We ALL make mistakes. And if you work in or with sales we can guarantee you have made plenty of blinding blunders over the years. It’s just part of the game. After all, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right?

But what if we told you that you can transform these little eggshells of errors into pearls of wisdom? Yes, you heard it right! Welcome to the world of video call recordings – your one-stop solution to learning from your sales missteps.

Now, the very first part of the process is accepting that mistakes are all just part of the learning process. Self-development maven and all-round positive person Brene Brown often refers to making mistakes as FFT’s also known as First F**king Time. See. the first time you do anything you will probably not be very good at it. As much as we wanted to step into rollerskates and be the Derby Queen, or thought the first time we brewed kombucha, it wouldn’t explode all over our sofa, it’s an unrealistic expectation that we won’t absolutely drop the ball on it. And that’s ok.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it all. Let’s shine a light on those dark corners of common sales blunders that can send chills down even the most seasoned salesperson’s spine. But remember, we’re not here just to highlight the cringe-worthy slip-ups, but also to offer you the video-call recording lifesaver. With that in mine here are our lists of “I Shall Nots” that undoubtedly we have all done at some point.


Oopsy Daisy!

I Shall Not Overlook Visual Cues

With the shift to virtual sales calls, it’s easy to overlook the importance of non-verbal communication. But remember, actions often speak louder than words. A furrowed brow or a distracted glance can say a lot more about your prospect’s interest level than their words. So, always make sure you’re paying attention to these cues. If you’re unsure, replay your video call recordings and make notes of moments when your prospect’s body language changed. This can help you improve your understanding and response to non-verbal cues in future calls.

I Shall Not Dominate the Conversation

As passionate salespeople, it’s easy to get carried away and keep talking about the fantastic features and benefits of our products or services. But remember, a conversation is a two-way street. Make sure to pause and give your prospect the chance to ask questions or express their views. Video call recordings can be invaluable in understanding how well you balance the conversation.

I Shall Not Ignore the Background

It’s not just you who’s on display during a video call, it’s also the environment behind you. Make sure your background is clean, professional, and devoid of any distractions that might shift your prospect’s attention from you. If you’re unsure about your background setup, use your video call recordings to get a third-person view and make necessary adjustments.

I Shall Not Neglect Technical Aspects

Nothing kills the mood of a sales pitch faster than technical glitches. Always test your equipment before the call. Make sure your internet connection is stable, your audio and video are clear, and you’re familiar with the software you’re using. If you’re facing regular technical issues, analyzing your video call recordings can help identify the problem.

I Shall Not Call Thy Customer by the Wrong Name

This one’s a biggie. It’s all about respect and attention to detail. If you can’t get your customer’s name right, it can cast a shadow on your whole pitch. Always double-check the name before you dial in, and if you’re unsure, it’s better to ask than assume. Video call recordings can be a great tool to spot and correct this mistake.

I Shall Not Forget My Stats

Numbers don’t lie, and they can make a strong impression. But forgetting your key stats? That’s a big no-no. Make sure to review your figures before the call. If stats keep slipping your mind, consider using visual aids or screenshots during your call. Video call recordings can help identify areas where you need to strengthen your data recall.

I Shall Not Offer a Feature that Doesn’t Exist

I’m looking at you, Iain! Offering phantom features can lead to uncomfortable situations and can damage your credibility. It’s important to know your product inside and out. If you’re prone to overpromising, use your video call recordings to identify and rectify these instances. Honestly though, CS, Product and Dev die a little bit inside every time a salesperson creates a made up feature.

I Shall Not Mispronounce Thy Product

If you can’t pronounce it, how can you sell it? Practice makes perfect. If you’re struggling with certain terms, use your video call recordings to practice until you get it right.

I Shall Not Be On An Important Sales Call With No Sleep Or A Hangover

We’ve all been there. But remember, your state of mind directly impacts your performance. Make sure you’re well-rested and ready to take on the call. If you’ve been underperforming due to fatigue or hangovers, your video call recordings won’t lie. It’s time to reassess and prioritize your wellbeing.

I Shall Not Neglect the Time Zone

Remember, your 9 AM may be someone else’s middle of the night. Always double-check the time zones before scheduling calls. If you keep forgetting, consider using an automated scheduling tool that adjusts for time zones.

I Shall Not Ignore the Prospect’s Needs

You’re not selling to yourself, you’re selling to meet your prospect’s needs. Active listening is key. If your pitch isn’t aligning with your prospect’s needs, your video call recordings will highlight this. Use this insight to improve your active listening skills.

I Shall Not Eat While on Call

Crunching and munching during a call can be a nightmare for someone with misophonia, and it’s generally considered unprofessional. Schedule your calls and meals separately. If you’re struggling with time management, use your video call recordings to plan better.

I Shall Not Forget to Mute When Needed

Nobody wants to hear your side conversations or background noise. Muting your mic when not speaking can be a gamechanger. Video call recordings can help identify instances when background noise disrupted your call, so you can be more mindful in the future.

