Words hold weight. The specific words chosen, the particular intonation, the pitch, tempo, and force all alter a word’s meaning. And it’s true that some words, even more than others, hold special power.
You only need to think of a word like “God” to conjure up a wide range of thoughts, emotions, or beliefs. It’s a word that can divide people into polar opposite groups. The same word spoken to one person will create an entirely different image to somebody else. It has baggage.

There are other words that have similar baggage, but can be used to improve sales team performance during pitches. Think of words like: free, now, imagine…
We’ll get onto a full list of powerful words to keep in your arsenal later, but first, how can we understand linguistics a little better?
The Psychology Behind Words
Ever heard of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)? It’s a psychological practice that involves analyzing the way we think, speak and act, and then consciously changing those behaviors to better align ourselves with our goals.
NLP is based on the idea that there is a connection between our neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic), and acquired behavioral patterns (programming). By modifying these three areas, you can change the outcome.
In this regard, words are only part of the trilemma that NLP covers, but they are one of the most important when it comes to improving sales team performance.
NLP in Sales
Forbes says there are three ways you can use NLP to increase your sales. We say why stop at three? Their points are as follows:
- Building rapport using NLP mirroring. This is a way of subtly emulating your prospect’s body language and level of formality. It’s useful for making the prospect feel at ease. If they’re more comfortable opening up, it’s going to be easier for you to get them to express their pain points authentically.
- Anchoring empowered states. This is all about pairing a physical sensation with a specific emotional state. You can smell essential oils after securing a deal so that your mind starts to associate success and achievement with that smell. In the future, if you need a confidence boost, you can smell the same oil that you associated with success right before you jump into your sales pitch. It will help you to act as though the pitch is already a success.
- Perceptual positions. This is similar to empathy in many ways. It involves stepping into your prospect’s shoes, helping you reframe your perspective so you can get onto the prospect’s wavelength. It also enables you to proceed without being clouded by your own emotions.
While we agree that these are three powerful ways to use NLP to improve sales team performance, we know there is more to mine from this gem.

Source: ResearchGate.
How to Use NLP in Sales: A Checklist
Richard Bandler, an expert in the field of NLP, suggests the following strategies for incorporating Neuro-Linguistic Programming into your sales pitch:
- Build rapport
- Lead the conversation and dictate the pace
- Maintain awareness of your emotional state
- Focus on verbiage and grammar use
- Keep your eye on your intonation, as well as your prospect’s
- Pay attention to your body language, as well as your prospect’s
As much as 38% of meaning is conveyed through things like tone and intonation. Thus, a large amount of what you say isn’t in the words themselves but in how they’re said. Before we give you the power words to keep on you at all times, let’s touch on how tone and intonation affect your words, and how you can use them, along with a sales call recording software, to improve your pitching strategy.
It’s Not What You Said, It’s The Way You Said It

How does your voice rise and fall as you speak? Have you ever found yourself unconsciously imitating a friend or family member? It happens more than you might think. As someone who travels frequently, it’s only when I’m back home that my accent starts to come out. In psychology, this is called mirroring. We adopt physical and verbal behaviors to fit in.
When you consciously mirror your prospect – to make them relax – make sure it’s subtle. You don’t want to overtly change the way you speak in such a way that it becomes weirdly obvious. Just notice how they talk and what kind of language they use and meet them there. Ride their wave with them.
From your prospect’s mirrored perspective, you want to slowly bring them to your way of thinking. For example, if you know that your product solves their problem then you want to show the prospect that you understand their problem. You want to subtly imitate their behaviors towards their problem, and then show them how your solution can benefit them. In doing so, the prospect will start to feel more comfortable venturing out of their comfort zone and opening up to new ideas.
The Art of Video Call Recordings
All this psychological research will just sound like waffle unless you can actually use it yourself. So how do you go about implementing the basics without studying a degree in psychology? Simple: record your calls.
Do you know how much easier life is when you can learn from your own meetings? You can refer back to previous pitches, compare them with more or less successful ones, and get different team members’ perspectives on what went well and what could be improved.
It’s difficult to keep your eye on your psychological game (and your prospect’s) at the same time as pitching them your product. That’s understandable. But don’t let it put you off. If you dedicate as little as an hour or two a week to rewatching clips from old sales pitches, we guarantee your pitch game will improve.
A few hours? I know what you’re thinking. Your sales pitches are already knocking on an hour or more. You won’t be able to get through so many. With tl;dv, the AI can generate highlight reels from multiple clips around a given topic. Want to create a reel of several clips from several different interviews around a recurring objection? Easy. Simply search your tl;dv library by keyword for the common objection – let’s say ‘subscription length’ – and there you have it. And this is just the beginning…
Leave your worries at the door when you come in.
27 Power Words To Store In Your Sales Pitch Dictionary
1. You
Personalize your pitch by making the customer feel directly addressed. A simple word like ‘you’ can engage the prospect more deeply, making them envision themselves benefiting from the product or service.
2. Free
If you want to instantly grab your prospect’s attention and promote a sense of value, ‘free’ is the word to use. Obviously, not all things are free and the word shouldn’t be thrown about inauthentically, but every product or service has something free about it.
3. Because
‘Because’ is a great word to use in your pitches because it provides a reason or justification for the offer. It enhances the persuasiveness of your pitch by showing the logical connections that make the product or service answer their problems.
4. Now
Want to create urgency? ‘Now’ is the ideal word. It prompts immediate action, compelling your prospect to set the wheels in motion sooner rather than later.

