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Summarize meetings in Hindi

tl;dv helps you summarize Hindi conversations into 30+ global languages on the fly. Make meetings inclusive and worldwide.

Unlimited free video recording & transcription • 30+ languages including Hindi


Join 1000's who already summarize their meetings in Hindi

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Summarize Hindi video transcripts instantly using AI technology.

Just had a Hindi meeting? Let tl;dv summarize it for you. Want insights from multiple meetings? AI can build a single summary from the last 10 and reveal the trends.

Structured recaps crafted to fit the way you meet.

AI summaries delivered right after your meetings, in your local language. Tailor the structure, format, and content — your summary, your style — fully in Hindi.

How to summarize your meeting in Hindi with AI

  1. Create a tl;dv account and link your calendar.
  2. tl;dv will join your meeting automatically.
  3. After it ends, you’ll get a recording, transcript, and summary — all in Hindi.
  4. Copy or share the summary easily with your team.

Conduct better meetings in Hindi

Helps you prepare faster for meetings

Records and transcribes every meeting in Hindi, so you can confidently review past calls and plan ahead.

Let’s you highlight key points

Quickly mark what matters in your Hindi meetings — live or afterward — and keep everything essential in view.

Prevents uncomfortable situations

tl;dv can give a quick intro to participants before the meeting kicks off — no action needed from you.

Helps you ensure GDPR compliance

tl;dv can notify participants and request consent upfront — perfect for privacy-first workflows.

And get rid of post-meeting busywork

Structures your meeting notes

Hindi conversations become actionable, organized notes instantly with the help of AI-generated summaries.

Keeps your CRM auto updated

Keep your CRM updated with Hindi meeting summaries and highlights—no manual work needed.

Uncovers aggregated insights from meetings

Track conversation trends from Hindi meetings and gain strategic business clarity.

Improves your meeting skills

Gain communication insights and performance tips from your Hindi meetings with AI guidance.

Summarize any video transcript in Hindi with AI

tl;dv uses AI to summarize long meeting transcripts into Hindi summaries, clearly grouped by topic. Skip the playback, save time, and choose from multiple note layouts.

Generate short clips from your video transcripts​ in Hindi

Highlight lines from a transcript to turn Hindi video segments into short clips. Combine them into a Reel and easily share with your team or audience.

Your data, always kept private and secure








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"tl;dv is a Customer Superbrain that helps me remember every detail from any customer conversation, and elevate the emotional insights throughout my entire organization"

Susana Loom

Susana de Sousa

Director of Support, Loom