DEI Diversity

Beyond Policies: A Guide to DEI Diversity Training in the Workplace

DEI, also known as “DEI Diversity” refers to diversity, equity, and inclusion and is a term associated with equality in the workplace. DEI includes any policies and training programs that encourage meaningful change in the organization. DEI training programs encourage employers to be more empathetic and inclusive in their approach to recruitment. It creates a safe working environment and better representation for people of all genders, abilities and disabilities, race, class, ethnicity, and caste. 

In this article:

What does DEI stand for in the workplace?

DEI Diversity effective practices and strategies
Source: American Public Gardens Association.

DEI diversity in the workplace began as a means to include minority bodies in the workforce. However, it was soon realized that the responsibility of the employer did not end there. Having a diverse team is good, but it is not good enough. What good can a diverse workplace do when the voices of the marginalized are still unheard?

The term equity was added to the pre-existing diversity and inclusion (D&I) approach. The need for DEI diversity training stems from a history of implicit and explicit bias, which manifests in microaggressions in the workplace. Moreover, DEI helps in the overall growth of the company. A 2018 study shows that racially diverse companies have marked a 43% increase in profit.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion thus became an important strategy for HRM. It is more than just a strategy, as DEI also shows the accountability of the company. It cannot be reduced to a one-off event in the organization. When you incorporate DEI in the workplace, you need to implement it throughout. 

Since the world became a global marketplace, companies have been scrambling to get diverse recruits. However, you cannot treat DEI with a utilitarian approach. For instance, Netflix’s attempt to include a diverse cast has failed massively with its new shows Bridgerton and Shadow and Bone. 

Bear in mind that Netflix is a big corporation and has a brand image. This image was tarnished when they included race-baiting as a marketing strategy for their new shows by having different posters for the same show, depending on whom they are targeting. This reveals that organizations cannot subscribe to diversity, equity, and inclusion for the sake of it.

The aim of DEI is to create a place with equal opportunities for all, regardless of their sexual orientation, identity, gender, race, and background. DEI diversity training is pivotal for creating an equitable and empathetic work environment. It attracts top talents to your company and helps you streamline the recruitment process.

What experts have to say about DEI diversity training

DEI diversity-why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-matter
Source: NCFP.

Lenora Billings-Harris

Industry leader Lenora Billings-Harris is a diversity strategist. She has often emphasized the importance of cultural differences. Lenora talks about the value of differences in the workplace and one of the platforms she uses for this purpose is her LinkedIn page. 

She aims to spark conversations on diversity, inclusion, and equity in the workplace and raise awareness on the same through posts like these and by speaking at events like RACE: More than Just Talk – The Myth About Race. 

Aiko Bethea

Aiko Bethea, head of D&I, stresses the importance of unlearning and learning in a DEI diversity training program. Aiko has worked with Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to make workspace more committed towards inclusivity. While DEI diversity training is necessary, Aiko claims that most organizations don’t take it seriously enough. Hence, most DEI programs can come across as lacking. She openly expressed this take of hers in this article

Tariq Meyers

Tariq Meyers was the global head of belonging, inclusion and experience at Coinbase and is currently the Chief People Officer at Canvas. Meyers is also known for his role as the Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Lyft. He is a staunch believer in diversity and inclusion programs and emphasized the DEI practices, partnerships, public accountability of firms, programming, and company policies. 

Currently, he is spreading the word and dialogue on corporate diversity practices and the approach towards it through Untapped with Tariq Meyers – a podcast available on Apple Podcast and Spotify. This podcast is embedded above.

Aaron Rose

Market leader Aaron Rose is a diversity and inclusion trainer and consultant. He has worked as a culture design expert for brands. Aaron believes that DEI is key to transgender inclusion in the workplace. He stresses the importance of pronouns in company policies. DEI training can help explain the importance of pronouns and names. It will help reduce implicit discrimination in the workplace against transgenders.

Oona King

Oona King is the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Snap. She was also Google’s Director of Diversity Strategy. Oona focuses on the ability of an individual to create impact. She believes that DEI diversity training programs can bridge the discrepancies in rights in the workplace. This contributes to the gender pay gap in an organization.

Carin Taylor

Carin Taylor, the Chief Diversity Officer at Workday, believes that DEI is more than a program. It focuses on people and encourages them to create dialogue in the workplace. She believes DEI programs can reduce feelings of alienation and isolation in the workplace.

Michelle Kim

Michelle Kim is the co-founder and CEO of Awaken. Michelle has been vocal about the rights of LGBTQ+ in the workplace. She stresses the importance of unconscious bias in DEI training. Michelle believes that DEI diversity training creates a compassionate space in the organization. 

