’t mean a unicorn charging through your office door, it does mean have a backup plan. Think a pre-recorded version of your presentation, and don’t forget about your mute button. Both savior and gremlin, know where it is and how to use it!

Here are just a few ideas of how you can handle most common technical gLitCh3s that can happen during a presentation.

Internet Connectivity

One of the most common issues is unstable internet connectivity. Always have a wired connection as a backup if you typically use Wi-Fi. This can significantly reduce the chances of connectivity issues. If a wired connection isn’t possible, ensure you are in a location with a strong Wi-Fi signal. Also, consider having a mobile hotspot ready as a last resort. Rule of thumb, don’t be giving presentations when you’re in a tunnel or under the sea.

Audio and Video Quality

Test your microphone and camera before the presentation. Poor audio can derail even the most well-prepared presentation. If you’re using external devices, make sure they’re properly connected and configured. For video, check the lighting and camera angle in advance. If possible, have a backup microphone and camera.

Software Glitches

Microsoft Teams, like any software, can experience glitches. Familiarize yourself with basic troubleshooting steps like restarting the app or your computer. Ensure your Teams app is updated to the latest version before starting. Sometimes there will be things you cannot control, but make sure that it’s a glitch and not a user error (ahem, that would never happen… honest) in the first instance.

Presentation File Issues

Nothing worse than the document you have ready to show everybody doesn’t open or is telling you to download some sort of brand new PDF viewer. Try and have multiple formats of your presentation ready. Apart from the primary format, save a PDF version or have your slides uploaded to a cloud storage platform for quick access. This helps if there’s an issue with the original file.

Backup Plan for Power Outages

In case of a power outage, ensure your laptop is fully charged. Additionally, having a power bank can be a lifesaver, especially if you’re presenting from a tablet or smartphone. While this may seem wild if you’re working from your home office, for those digital nomads and those who like to work on the go this can happen more often than you think!

Handling Interruptions Gracefully

Working remotely unexpected interruptions can happen – a sudden noise, someone walking into the room, etc. Plan how to handle these situations gracefully without getting flustered. A simple, “Excuse me for a moment,” can suffice while you manage the interruption. And most people don’t mind a cameo by a cute dog or cat during any presentation.

Managing Participant Issues

Sometimes, participants might face issues like not being able to hear you or see your screen. Prepare a quick troubleshooting guide to assist them, like checking their volume settings or ensuring they’re viewing the correct screen in Teams.

How to Keep Your Audience Engaged?

Engaging your audience in a virtual presentation is like trying to get a cat’s attention – tricky but not impossible. Ask questions, use polls, and throw in a joke or two (keep it work-appropriate, though). Make them feel involved, like they’re part of the presentation, not just onlookers. Eye contact is key – look into the camera, not at the screen. It creates a connection, even through the digital abyss.

What Features of Microsoft Teams Enhance Presentations?

Even though you’ll be doing most of the heavy lifting in your presentation Microsoft Teams does have your back with a lot of built-in features that can enhance presentations, making them more interactive, engaging, and effective.


Screen Sharing and Whiteboard

Sometimes you just have to show people what your talking about. With its screen-sharing feature, you can quite literally share your entire screen or specific applications, ensuring clarity. The native digital whiteboard is an excellent tool for brainstorming, illustrating complex concepts, drawing terrible cat pictures and generally engaging the audience in real-time collaboration.


Live Reactions and Polls

Teams enables live reactions from participants, allowing them to express feedback instantly. Polls can be used to gather real-time responses, making the presentation interactive and gauging audience understanding.


Breakout Rooms

For workshops or training sessions, breakout rooms can divide participants into smaller groups for discussions or activities, fostering collaboration and deeper engagement with the content.


Custom Backgrounds and Visual Effects

The ability to customize backgrounds adds a professional touch while keeping the focus on the presenter. Visual effects can emphasize key points and make the presentation more visually appealing. Find out more in our fun article about changing backgrounds!

Meeting Recording

Teams allows recording of meetings and presentations, enabling participants to revisit the content later, which is particularly useful for detailed or technical presentations. However it’s only available on the paid-for version of Teams. Thankfully there are other options for this, such as tl;dv, which have more functionality, search functions and better collaboration opportunities… why not click the below and give it a try for FREE.

These features transform presentations from one-way communication into dynamic, interactive sessions. By leveraging these tools, presenters can create an engaging and memorable experience for their audience.

So you are now well on your way to becoming a Teams presentation guru. Confidence is key, preparation is paramount, and a little humor goes a long way.

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