5. New
Name a word that leaves a bigger impression of innovation and freshness… I’ll wait. ‘New’ is simple and straight to the point. But that’s the beauty of it. It evokes a certain feeling that appeals to the prospect’s desires for the latest and best solutions.
6. Instantly
Similarly to ‘now’, this word highlights speed and immediacy. It lets the prospect know that the benefits can be experienced without delay.
7. Easy
Everyone loves hassle-free solutions. The word ‘easy’ suggests that there are minimal (if any) barriers to entry and that you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to get started.
8. Guarantee
‘Guarantee’ is a word that builds trust and reliability. It promises a positive outcome that reduces the perceived risk by the prospect.
9. Results
Get the prospect focusing on the value they can receive from your product or service. It lets the potential customer know what they should expect to receive. ‘Results’ are usually accompanied with statistics of some kind which can really nail this point home.
10. Compare
Highlight how your product stands head and shoulders above your competition, and why. It encourages your prospect to evaluate their options but it’s usually used to show that your product is supreme in some specific way.
11. Imagine
By engaging in the prospect’s imagination, you can get them to visualize themselves using your product, experiencing the benefits, and being happy with the results. This can be an incredibly persuasive tactic.

12. Limited
By billing something as ‘limited’, you create a sense of scarcity which can compel potential customers to act more quickly. It motivates buyers to secure the deal while they still can. The offer won’t be around forever.
13. Save
Everyone loves to save money, time, and energy. By appealing to this core human desire, you emphasize the value of your offer and show them it’s more than worthwhile.
14. Revolutionary
There isn’t a much better word for positioning yourself as a groundbreaking new solution that changes the game in your industry.
15. Offer
This direct and clear word emphasizes what’s available, drawing particular attention to the benefits and how they will specifically enhance the worklife of the buyer.
16. Boost
This word is a trigger that lets the prospect envision how your product or service will elevate their customer experience. It may boost sales, boost engagement, or boost traffic – all of which are clear positives.
17. Improve
‘Improve’ is a promise of enhancement. It indicates, very clearly, that your product can make a difference to the status quo.
18. Proven
This word carefully establishes credibility. It highlights that your product or service has a track record of success and that the prospect can expect a similar outcome.
19. Exclusive
If you want to create a sense of privilege and uniqueness, ‘exclusive’ is a great word to use. It makes prospects feel special by having access to your offer, and by extension, your services.

20. Unparalleled
This power word suggests unmatched quality. It subtly places your product on top of all its competitors.
21. Dynamic
‘Dynamic’ portrays your service as adaptable and ready to fit your prospect’s needs, even if they change over time. It indicates responsiveness and can be reassuring for potential buyers.
22. Effortless
This is a power word you can use to address potential concerns about your product’s complexity. It highlights the ease of use your solution provides.
23. Unleash
‘Unleash’ evokes a sense of potential and empowerment, suggesting that your offer can unlock new possibilities. It’s a visual word with extra oomph.
24. Today
Urging immediate action, ‘today’ represents the idea of doing something right now. It encourages the prospect to seize the moment and act in the present. It can also be used to represent the ease of use because you can get started today, like you can if you sign up to tl;dv.

25. Success
Want to appeal to your customers’ aspirations and ambitions? ‘Success’ will get the job done. It allows the prospect to reflect on what the word means for them and to envision their success with the help of your product.
26. Unbeatable
A word that expresses your product’s domination in the niche is always good if the claims can be backed up with evidence. It’s a word that positions your solution as the ultimate choice.
27. Best
A simple word that gets straight to the point, ‘best’ is best used sparingly, but it can position your product or service at the top of the list of competitors. Whatever your angle, being the best is a huge benefit.
Get the Psychological Upper Hand

Notice that all 27 of these words are positive. If you start using negative words like limitation, lack, weakness, etc., you’ll frame the customer’s mind in a completely different way. Not a good one, either.
By using positive power words throughout, you keep the prospect focusing on the benefits and success they can achieve using your product. It makes them feel good, and that makes them feel good about your solution.
Take It to the Next Level With tl;dv
Start analyzing your own pitch psychology, as well as that of your prospects, with tl;dv, the easy-to-use online meeting recorder that will help you unlock the secrets to boost sales and improve sales team performance.
Download it for Zoom or get the tl;dv chrome extension today to start recording, transcribing, and learning from your sales pitches. To get set up will take just a few minutes and you can be recording your first sales pitch later today. What are you waiting for?