Arlan Hamilton

Arlan Hamilton is the founder and managing partner of Backstage Capital. Backstage Capital is a venture capital that aims at reducing disparities in tech. Arlan specifically deals with the rights of LGBTQ+, POC, and women in the workplace. She has talked about the importance of diversity in venture capital. Hamilton had claimed that 90% of venture funding is allocated to white men, which is both shocking and disconcerting.

Iris Bohnet

Iris Bohnet is the Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Government. A Harvard teacher, Bohnet stresses the importance of DEI in promoting gender equality. Bohnet believes in the importance of de-biasing organizations to promote DEI in the workplace. Bohnet has especially stressed on Gender Equality in her book What Works: Gender Equality by Design.

Torin Perez

Torin Perez: Nobel Peace Center – Diversity Matters from BrightSightGroup on Vimeo.

Torin Perez is a learning designer and facilitator. Perez has been very vocal about his stance on DEI. He is also the author of the book ‘Who Am I to Lead? The World is Waiting For You.’ Torin Perez’s take on what DEI is is inclusive leadership. He calls for actionable ideas and inclusive leaders who are committed to the cause of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Perez is vocal about the role of leaders in promoting DEI in the workplace. One of Perez’s biggest achievements is presenting at the Nobel Peace Center on “Diversity Matters” (above).

Top 5 DEI diversity training institutions in 2021

Let us now take a look at the top 5 DEI diversity training institutions and programs in 2021: 

DEI diversity equity equality and inclusion
Source: Medium.

eCornell Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program

Price: $999

Duration: 2 weeks (can last up to 2 months)

Cornell University has the most comprehensive DEI diversity training program for business organizations. eCornell is their online training platform, which offers more than 80 courses on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The programs are held online and are thus more accessible globally. 

Cornell has a diversity, equity, and inclusion training program tailored for HR professionals, managers, supervisors, employees, and business owners.

Cornell teaches you the psychological processes behind implicit bias. The course teaches you to introspect your actions and fosters inclusiveness in the workplace. The program counters institutional biases such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and casteism. As a course, it is a complete package that improves employee engagement and empathy in the workplace. 

By the end of the eCornell course, you will be able to identify unconscious bias in the organization. Cornell also provides a certificate on Diversity and Inclusion for those who complete the course successfully. 

Coursera’s DEI: Diversity and Inclusion Training

Price: Free

Duration: 2 hours/ week for 4 weeks

The biggest advantage of applying to Coursera’s diversity training program is that it is a free course. The course of diversity and inclusion training in the workplace is curated by ESSEC Business School. It offers a chance for employees to incorporate DEI diversity training for free. However, if you want a certificate of completion, you might need to pay a nominal charge to Coursera. This certificate can be shared on your LinkedIn profile and proves your commitment to DEI.

Coursera’s DEI diversity training program suits solopreneurs and individual employees best. The course stretches over two weeks and contains a host of resources. Each DEI class consists of separate videos and learning materials. Coursera has collected reading materials, video content, and quizzes on diversity and inclusion. By the end of this course, you will gain more insight into the management of diversity in an organization.

Gender Equality and Sexual Diversity Training Bias by Udemy

Price: $12 – $35

Duration: Self-paced

Udemy, like Coursera, has a host of free courses for business owners and employees. The courses on Udemy deal with topics such as racial and ethnic differences, sexual diversity, and equality in the workplace. The diversity training is divided into four parts which shed light on creating a multi-generational workplace.

You can access both free and paid DEI training courses on Udemy. The paid courses allow you to get an e-certificate which you can upload to various job-seeking websites. The price of the DEI courses on Udemy is affordable and can range from $12 to $35. 

Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program by AMA

Price: $3295 for non-members, $2995 for members, $2837 for GSA

Duration: 3 classroom day lessons or 3 online lessons 

The American Management Association (AMA) has developed its diversity program. The diversity equity and inclusion training program is great for HR professionals and supervisors. The program aims to teach the importance of DEI to supervisors and people in managerial positions.

The coursework of AMA uses a host of learning materials. By the end of the course, you will learn the importance of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in the workplace. The course also identities microaggressions in the workplace.

Diversity Works by HRDQ

Price: $999

Duration: Self-paced

Another comprehensive DEI course, Diversity Works by HRDQ, is substantiated with DEI statement examples. This course helps implement DEI best practices in the workplace. The course teaches you to understand the self and your position in the hierarchy. HRDQ uses a mix of games and learning materials in its experiential course.

The price of Diversity Works might be steep, but the course aims at educating an entire organization. This makes it a viable investment option for DEI training

Final thoughts on DEI training

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is social responsibility. They exist beyond policies and practices, as DEI training is about the people. Organizations owe their employees the promise of an equitable and safe work environment. DEI training is a necessity today, indispensable to the growth of the company. DEI is nuanced, and one cannot treat it otherwise. Establishing boundaries at the onset is the only way one can hope to have a more empathetic work environment.

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