I Shall Not Mix Up My Prospects

This is where a good CRM system can save the day. Keeping track of your prospects and their unique needs is crucial for a personalized sales experience. If you’re mixing up prospects, review your video call recordings and consider investing in a CRM system to stay organized.

I Shall Not Assume Too Much

Assumptions can lead to miscommunications. Ask the right questions to understand your prospect better. If you’re jumping to conclusions often, your video call recordings will expose this habit. Use this insight to improve your questioning and understanding skills.

I Shall Not Interrupt Thy Prospect

Sales is all about building relationships, and no one likes being interrupted. Practice active listening and let your prospect complete their thoughts before you respond. Video call recordings can help identify if you’re interrupting your prospects too often, allowing you to work on your patience and listening skills.

I Shall Not Forget to Follow Up

A successful sales call with successful sales techniques isn’t the end of the story; it’s just the beginning. The follow-up is where you really show your commitment and reinforce the key points of your call. If you’re struggling with persistent prospecting and consistent follow-up, your video call recordings can be a fantastic tool to remind you of commitments made during the call. What’s more a tool like tl;dv will let you know the minute your prospect views your meeting. Awww, they’re thinking about you! NOW FOLLOW UP!

I Shall Not Rush Thy Prospect

Patience, grasshopper. Not every prospect will be ready to commit immediately, and that’s okay. Pushing too hard can be a turn-off. Use your video call recordings to identify if you’re rushing your prospects and work on ways to guide the conversation in a more relaxed manner.

I Shall Not Avoid Difficult Questions

No product or service is perfect, and prospects appreciate honesty. If a tough question comes your way, face it head-on. If you find yourself sidestepping difficult questions in your video call recordings, it may be time to revisit your product knowledge and prepare better answers.

I Shall Not Overcomplicate My Product

Simplicity sells. If you’re getting too technical or jargony in your pitch, you risk losing your prospect’s interest. Use your video call recordings to assess if your pitch needs simplification.

I Shall Not Disrespect My Competitors

It’s a small world, and nobody likes a mud-slinger. Speak respectfully of your competitors. If you find yourself resorting to negative tactics, use your video call recordings as a mirror to reflect and improve your behavior.

I Shall Not Disrespect My Own Product

Equally, confidence in your product is key to successful sales. Avoid undermining your own offering by speaking negatively about its features or capabilities. Instead, focus on highlighting its strengths and unique value propositions. Your video call recordings can help you identify instances where you unintentionally discredited your own product, allowing you to reframe your messaging and showcase its true worth.

I Shall Not Ignore the Elephant in the Room

If your prospect has a concern or objection, don’t ignore it. Address it directly and honestly. Your video call recordings can be a valuable resource in identifying recurring objections and helping you prepare better responses.

I Shall Not Rely on Close-Ended Questions

The art of conversation is critical in sales, and that means using open-ended questions to engage your prospects. If your video call recordings reveal a barrage of yes/no queries, it’s time to work on your questioning techniques. Try to frame questions that encourage prospects to share more about their needs and experiences.

I Shall Not Use Negative Language

Positivity is contagious and can significantly influence a sales conversation. On the flip side, negative language can put a dampener on the call and potentially discourage your prospect. Listen to your video call recordings and observe your language. Do you tend to say, “That’s impossible,” or do you prefer, “Let’s find a way to make that work”? If it’s the former, it might be time to introduce a more positive spin.

No More Mistakes EVER! (Well, sort of…)

So, there you have it, brave leaders of the sales world! A round-up of the most dreaded sales ‘I shall nots’ and a humble nudge towards a solution that can make your sales team’s mistakes not only bearable but transform them into valuable lessons – video call recording.

Now, let’s take a moment to visualize a world where every sales call is a window of opportunity, a learning experience. Imagine having a tool that allows you to revisit your sales conversations, learn from your mistakes, and fine-tune your strategy. Imagine having the ability to capture every nuance, every non-verbal cue, every missed opportunity to better connect with your prospects, and grow from them.

Isn’t that a world you’d like to bring to life for your sales team? And if so, it’s high time you considered the benefits of a video call recording solution like tl;dv. It’s not just a tool; it’s a game-changer.

So, as you take a deep breath and step back into the frenetic world of sales, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. In fact, they’re the secret ingredients that make your team’s journey not just successful but also deeply enriching. After all, it’s not just about the destination (though that monthly sales target is pretty enticing), it’s about the journey and the lessons learned along the way.

The next step? Easy. Make the most of the power of video call recording and help your sales team turn their eggshell moments into pearls of wisdom. Explore the magic of tl;dv today. Because when it comes to sales, it’s the details you get RIGHT that make all the difference. And while we’re not saying you and your team will NEVER make a mistake ever again, with tl;dv they become “teachable moments” never to be repeated again. Woohoo!